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Johnny wick

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Everything posted by Johnny wick

  1. This one looks nice! However it is no longer available. Any other source where i can get one?
  2. Looking for some nice 15x7 wheels for my 1972 240z. Car looks nice but i guess better wheels will make it look nicer. Any opinions?
  3. I bought normal jbl 5.25 speakers. they dont fit!!
  4. Im about to paint the metal spokes of my 1972 steering Wheel. I will use a wire brush and then a satin or semigloss black paint with primer spray. Anyway i wanted to know what is the process to clean the Wooden Wheel and the correct original paint color.
  5. i bought that kit but the 5.25 speaker magnet were too deep and thick and they did not fit flush. Maybe i should keep shopping around for speakers of thinner magnet.
  6. In the process of restoring my 1972 datsun 240z steering Wheel. Should i use satin black in spray and no clear on top or should i paint it using a compressor and gun in satin black? The original Wood color is red?
  7. I bought the msa kit but the speakers magnet are too big.
  8. The paint on my stock front left and right speaker panel is pretty worn. Is it worth painting it in black matte spray and installing them again?
  9. I am planning on buying the seatbelt kit sold by zstore for christmas. Mine are really worn, so i guess this issue is irrelevant as with the new seatbelts i wobt be able to activate the seatbelt warning light. Does anyone differ?
  10. Problem came back again! Brake Light started to dim lightly. How can i service the Assembly - Switch Brake Indicator??? Any kit is being sold?
  11. I dialed both carbs to 2.70 turns clockwise. Drove it for 30 mins yesterday night including a couple of street light no longer than 30 second stops. Response at 1st gear got better. Once at the parking, i took all the 6 spark plugs out and this was the result
  12. OK. We´ve got a point!! SM´s were too rich for stock engine or mild build (my case). What i want to achieve is the following: Good and fast response on 1st gear when speeding and good acceleration over 4K
  13. THis is the cam i have installed: http://schneidercams.com/274FL6.aspx Sincé my engine was overhauled due to wear of the original engine by DATSUN LLC increased to 2.6L, i was recommended to buy this camshaft. If replacing the needles with another type will compensate and solve the driveability issue at low rpms while mantaining the same response over 3000 rpms, i guess that is something that will need to be considered. I will drive the car today after increasing both mixture knobs to 2.65 as i need more power but not too much that will foul the plugs during long idle time in traffic.
  14. Mark, Just be advised that my car has a schneider 274f cam and not the stock cam as my car was overhauled to 2.6L with oversized pistons. Could this affect? What needles may be recommended better than sm needles for this upgrade.
  15. SM needles provided by Ztherapy when the 3 screws carbs where restored by them. Ill drive it today and take a picture of the plugs. Should i just race the car for 10 mins and then shut the engine off or normal driving on traffic jam and then shut the car down?
  16. Just drove the car yesterday with new plugs at 2.5 turns clockwise both carbs. It lacks some power at 1st gear though. I think it needs some more fuel at the carbs.
  17. Gap how much?? Using petronix ignitor and flamethrower coil. 2 Su carbutetors
  18. Left to right in the following order 6-5-4-3-2-1. I pulled them out yesterday after the long idle on saturday evening traffic. I even noticed that the spark plug gap was reduced from .031 to .028. Is this normal? Too much heat is causing this???
  19. should i take all the spark plugs out and clean them once again?
  20. ill be cleaning them today and lowering the mixture to 2.5. Ill let you know. Thanks Mark!
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