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Everything posted by gwri8

  1. Don't forget the Fava beans!
  2. Hey Ryan, I've got one. pm me when you get a chance.
  3. Here is something a little different.
  4. Another Harbor freight guy here with a Pittsburg 3 ton low profile rapid pump. Lifts to almost 20" but weighs heavy, something like 80lbs or so. Has not failed on anything in the 6 years I've had it. I think I paid something like $79 or $99 on a Christmas special.
  5. If you don't have it already, the 77' FSM (available here on CZC under downloads) has 77 pages about factory AC. It will be great for referencing the parts you're looking for. For instance, the diagram on AC-29 shows the refrigeration lines and components in the engine bay. AC-60 shows the AC components in the passenger compartment. The FSM is a must for everything else you will want to know about your car in detail. edit to put a link in for the FSM. https://www.classiczcars.com/files/category/13-280z/
  6. Coming to this party a little late, but if you're interested in option 3, I have some spare AC parts from a 77'. I'll have to do a little digging, but I know I have magnet valves, copper line on the passenger side , a couple of condensers, interior faceplate, maybe the mechanicals, but I'm not too sure of the rest. PM me if you are interested and I'll probe a little deeper .
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