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  1. If you have'nt already gotten the idea that we all think you should keep it stock let me add my 2 cents. You have one of the coveted '69 240 Z's. Nissan made right at 500 Z's in October, November, and December of 1969. These are according to Carl Beck the "classic" and most collectible of the Z cars. And they are the most valuable, if you leave it stock or restore it to stock condition. I myself would love to have a sub 500 Z car (mine is #2265) but they are few and far between. My opinion, leave it stock, if money is tight do only what you can afford to do at the time, and get it done right! Don't cut corners. These early cars deserve to live some more days and really should be kept original. Make sure that the parts you get for it are correct for an Early Z the more original and correct it is the more it will be worth. P.S. If you are interested in selling it let me know I would love to have it. My email is brhamilton51@aol.com
  2. metalman5117 replied to texasz's post in a topic in Internet Finds
    I posted a thread about this car a few days ago. Whoever got it got one hell of a deal. It is actually a 1970 not 1971 (check the VIN) and the body looks almost rot free. The paint is original!! If I lived anywhere near So-Cal I would have given twice as much. The only downside I saw was that the interior looked pretty trashed. I've said it before and I'll say it again you Cali guys don't know hoe licky you are!!
  3. metalman5117 replied to carswizzard's post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    I've got a set off of my '70 that I'll sell for $35 plus shipping. Email me at brhamilton51@aol.com
  4. metalman5117 replied to ZmeFly's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Wow that is a great looking car for $1700 bucks!! Are you sure it's a '71 and not a '70? With the hatch vents, 240Z emblem etc it looks like you got a hold to a '70. I am very jealous.
  5. metalman5117 posted a post in a topic in Internet Finds
    Looks like a nice early Z. I think its a 1970 even though the seller says 1971. Check out the VIN and the hatch vents. http://cgi.aol.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/ebayISAPI.dll?viewitem&item=2409234567&category=6187
  6. I'm tempted to email the bidder this link but that would probably ruin his day:tapemouth :tapemouth http://www.strictlyz.com/customer/home.php?cat=10&XCARTESSID=c080f76aac196b4675012e58834704f7 Just scroll down and you'll see the same emblem.
  7. Yeah I think that you can get the oem emblem at any of the major suppliers for under fifty bucks. What seems kinda strange with this item is that all the bidders identitys are private. Makes you wonder if someone is'nt bidding against the poor schmuck just to get the price up. I guess there really is a sucker born every minute! LOL
  8. Another case of auction fever I guess.:stupid: :stupid: :stupid: http://cgi.aol.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2408628821&category=33643
  9. Definitely agree. Black all the way!
  10. metalman5117 replied to dero's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I like what you've done but what gives with all the popups? I got 7 or 8 popups in just a couple of minutes. But I do like what you did for low bucks::classic:
  11. :classic: Thanks DatsunZGuy, They have the exact style of wheel that I was looking for. Sorry to hear that you have'nt gotten a price quote from them. I'm assuming that you meant a total including shipping as they have wheel prices posted on the site. Not cheap but hey very few things in life worth having are. I'll try to contact them and if I hear back I'll let you know. Thanks, Christian
  12. metalman5117 replied to v12horse's post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    Maybe this is what you are looking for. Courtesy claims it's oem I am not sure whether it is or not. www.courtesyparts.com/secondtier_s30.html
  13. Hey all, this may be a stupid question but like my dad used to say there are no stupid questions only stupid people. Well anyway I was wondering if anyone in the club has sources for some of the "exotic" japenese parts such as wantanabe wheels, The dohc motors(LY series) etc. It seems that there should still be some of these parts out there and that they would make really cool retrofits to early Z cars. In case you were wondering this car is a good example of some of the stuff I'm talking about. http://rogue.northwest.com/~lakeside/home/1974260z.htm
  14. 1 Bravo 6, Please accept my apologies for not including Australia along with the US/UK. :stupid: I was trying to put into words so many thoughts last night that I let the fact that you Aussies are involved just as much as the US and the UK are slip. You Aussies have as much or more stones than anyone and have my complete respect. I did'nt mean to slight your involvement in the least bit and have been aware of what you are doing in this fight. I guess I just let it all get to me last night. If I ever meet any of you at a car show, event etc. I'm buying a brew for the lot of you. And yes many Americans realize what you are doing and what good friends you are to us. Take care.:classic:
  15. Sean, Well I guess that I opened a can of worms with this one or quite a few of us opened up quite a few cans tonight. What I meant by "legitimate" was countries that have been accepted into the community of nations (for lack of a better term). Iraq by its actions over the past 12 or 13 years is a "rogue" nation one that in the worlds' eye would be considered illegitimate. By their continued defiance of the UN resolutions they have given up their right to self defense. Please don't kid yourself into believing that the Iraqi people are pro-Saddam, anti-US. They are terrified of Hussein because he has shown that he is a brutal dictator who will do anything to keep his grip on power. When this is all said and done and Hussein has been ousted you will see rejoicing among the Iraqi people. We as Americans don't feel threatened by Iraq but DO feel threatened by Saddam Hussein. I do not feel as if I am being hypocritical in the least bit. Hussein along with Al-Quadia are the two biggest threats right now. Hussein's hatred of the West and Israel is a well established fact and if the bastard got a nuke I feel that he would use it (so do a lot of others) whether it be in Israel, Europe, or the US. As for Saudi Arabia and Libya that is a whole other set of issues there. The Saudi's Royal family is trying to hold on to power in a region overtaken by radical Islamic fundamentalism. So they are trying to appease the fundamentalists by appearing to be on their side. Is this right Hell No! But I feel the threat posed by Iraq is greater. As for Libya if you recall recently the government has recently denounced terrorism and seems to be reaching out tothe rest of the world to bee accepted. I can't recall any recent evidence that Libya is sponsoring terror or has a hand in the recent wave of terror. Sean if anyone is a hypocrite it is your government(France) for their secret dealings with Iraq. Like I said before this is a real mess and I'll be glad when we can just get back to talking about Z cars. I hope there are no hard feelings:classic:

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