I am looking for a black dash to fit a 73 240Z. Does not have to be mint condition, just better than the one I have currently. Something that a cap will work on will be fine.
Carb ID for Newbie
Ok....I have looked and scraped and cleaned and still cannot find any identifying marks on the carbs of my stock, original 73 240. Can anyone tell me how to make the identification? Want to buy rebuild kits so I can get it started.
Fuel Supply
Thanks!! I am still waiting on my Motorsport Auto catelogue. Will call 800 number tomorrow to get the sending unit on order. TexasZ, outside of tank and underside of body looked great. Spent $50 on total tank repair kit...am assuming that it is for internal only. Will probably coat outside of tank as well, just to be on safe side, so I don't have to take it off again later on down the road. Underside of body looked good on the whole...had a few spider webs and egg sacs and a dirt dobbers nest but no "killer" rust spots to be seen. Thanks for all the info and help!! Will keep you posted on progress of restoration. Maxx
Fuel Supply
Got tank off and blew out fuel lines. Found about 1/4" of rust in tank. Float sensor is totally rusted. Almost falling apart. I have ordered the POR-15, but am having trouble finding the float assembly. Any ideas on where such an item can be found?
Fuel Supply
Ok..I just purchased my first project car and it is a 73 240Z. Have had engine running via gas can thru fuel pump. Will be dropping the tank this weekend to check fuel line and tank for clogs. Was told car was sitting up for approx. 2 months. Any other suggestions for items to be checked while I have the tank off? Also, will probably be looking into tank and line replacement. Any ideas on where to find such items? I'm not having much luck on finding them anywhere!!!
73 240 parts fs
It probably won't do me a whole lot of good, since I have a 73 240. Thanks anyway.
73 240 parts fs
I will pay 25$ for dash plus shipping. Zip is 29625. If I had the parts to trade, would be glad to....am waiting to hear from someone in MD that has a parts car...have to wait and see what he has before I can do any trading. This is my first restoration so my parts are very limited. Just let me know.
Lots of Z-part!!!!!
I would love to take the dash off of your hands. Let me know how much.
73 240 parts fs
If you still have the parts, I would be interested in the dash cover.