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Everything posted by gwri8

  1. Welcome Johnny! I see a lot of detective work in your future......
  2. gwri8


    So what time should we arrive? I skipped breakfast the morning.
  3. gwri8


    Best advice ever given....."Wax on, Wax off" Sorry, couldn't resist.
  4. gwri8


    I'm certainly no expert, so file my opinions appropriately. I use paste wax when I know the paint needs a good cleaning for bugs and such that a good wash didn't remove. I'll use either Meguiare's or Mother's, then buff it with a Wen orbital buffer. Seems to last a good while. Liquid is for when I just need a quick wax, same brands. They has abrasives in them also. I try to stay about 1/2" to 1" away from plastic and rubber bits. Paste is easier to control for me and liquid tends to be messy and gets everywhere when I get a little over zealous (which is every time I wax). Enter Mr, Toothbrush, an old one of course. It doesn't harm the paint and gets into all the nooks and crannies. Then I finish the black plastic bits with Mother's Back to Black.
  5. Appears to be similar to the strategy of pharma bro?
  6. Randy Bachman.....Paaa...leeeeeez! Back to Phooto Bucket, from good ole wikipedia: History[edit] Photobucket was founded in 2003 by Alex Welch and Darren Crystal and received funding from Trinity Ventures.[7][8] It was acquired by Fox Interactive Media in 2007. In December 2009, Fox's parent company, News Corp, sold Photobucket to Seattle mobile imaging startup Ontela. Ontela then renamed itself Photobucket Inc. and continues to operate as Photobucket.[9] In June 2010, Photobucket was named in the Lead411's Hottest Seattle Companies list.[10] On June 28, 2017, Photobucket changed its Terms of Use regarding free accounts and third party hosting (hosting on forums, eBay, etc). Only the most expensive plan, at $399.99 per year, now permits third party hosting and linking to forums, etc.[11] This new business model has caused thousands of forum DIY's and write-ups with explanatory pictures to be rendered useless. About 500 words into the linked document was a declaration that free accounts would no longer permit image-linking to third-party sites. Ebay and Etsy have also been affected, in addition to many forums and blogs. Thousands of images promoting goods sold on Amazon and other shopping sites have been removed after the photo-sharing service changed its terms. I wonder if they were Canadian too...............hmmmmmm
  7. Let's not forget Mr Young, Neil, that is......
  8. gwri8


    I've been using a Big Green Egg ever since a new neighbor brought over some smoked chicken wings as a welcome gift 20 years ago. I Love that grill and I've smoked just about everything conceivable on it. Whatever you cook on, the secret (sssshshhh) is to use Lump Charcoal, not that Kingsford stuff soaked in kerosine (bleech!) It makes a huge difference in taste. Also, I like to get the meat up to room temp before cooking, It makes it more tender!
  9. Those trays would make great drip/catch pans and the stainless developing tanks probably have other useful uses (cool beer cup maybe?). Just my 2 cents......
  10. gwri8

    Happy Canada Day!

    I'll bet women in the Great White North REALLY like Canada day......
  11. Pretty ain't cheap.......you should know this by now.
  12. Glad you're spreading the z love Cliff. Make her pretty too! I've got a L28 on a stand and been pondering what I should do with it. Maybe I'll get some inspiration from you.
  13. Good choice! Now your forever roommate has a stake in it too! We'll have to compare color when you bring it down for Zcon 2018. Over a beer or two of course.....
  14. That's what I mean by lighting makes such a difference. The 240 color can go dark or light depending on light quality. Direct sunlight will make it dance, if it's cloudy it's just........green.
  15. Maybe it's the lighting, but your 235 looks very much like my 240? It looks like it has more depth. Direct sunlight makes a huge difference with metallic paint and that will be the tell of the tale. Couple of comparison photos for you.
  16. I think I can... I think I can.... I think I can!
  17. gwri8


    Are you dreaming of new paint SteveJ?
  18. Thanks, I may have one to send to him.
  19. If you don't mind my asking, who's the guy in Wisconsin for heater valve repair?
  20. Bart, you're my new best friend! . But why are you tempting me when I just had to buy a new computer!
  21. I got one from O'riellys's next day if you need one in a rush.
  22. When I bought my 77' the PO said it used about a qt of oil every 700 miles. Turned out the that quart of oil was going out of the front seal as evidenced by a Exxon Valdeze type goo all over the front half of engine. I used a redi-sleeve with a new front seal and it worked perfectly. I've got around 3-4K on it and no leaks yet. Was yours leaking oil from there before the build? Sorry, don't know if the factory pulleys were painted or not..
  23. I seems as if the quest in not over............
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