Do NOT buy a 123ignition distributor.
Bravo on the install video. ? Great Job! Just a follow up regarding this particular 123ignition distributor. Upon receipt of the unit, I installed it in my 1969 MGC where it has been working flawlessly since. New price on rotor after review. Plus free shipping in Continental USA. Thanks for the support from the Classiczcars. Hope this helps Ed
- Quickest headlight upgrade?
123ignitionusa started following 123ignition forum discount , 123ignition and Oem Tachometer - any issues? , 123ignition and Oem Tachometer - any issues? and 2 others
123ignition and Oem Tachometer - any issues?
I have had a few ask if there is any problem running the 123ignition with the old tachometer. To my knowledge there is no problem. However, if you do need to have your tachometer repaired there are two companies that do the conversions to add modern electronics so they will work with the modern ignitions of today. I had mine repaired in 2006 by JDO in the UK. I can't say enough good about them and their service. They are: http://www.jdo1.com/ and http://www.nisonger.com/ If you have any issues and fixes post them here.
123ignition and Oem Tachometer - any issues?
I have had a few ask if there is any problem running the 123ignition with the old tachometer. To my knowledge there is no problem. However, if you do need to have your tachometer repaired there are two companies that do the conversions to add modern electronics so they will work with the modern ignitions of today. I had mine repaired in 2006 by JDO in the UK. I can't say enough good about them and their service. They are: http://www.jdo1.com/ and http://www.nisonger.com/ If you have any issues and fixes post them here.
Very Cool Ignition Upgrade
Wow, it's been since 2006 that I had that conversion done.... I think it was around $200
- Quickest headlight upgrade?
Very Cool Ignition Upgrade
I have had a couple of people recently ask if there are any issues with the oem tachometer operating with the 123ignition. If so what have you done to correct the problem? Should this be a separate topic so it is easier to find? In my personal application which is not Datsun but rather a 1969 Smiths tachometer I sent it to John Ostick at JDO Instruments in the UK. He actually replaces the insides with a modern tach while retaining the original face and needle for that nostalgic look.
Very Cool Ignition Upgrade
Very Cool Ignition Upgrade
Hi Gents Is anyone using the 123 with the L-Jet injection syatem? The manufacturer has always recommended using a coil of not less than 1-Ohm. Stay away from square coils they typically are .75-Ohm and lower. You may get away with it for a while but no guarantees. I personally use a Bosch Blue (3.4 Ohm). The Bosch Red is 1.2 Ohm. Ed
- 123ignition forum discount
Very Cool Ignition Upgrade
Manuals and Software for the 123ignition are now found here as the 123ignitionusa site has changed a bit. And just a heads up the new Bluetooth version is available. http://123ignitionusa.com/pages.php?pageid=10
Horsepower Estimate
For what it's worth there are many of these 123ignitions being used in race applications w/o interruption. Here are a couple of links. http://pandbmotorsports.blogspot.com/ http://www.corinthianvintagerace.com/
Distributor Mount, anybody have one they can part with?
I recently was contacted by a garage in need of the Distributor mount as seen at the top of my avatar. If you have one to sell PM me and I will put you in touch with the buyer. Thanks Ed
Fuel Injection on Z Cars are they compatible with 123Ignition
Thanks that helps a lot
Fuel Injection on Z Cars are they compatible with 123Ignition
Can anyone inform me about the fuel injection systems on the 260 and 280 Z cars? Really only two questions. 1) Do they act independently of the ignition system? 2)or Do they depend on an electrical trigger signal from the distributor? 123Ignitions will work with mechanical injection systems,,, so inquiring minds would like to know. Thanks in advance Ed