280ZX Strut braces
hey all, im looking to make some strut braces for my 82 280ZX, it would be a great help if sumone knows the measurements or has plans on them..... i am looking for plans/measurements for both the front & rear strut braces, and help atall would be muchly appreciated thanks again, mellow :pirate:
82 280ZX alternator probs???
hey thanks sweet grrl, looks like the new alternator is going in this weekend & then we'll see what happens from there.... thanks very much i appreciate it, Cris:devious:
82 280ZX alternator probs???
Hey Ladies & Gentlemen, i have yet another problem with the 280, the battery seems to keep going flat, sometimes this happens when im driving & i just loose all power and the needles on the speedo & taco just drop, the car still has enough power to play the sterio & the lights & all still work but it does not have enough power to turn over the engine..... also when i drive it most of the dash lights come on & stay on untilll i turn the car off again.... from memory its, CHG, Fuel, Brakes & Doors the logical guess would be the alternator but would this cause all these lights to come on???? this is my every day driver & i have had no problems whatso ever like this one..... thanks, Mellow:dead:
bigger injectors...
Hey Lads, well i was only going to put bigger injectors in if it was going to give a litte more power.... im not looking for big power as in a turbo or anything (possibly a supercharger when im rich) but a little more poke is all im after... so really i was just curious weather it would give the engine more grunt and weather i would have to modify the ECU.... but thanks fellas you answered my questions.... mellow:dead:
bigger injectors...
hey all, if i put in bigger injectors, will it give me more power???? i take it i will not have to modify the ECU system atall? thanks, mellow:dead:
round tops in south ozzy
hey all, after much consideration ive decided to wreck & see one of my old rusty 260z's first bit to go is the carbys.... they arre round tops (Brittish SU company 3 screw) i have no real idea on condition of these carbys & at a rough guess would say they will have to be rebuilt, they are on the N36 manifolds (or if wanted carbs can be sold seperately) i have no idea what these are worth but im willing to take offers, i can post within australia (wouldnt be cheap at a rough guess though) i also have many other 260z 2+2 parts to get rid of...... if yourt interested post up here or send us an email to... mellowoutandplaysomehackey@hotamil.com but plese put 'datsun carbys' in the subject box as so i wont mistake it for spam & delete it, thanks... also a few pics of the carbs in my gallery mellow:dead:
headlight covers & interior bits for 280ZX
Hey Zedheads, for a while now ive been trying to find some headlight covers for my 1982 280ZX aswell as a few interior bits & peices in red.... if anyone can help me please send an email to mellowoutandplaysomehackey@hotamail.com and please but 'datsun parts' in the subject box as i delete alot of spam daily...... thanks lads.... mellow:dead:
Sport Z Picture
hey sammy, cheers for the kind comments... i actually ended up using the flat tops on my 260, as i could not find instructions on how to set these up & tune them properly..... i am now playing with multi point injection on a 280ZX....... thanks anyways mate, much appreciated.... Cris
headlight covers....
hey all, im after some headlight covers clear or tinted, for my 82 280ZX, ive been looking for a while but cannot seem to find anywhere that will post to australia without a credit card.... and Ebay doent seem to show much either, occasionally i see something on there but they only post to america.... thanks for any help i can get.... mellow:dead:
interior parts
i dont have a Z, i have 3 but dont you need plastic to join up as a member, uhh ill give it a go anyways, peace, mellow:dead:
interior parts
Hey Zeiss, no can do, no credit card..... and im only 17 so not much chance off getting one either.... thanks anyways, mellow..... ps, not sure what to do to that engine yet, diddnt find much help with or info on any of the mods......:dead:
interior parts
Hey all, i am looking for interior parts to suit a 82' 280ZX, the interior is red..... i need: a crashpad with no cracks a driver side seatbelt surround (behind head) little plastic pannel above the ashtray a coin holder (is that what goes there?, below the auto shifter) plese let me know if you have these bits or if you have a 280 in wrecking with a red interior.... thanks, mellow:dead:
Carb for 240K coupe
if you need an anchor for your boat, id go with the flat tops, but for your Z the round tops are definately the way to go about it.... I triedboth on my 260z and the round tops gave a hell of a lot more in performance veiws.... mellow:dead:
a few extra horses....
Hey 280ZX fever, well the block is an F54, the head is an N42 and it has the BOSCH multi point injection...... as for the pistons, im not actually sure, i will try to find out asap though.... This motor is in good condition as i have just fully rebuit it, that is why id rather work this engine than buying a turbo one.... It has the standard 3 speed auto and it still has the standard diff..... thanks once again, cris:dead: