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Everything posted by 123ignitionusa

  1. Gentlemen I am not a techie but will do my best to answer your questions. I like you am a hobbyist looking to maximize the power from a classic car. So with that being said here is what I bring to the table. I have personally used both the switched and the "TUNE" so can give you what knowledge I have. My intention is not to debate the propiety of changing over to electronic ignition. I know that there are sound arguments for all the aftermarket ignitions out there, and to each his own. Attached is the instruction booklet that comes with the Switched 6 You will be interested in page 26 which list the GB6 curves. Note there are 4 sets of maximum advance numbers. Each will have varying midrange curve numbers which is where most of your power comes from. The curves are fairly generic and so you will want to pick what is closest to what the motor manual calls for. Unlike the "TUNE" the switched has to be worked much like a conventional distributor once installed to fine tune it. As in rotating it cw or ccw to advance and retard the whole curve. So if you have picked something in the max 26 degree range and you really need 32 advance your distributor 6 degrees. Really pretty easy. It is important to not get carried away and add too much advance. Listen for ping and back it down if you must. If you feel you need more advance to work with the Jag 6 curves have higher max advance numbers and can be substituted on request. Hope this helps 123SWITCH6.pdf
  2. There are many pictures on the web of 123ignitions. Basically it is a pc board. These truly have been around for some time and I have considered doing something for the 240 for about a year and just finished it up. prior to this I have been referring interested parties to the Dac House in Japan. Mike W is truly the Pioneer here for the Z owners and a great guy to work with. Great looking car Mike. Ed

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