Thredbo NSW video with Pre production 370Z
A quick short vid of a weekend away to the Alpine Village of Thredbo in NSW Australia with 19 early Z's and the first pre production 370z in Australia. Sulio
30+ Z BBQ Auszcar photo
ah the red Z's. Mine was originally orange and I reckon I'll go back to the orange when I'm ready for another paint job. Thanks for that post Jon, I had some trouble linking the pic dirctly from the url!??? Yer it really was a great day. I'll pull out some more pics later. Sulio
30+ Z BBQ Auszcar photo
Just thought I'd post a pic of the BBQ we had on Saturday. Great sunny day with some nice cars and plenty of food and drinks. Great day it was. http://www.viczcar.com/forum/index.php/topic,3264.120.html Sulio
240 z
Nice car but the rear flare is on the wrong siide. Thats the right sidde thats been mounted on the lleft guard. I made the same mictake.
2008 Tasmania Tour
2008 Tasmania Tour a heap of Z´s away for a week of driving on the Island of Tasmania finishing at the Symons Plains race track... --- LINK
Video: weekend away with the Z's
Heaps of fun, great road it is...
Video: weekend away with the Z's
Apollo Bay Z weekend aaway. Sulio http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=b8GrEgd1CfE
- IMG_2319_copy
Next to the loading dock...
Rail Yard Z Photo
Rail Yard Z Photo
- Another one in the rail yard
Rail Yard Z Photo
Rail Yard Z Photo
Thanks Guys, Yer without photoshopping the originals they would'nt come close to where they are at, it was just too dark and late. Way too much saturation but I like that bright look. Zbane, yer I would like to get a collection of other Z cars together and make up some posters for my garage, maybe post them up and people could do the same with the cars they like. My extension and new garage is still months away from being finished so I'll look at that then. As it was very late in the night and very dark I'd missed all the good light and it was very hard not to get hard lamp reflections off the paint work. Sulio
Rail Yard Z Photo
Having the second half out to watch Sex in the City the other night I had some spare time to take some photo's at a rail loading dock near home...got cold waiting for a train to pass through. Sulio