I flipped a few of your pictures so I wouldn't break my neck😀.
Overall the engine looks to be in fair shape and you've replaced some of the tune up components. That's why I asked if you had adjusted your timing. It's not too difficult to do and it's in the FSM. Assuming you put the spark plug wires in the proper firing order, I was wondering if the distributer had twisted a little. Most everything is in the right place and the fuel and vac lines seem to be OK , at least from what I could see in your pictures, but check them for cracks and leaks anyway. The fusible links and battery connections will need to be addressed in the near future. I don't know what gauge the links are and there is a thick red one where a black one should be. plus the rusty alligator clip is not pretty, but functional. Are you in the US? Replacement fusible links and covers are easy to order . All of those things I mentioned plus more affect the engine. On a side note, maybe the PO was using the carpet mat as a fender cover when working on it? or is the car missing the hood vent cover, either way, carpet mats don't belong in the engine bay.
Folks have given you good advice so far, but also use the search function for just about any question you have (it's all been done before and talked about). If you look under the Resources tab at the top of the page, you'll find lots more info and encouragement there also.