Everything posted by blitzkraig
What kind of primer do I use
Well if you can't get all the rust off then I suggest using a product called POR-15. You can paint it over the rust and it will seal it in forever. If you did manage to get it all off to bare metal then spray some kind of "self-etching" primer. The self etching stuff will actually etch the metal and make for a better bond on all later topcoats. Almost every name brand paint system has one, just pick the brand you plan to use through the whole project (I say this because switching brands from like DuPont to PPG may cause problems later on). Good luck
Northern Cali meet: yes another one!!
sorry guys, I've been super busy lately with work and my truck that the meet completely slipped my mind. I won't be able to make it this weekend and I don't think the Z rental place is open on sunday. I can call the guy and see if he's willing to host it himself on saturday? (btw, he has quite a few Zs on his lot so I think you guys would have to park on the street which is metered).:dead:
wont start right in the morning
Sounds like the choke isn't working, since it's a 260 you probably have those boat anchor flat top SU's. Get rid of em
*NEW MSA's new air dam... type 3... take a peek
little too big for the car as well
'Shaved' sidemarker
Northern Cali meet: yes another one!!
Santa Cruz has been very very warm and sunny lately. I'll ask the guy the Z place. But do you guys want to do it on saturday or sunday? I can't make it saturday cuz I gotta spray some self etching primer on my freshly blasted 56 ford, but I'll still set it up for saturday if you guys want.
T5 Swap into early Z
Sorry, the page was hosted on my UCSC web account, but since I graduated a couple months ago they kicked me off. If anyone wants to host the article I'll send the HTML and image files.
Northern Cali meet: yes another one!!
I can try to set up a BBQ meet at the Z Zone in Santa Cruz. It's a nice drive down 1 from up north. Lemme know if you want me to ask the owner of the place if we can have a BBQ!
Final 2
Super Clean 4
I think this one was actually another one (the 240zSI is the one victor posted pics of?). This car got second in the category but I think it was because he got poor location in the show. The other car was right next to the announcer booth while this one was on one of the side streets. Both were very nice, but the other one had a few small flaws whereas this one was damn perfect!
Kill Bill vol.2: Bills Car?
I want to say a DeTomaso Pantera but I'm not sure. http://www.carnut.com/cgi-bin/02/image.pl?/show/02/wsu/wsu079.jpg
Line Em Up!
First resto
Proud to be a Z owner
I dug this picture up from when I was doing the body work in high school. That's my pops (the original 1st owner of the car). Don't worry, the hood was trash at that point, so some friends in my autobody class graffitied it.
Where are the MSA pix?????
Well I've just unloaded a healthy dose on the website, but unfortunately for some of you guys, they're mostly S30s. Never really understood the 280zxs and 300zxs appeal.....just a different crowd. Anyway, next year we need to get together officially within the show. I didn't know who to look for so I was hoping people would find me (since my car is on the homepage). But I noticed that MSA was trying to get club members together at the registration point so maybe if there's enough of us there with cars next year we can get placed together! Enjoy the pics!
- MVC04777
- MVC04776
- Konig Monsoon 2
Konig Monsoon 1
- Super Clean 4
Super Clean 3
Super Clean 2
Super Clean 1
This car was restored by the same guy who did the Nissan factory restorations. SUPER CLEAN! This guy got robbed in the awards category!
- MVC04769