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Everything posted by gwri8

  1. That's a good looking Z. Looks like it's nicely done, somebody will want it fo sho!
  2. That is NOT a parts car IMO. If it is to you then I'm going to start going through your garbage . Everything I've seen so far hasn't been horrible, daunting maybe, but entirely repairable. Go slow, be patient and appreciate the small victories. You'll get there.
  3. Consider it after market cross ventilation?. At least you had more floorboard than hole. Repairs ON! On the tunnel, that looks like typical factory sound deadening/ insulation, a tar like coating. I've heard dry ice and a scraper work well to remove it.
  4. Been there, didn't want to leave, but your girl is calling you...
  5. I feel your pain. I removed mine some time ago, but I remember it well. Those things get nasty! Thought I was almost finished when I discovered there was actually a gasket between those pieces and had to chisel it out... As Chief Dan George said "Endeavor to Perservere".
  6. Original R12 system or modern R134A? Replacement or Adding on? Z car Source has a kit, but it's sans evaporator. https://zcarsource.com/air-conditioning/air-conditioning-kit. The Evaporator is separate. https://zcarsource.com/air-conditioning-evaporator-reconditioned.
  7. I just installed this kit in a 78' and had 2 sheets leftover. I could probably find a home for them if I had to. This is not my car, but I chose it for the coverage and I'm putting in the MSA carpet kit over it which has a nice thick jute backing. I'm not sure doubling to 100ml would do better. I think the way all of this butyl deadening works is that it absorbs vibration in the metal, correct? so would more necessarily be better? Keep in mind I attended many, many rock concerts in the 70's....
  8. Norkle, there was an overweight comic that did a whole skit on that word, I can't remember his name but I think he passed away not so long ago. Found him, Ralphie May
  9. Just my opinion, but saying you won't need the money Next month (7 days form now) is not much of a carrot to a potential buyer, especially at 10K. Some of us have an odd sort of humor, me included, and I didn't see that comment as rude at all. This isn't Facebook and most the folks on this forum are very well educated with the history, mechanics and iterations of the S30. In fact, some are kind of famous for it. This is the best place to come when you have questions and need help about your Z. We could more than likely guide you if you wanted to finish the project. So please don't be so quick to snap back and we'll all get along just fine.
  10. Here's a good source for information on everything Z for a car like yours. From a reputable guy so I've heard. http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/. ?
  11. gwri8


    Since I haven't seen your dehumidifier, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't most dehumidifier's have a drain hose option on the back? A male screw in for a hose fitting. It's there to bypass the tank and to route the collected water down a drain, or in your case to the yard.
  12. An early 77', till June I believe, had a sloped rear deck. A late 77' had a flat rear deck like all the other Z's. I had a June 77' parts car and it had a flat deck, that's what I'm basing off of.
  13. It's already here, I saw it in a movie once...
  14. I can see that happening. The closer the spray, the gooier, gloppier it is. The further away, the more texture and sometimes chunks. But with the later you can knock back the texture with light sanding or rubbing. I would advise putting your beer down when spaying texture. That's what worked for me ?.
  15. Here's a shot from another thread that shows where it goes.
  16. For the finish coats I used SEM Texture Coating 39853 and SEM Trim Black 39143.
  17. Well I finally got my hands on the Polyvance dash pad filler. As mentioned earlier in this thread, I found there is not a consistent price point on this product, so shop around and you will probably find better and worse deals, even directly from the manufacturer. I liked this better than the SEM bumper repair because it has a little longer work time and I could make more of it at a time to spread it over more area quicker. I needed to basically re-coat the whole top surface of the dash , I think because with the previous dash refinish I used the SEM bumper repair sparingly. Upon examination, the SEM product held quite well in the filled cracks but new small stress cracks had formed all over the top. I suppose just from age and the tussle of work from sanding/handling at the first go around. At any rate, I achieved satisfactory to me results for less than the cost of a new full dash cover. We'll see if it holds up for Zcon in Oct.
  18. ...Who came back with some unfortunate tattoo's...... Still an old friend though. I've alway's loved those stripes on that blue. I even seriously considered it when I was choosing paint for mine. I'm happy to know that this car still exists. A legend in my mind at least...
  19. Since you rebuilt your engines not sooo long ago and you don't drive them as much, I wouldn't think that seafoam would do anything for you unless you have a mosquito problem around the house. I agree with Marvel Mystery Oil to get rid of any sludge you might have? (I've used it before) and the fuel stabilization just because it makes sense. Personally, I heard good and bad about Seafoam. Good from the autoparts guy trying to sell it to me and bad from Yahoo's on Youtube fouling their neighborhoods. Since I've never had the reason/opportunity to use it, you should file my opinion accordingly....
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