cv joints in 72 240z
Ive been trying to find oem cv joints for my 240 with no luck. Does anyone know where i can find oem replacements?
really bad idle
After working on the 240 for 4 months and thinking i had it good i found i was wrong. It is idling so bad, ive tuned it and its great when driving but it vibrates really bad when idling and sounds awful. Any suggestions?
por-15 gas tank repair
I tried the radiator shops in town and they wouldnt do it. I gave up trying to repair the tank and put in a fuel cell till i can afford a new tank.
por-15 gas tank repair
I have bad rust in my gas tank so i bought por-15 repair kit and it was terrible. Still tons of rust in the tank. Now im going to try vinegar and chain to break it up and if that doesnt work im going to cut it in half, clean it and reweld it together.
new or refurnished 240z gas tant.
Im looking for a new or refurbished 72 240z gas tank. The one i have is rusted pretty good. If anyone knows where i can find one online thats less than 200$ or has one they are selling let me know. Thanks.
clicking coming from center console on 72 240z
the sound stays pretty constant untill the car is actually moving, then it gets quieter. And i think theres confusion about what i mean by center console and thats my fault, its not the center console but more around the bottom of the instrument panel
clicking coming from center console on 72 240z
i cant figure out what it could be because it comes from the center console and you cant hear it when your out of the car.
clicking coming from center console on 72 240z
No, its more of a mechanical clicking. Like someone is clicking a pen through a microphone.
Z car parts warehouse in paducah ky area
Just a heads up for anyone who lives in middle tennessee or around paducah Kentucky. I found an ad on craigslist from a guy who apparently has a 4000sqft warehouse full of early zcar parts. heres the link if you are interested Datsun 240z 260z 280z 300zx parts call with needs...
clicking coming from center console on 72 240z
whenever my car is running there is a loud clicking sound coming from the bottom the the center console. it seems to quiet down a good bit once i have the car driving but it is extremely loud while idling. does anyone have any suggestions on what it could be?
- 1972 240z gas tank
- 1972 240z gas tank
- 1972 240z gas tank
rust in fuel lines of 240z from the old gas tank
Thanks guys all this helps, ill be sure try these things out when i get the car home.
rust in fuel lines of 240z from the old gas tank
Im buying a 240z that is getting rust in the fuel from rust that is in the fuel lines, the old tank has been replaced and now the rust that got built up in the lines is working itself out. How big of an issue is this going to be?