Everything posted by bigd652
Houston we have a problem!!!
Well then if i need to remove the gas tank thats fine. If somebody out there could please tell me how to get it out as easy as possible. And any tips. Thanks Derick
Houston we have a problem!!!
Oh yes its a new filter as well. If i where to change the lines what would I need to use for new lines? Derick
Houston we have a problem!!!
OK here is the back story.... I drove the car for a full summer about 4 years ago. Since then the car has sat with about a 1/4 tank of gas. Last summer i started to tinker with it again. The car which is a 76 280Z 2+2 would run when still but when in motion after a few miles or alittle longer would just out of no where start to spit a sputter and die. If I would let the car sit for alittle bit it would start back up again and go another 5-10 miles and do it again. Plugs and cap and rotor have been changed along with the coil. The car sat again until this spring. Now I will get this thing running good again. Last year I did fill up the tank with gas but after it sat again for a year I pumped out as much of the gas as I could. Now I'm thinking the bad running is due to crap in the tank getting sucked up so I would like to drop the tank. Is there a drain plug on the tank and how hard of a job is it to take the tank off? Any other thoughts on why it would sputter out when in motion and not when it idles would be great. Sorry this is so long. Any other questions for me please ask and I will reply. Thanks for your time. Derick
Can they be cleaned? or just replaced......
Steering Wheel
The bumper pad just pulls off?
4 six spoke rims, running engine, seats
Do you have a pic of the rims? If you still have them?
Steering Wheel
How do you get the steerig wheel off? Never done this before. Thanks
Rear door handle 2+2
Just wondering if anyone out there has one of these inner covers for my 2+2. Please see pic so you know what I'm talking about. Its the black inner part. Thanks
Damn thats a bad one.... Can I have his valve cover? Just a j/k
Spark Plugs
Whats is the spark plug # for NGK plugs for my Z. 76 280z 2+2 Thanks
propeller shaft removal. Help
Yup... Use a breaker bar..
280 with a 240
I'm just looking for other options. I'm gonna try and fix my bumpers but if they can't be fixed then I will need new.
280 with a 240
I to would like to know.... Any thoughts?
Front Bumpers
I'm going to start restoring my Z soon. I would like to replace the bumpers but man are they $$$..... Can bumpers from earlier years be put on with out major mods?
My clutch in my z needs some help. When I got the car out of storage the clutch fluid was like sludge. I cleaned out the master cylender the best I could but when I press the clutch and hold in down its loosing pressure. So I think I will just replace that hose and clean out the system. My question is how hard is it to replace that hose and bleed the clutch?
Blower motor on a 76 280Z
Yippee I got it out...... Wasn't that bad at all.....
hence the name "bumper guard"..... well ok then.... Any thoughts on the ends then?
Cleaning engine compartment
What would work to clean the engine up??
Also.... Why would the bumper guards all be out of place.... Can I just put them back where they are supposed to be?
Where do you have something like this done?
Blower motor on a 76 280Z
Cool... I started the project awhile ago but haven't gotten back to it... Need to start on it tomorrow......
Can't really tell in that photo but there are a couple small dents in it... Nothing really bad but can it be fixed cheaper then a new one???? And does anyone know where in the world I can get the plastic on either side of the bumper.... ??
- Bumpers