Thanks CO. No doubt about it that Mr. Electricity and I do not get along very well ever since that (those) time (times) he bit me so any furtherance of my education(or lack thereof) is appreciated. I'm not too concerned with the AC part just now (season change and all). Just for starters, I know it needs a compressor (locked up), a pressure switch (wires broken) and of course the unicorn drier for a 77'. I do want to try to keep it as original as I can.
But all that aside, the heat should work and there's no heat at the moment via the dash selector/vacuum. No "thunk" from the mode door when engaging the levers. There are no leaks at the heater valve and hot water travels to the heater core. It did have intermittent heat last winter, but would heat for maybe 30 minutes or less and then stop.
Since it was a mild winter last year it wasn't so much of a problem, but I'm on it this year. I've checked continuity and ran 12v to each of the magnet valves seperatly and they "clicked" when they should have as well as confirmed power to them. As far as my limited electrical knowledge goes, I know that does not necessarily mean they are good. Is there a better way to confirm their function?