I live in the Los Angeles area.
The interior is in fairly good shape for how old it is. My friend is an upolsterer, so I hope he'll redo the seats for me as they have some tears in them.
I am not particularly concerned with restoring the car to original specs or anything like that. I am more interested in something to enjoy driving AND racing.
That said, are the stock carbs my best bet or is something more modern a better option? If I'm not mistaken, I would have to replace the intake manifold also, correct?
That lime green is one... errrr... interesting color. The paint job isn't the best, so some of it shows through. I will be getting it painted someday. I think I will make it yellow - don't laugh. I like yellow cars.
A funny side note - when my mom saw the car she was quite suprised and told me that it is the exact model that my dad picked her up in for their first date.
That thing attatched to the fuel pump is an apple juice bottle turned gas tank! They rigged that up just to work on the engine because the gas tank is bad.