How did I do? I'm a little scared...
Awesome! Thank you both so so much! I really do love the "Rat Rod" idea and I think that'll only cost MAYBE $100 total But again, Thanks guys! I'll be sure to post pictures in the future and if I have any other issues I'll come running;) Have a good night!
How did I do? I'm a little scared...
What a shame.. I would just hate to see this car rot before my eyes. Well, any Z really. I've been reading a lot about these cars and kind of lurking around your forums for about a year now, just seeing how much you care for them and checking out all of the awesome rides! And then I just had to have one! But I do see that realistically I'll probably own several more in the future since I'm only 20 but I think I'm just going to enjoy driving this thing a lot! Any way to STOP the spread of rust, or cover it so it doesnt look so god aweful at least? I don't know.. something?
How did I do? I'm a little scared...
Thank you so much! I've already fallen in love with this car (which might be a bad thing haha) but now I can really see why you guys love yours. I think what I'll do is what I've already started and that is to make it dailyable. The BIGGEST issue as you can see is going to be the body. I think I'm going to try and get as much rust out as I can myself or at least try to stop the spreading if I can?? Idk. I just have this overwhelming feeling that I am obligated to fix it. Like I owe the car something because it is just so awesome! haha! What do you think? Do you think it is a true "ZAP"? I mean the paint in the engine bay and trunk, ect. all match what the zaps look like but I'm not entirely sure? Vin check possibly? And if it really is a true "ZAP" is it worth the time, money, and effort? Again, Thank you so much! -Ryan
How did I do? I'm a little scared...
Ok, so I just recently purchased my first Z. It's a 1977 280z (and what is believed to be a "ZAP" edition) I paid $800 for her, she runs fairly well for a '77 and drives OK. The issues: She is rusted.. roof has spots all over, rust along the top of the hatch glass, large rust spot behind the passenger side "little glass" , rear passenger fender, and worst of all the frame, which is pretty bad.. the floor pans, engine bay, spare tire area, wheel wells, and battery spot all seem to be ok from what I've seen. The motor is great I've already replaced some vacuum lines and re-did the fusible wires because the kid that owned it before me had it wired up all sketchy with some speaker wire that kept shorting out, and would allow the car to either die or not start at all but now it starts every time! I have a new exhaust for it already since the one on it now is all rusted out and falling apart, I have a new brake master cylinder, and ordered the Bad Dog frame rails. I'm also going to have a valve adjustment done. The interior is pretty nice with everything intact all the way down to the cigarette lighter which actually works! I just wanted to know what you guys thought as I am completely new to the forums as well as the "Z" world. With all the parts purchased including the car itself I'm in it $1400 (so far ). I have a buddy that welds for a living who's willing to do the frame for free and another buddy that's a mechanic that is giving me really good rates to do some of the work. I'll try and attach a few photos (sorry for the poor quality). Let me know what you think! And think you so much for taking your time to read this!!