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Johnny wick

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Everything posted by Johnny wick

  1. everything was checked. I did discovered my 240z required a coolant reservoir tank as it was disposing all the coolant inside the Champion 3 row radiator. I had to install a provisional coolant tank from a corvette. But plan on getting this one: http://www.championradiators.com/2x10_overflow_tank
  2. i spend more time in mechanics and just enjoy it on highways during weekends. My idle was set to 950 before installing AC. If i turn the AC on in drops to 650 RPM. I need to source an electric idle up solenoid to kick in when i turn the AC on.
  3. I have the MSA PREMIUM EXHAUST KIT installed on my 1972 240z which has a Schneider 274F Camshaft. I used to have the MSA TWICE PIPES set up and it never caused any deceleration backfire popping. Now with this one whenever i reléase the gas pedal on 2nd and 3rd gear i am experiencing a pop pop pop sound at the muffler. I even lower the mixture to 2.5 turns clockwise on both roundtop 3 screws SU Carbs and retarded the timing to 11 BTDC but it still been Heard. The kit i installed is the following: http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/15-6302 and comes with an Xcelerator Turbo Muffler: http://www.a-1performance.com/XLerator_mufflers/ This is the one i had before: http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/spring02a/15-6031 Should i just consider replacing the muffler to some muffler that is more restrictive and has glasspacks?
  4. S30 Driver, Im looking for one that Works electrically. I have a 1972 240z and would like to mess with vaccum issues. Which one would you recommend? For example i set my idle speed to 1000RPM. Once i turn the AC on i want the idle to stay there and not to drop to 800 RPM.
  5. Well i just placed the tape back and it hasnt fallen. I have driven the car 2 days and the tape has kept there. Should i still buy another Pertronix 1761 ignitor module?
  6. Just installed a coolant reservoir tank to my champion 3 row radiator. It´s working better now. Anyway, the car is still presenting some sluggish acceleration when stuck on a 5 to 10 mins short traffic. As advised previously my car engine is modified to 2.6 with oversized pistons and i was wondering if using a hotter plug such as NGK BP5ES will solve the problem when coming out of idle in order to obtain a smooth acceleration or this has nothing to do at all?
  7. I took it for a ride and the tape is still there.
  8. I just put the tape back. Should i also glue it with crazy glue or cement?
  9. A new what? Just put the tape back on! Im not spending 90 bucks on a new one if mine works.
  10. Just removed the green tape from 1761 petronix ignitor module. Any issues with this or should i place the tape back?
  11. Okay i managed to lower the psi as shown doing this trick. I am not fund of installing fuel pressure regulators in the system. I guess there should be no danger with this. What do you think Mark?
  12. I was thinking if i should leave the dorman clear glass fuel filter or install a malpassi king fuel filter regulator as this one so i can dial down the fuel pressure to 4 psi. The problem is sourcing the filters in europe. What do you think?
  13. I have an Airtex 8012s electric fuel pump and is pushing 4.5 psi. It advertises as 5.5 to 9 psi but really delivers 4.5 psi as shown. Should i regulate it to 3.5 psi?
  14. aint got space for that as i have the air conditioner condenser in front! I also read that champion 3 row radiator use 16 psi cap.
  15. My 1972 240z has a Champio 3 row radiator and i would like to install a coolant reservoir tank besides it. IS this one recommedable due to its compact size? and if so, which radiator cap should i get? http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/10-2068S
  16. Okay. So this got rid of your percolation problem. I am experimenting this fuel percolation issue during traffic jams and long idle time. Where did you bought this hoses and fittings? What sizes and types. I need a list of the precise lenght and type of hoses and fittings.
  17. Okay but which air / fuel gauge is recommended? Which Brand? Innovative? I have the GUNSON COLORTUNE and its not precise at all!
  18. i havent wrapped my headers or stock manifold. Im looking for recommendations om thermo-tec products just for the intake.
  19. What about the thermotec product to wrap the intake: http://www.thermotec.com/products/all.html Which of these products would you recommend other than the wraps and the adhesive back heat barrier? I have already applied the adhesive back heat barrier to the rear of the heat shield extensión that faces the manifold.
  20. But what about the thermotec adhesive shown. Should i buy more and wrap the full intake with it or should i use another type of heat barrier there? I wish i could find a stock ceramic coated manifold.
  21. Rubber fuel line test done! Still percolating or heat soaking effect! I guess after long idle the spark plugs get sooty and when you step on the gas the acceleration is not consistent. I will drive with the Hood popped open and se what happens. Anyway would you recommend wrapping the same thermotex heat barrier adhesive to the intake to lower the heat that radiates from the manifold and leads to fuel percolation? I read in other fórums that swapping the stock manifold with a ceramic coated header could fix this percolation also. Id like to see others opinions.
  22. Even though i have already wrapped both of my heat shield extensions with thermotec adhesive i am still experimenting heat soak/ fuel percolation during long idles at traffic jams. Would wrapping the intake which faces the manifold help this problem in some better way? The fan blower does not blow enough air to flush that kind of heat that concentrates under the hood. I already ran out of the thermotec product as i already used it with bothe heat shield extensions and wanted your opinion before ordering more material.
  23. I bought several rubber seals from vintagerubber.com before i painted my car. However after a year of installed i have found some of them broken due to bad installation or quality. Any better source for quality and fit?
  24. The thermotec product didnt help. Simply too much heat in that manifold. PO removed the mechanical pump and only left the electri airtex 8012s pump. Should i also install another mechanical pump and have 2 pumps pushing?
  25. How exactly do i apply it? Do i put the nozzle i between where?
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