After searching this topic it has come up many times in the past. Some links are dead, and some have given me some information regarding the voltmeter, but none about rewiring.
I have a highly modified 240z for which I’ve discovered the large 10gauge WR wire to be in beyond dangerous shape behind the dash (melted connectors, insulation cracking all over). I have an upgraded 140amp GM alternator and a full EFI system with individual ignition coils, electric fans etc running from the battery. I’ve never run into these fuse able links which are described anywhere... perhaps the root of my problem.
I am looking to replace the WR wire completely, and install a later model voltmeter from a 280z (given to me from a local member). In simplified terms, would I be running a heavy gauge (fused) wire from the alternator, to the starter (eventually to the battery) as well as a wire from the alternator into the cabin for the fuse panel (with a parallel wire running to the new gauge)?
Or have I somehow completely over simplified the system?
Any suggested on fuse ratings?