Everything posted by blodi
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Got a new SD card and finally dry weather. Took a log this morning and I'll take another on the way home. Just watching it though, it looks to be pretty lean. So...might be headed back to the 155/225 combo for a baseline before E Tube experimentation.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Haven't gotten a new log yet because my 2 year old decided to hide my SD card somewhere. So, had to order a new one. Should have it in a day or two.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
160/230 is in. I'll get some logs today hopefully.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
160 and 230 ordered We've come this far.....
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
I think F9 is the other fairly common e tube to use it seems.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
You've got me tempted. Let me think about it. Might order one last setup. I'm going to have one large collection of mains/airs/chokes/accel pump jets to get rid of when I'm done.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
155/225 35 exhaust... 8-20-17-155225 by blodi, on Flickr
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
I'll get the 155's back in tonight. Butt dyno....not sure I feel a huge difference between each of the setups. I felt more change when changing the choke sizes. Honestly, the car starts, runs, drives and pulls well with any of the setups. It's more about me obsessing over the numbers I guess.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
165/225 with 35 exhaust..... oddly it's half a point richer than this same combo before. 4 pulls all confirm. Back to 155/225? 81617-165225 by blodi, on Flickr
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Got the 165/225 combo back in as well as the .35 exhaust jet. Removed wideband sensor and re calibrated it. I'll report back later with results.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Maybe? I could reinstall that combo, recalibrate and then try again. Because to be honest...that combo should have made more sense looking at the latest results.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
I tried 155/225...way lean..in the 14's, didn't get a log. Threw in my 215 corrector....for a 155/215 combo.... 81017 by blodi, on Flickr I also ordered a 35 exhaust jet to start combating the accel pump jet at the low end.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
I'm gonna toss the 155 mains back in for a 155/225 combo. I'll report back tomorrow. Btw, cruise was dead on driving home today...~14.7
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
165/225...... 8817 by blodi, on Flickr
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Flat road, 3rd gear....pull from 3K rpm. It's certainly not a dyno, but I try to get 2-3 pulls in so that I can make sure I'm getting repeatable results.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Ordered some 225's...we'll see where that lands. I notice the lean jump on this one too at the beginning....odd. I took two other logs last night as well...they were similar. I didn't get a good eye at cruise....it's always been good at cruise in the past. I'll check it again. Yeah, we'll come back to that...not sure where to go with it now seeing how it changed with that last run.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
OK....165/238.......that flipped it around..... 8217 by blodi, on Flickr Thinking 165/225?
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
I have an Innovate LM-2 that is hooked up to a wideband sensor in my collector. The Innovate has a logging function that you can then pull up on their software on the computer. It's not cheap (~$240) but the information is priceless.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Ok, i took my 195 correctors and drilled them to "238". Unfortunately its supposed to rain the next few days, but I'll let you know when I get it out and get a log.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Did a couple more logs just to double check where I'm at...this is with 165/215: 7-31-17-1 by blodi, on Flickr 7-31-17-2 by blodi, on Flickr
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Haven't had a chance to take any more logs or make any changes. But based on that last one using 165/215.....should 175/235 do it? I figure make a larger jump with the corrector to flatten it. I'll try to take another log tomorrow just to confirm where I'm at.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Here is the same run "unsmoothed". I've been out of town and haven't had a chance to make any more changes or logs yet. afr62817unsmoothed by blodi, on Flickr
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Yes, I found the smoothing function on my logger So, do you think this is good? Seems it's still a bit lean through the middle But seems like overall it's in the ballpark.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Oh no! So sorry to hear that! I will really cherish this engine that much more now. He was an extremely knowledgeable guy and I'm glad I got to talk to him when I did. For those who don't know the back story...I bought this engine a couple years ago from a 3rd party on craigslist who didn't know much about it. It was still in a crate and hadn't been run since it was built. I noticed in one of the pictures that it had "RITALON ENG" stamped on the head. So I googled the company...and only found a mailing address...no phone...no website...no email. So I wrote a letter with pictures of the engine asking about it. A couple weeks later Larry called me. Found out all about this engine, all of his engine builds and tricks and some of his stories of racing back in the day. We talked a couple times for over an hour each. He even texted me a couple times when I had some questions (which seems like it was pretty rare for him!) Really nice guy who took the time to help me out when buying one of his engines from another party. Well..transition from that, but on a lighter note....I put in 165 mains and 215 airs....result....getting warmer! I think a lot might say this is "good enough"? Runs like a beast ...Larry would be proud I think. afr-62817 by blodi, on Flickr
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Put in the "richest" combo I have just to see... 155 mains 170 air. Put it a full point richer. Same curve though. I've read a general rule of thumb is +50 over the main for the corrector...so maybe I jump to ~165 main and 215 corrector? That would richen and flatten it, right?