New Panasports and Kumhos
What kind of price are you looking for? Are you sure there 15 x 8 ,what is the offset, are the tires shaved, do you know the weight of the rims, and I have big brakes so I need to know the inside diam of the rims. Thanks Dave Smith
need fiber hood and R180 4.385
Look for fiberglass hood, fenders, any fiberglass body parts, R180 4.375, limited slip for R180, any racing z parts
F/s: Fibreglas hood
does the hood have inner and outer shell or just outer shell. Would you take $100.00
Want to trade 4.375 R180 r&p
How much do you want for the 4.38, I do have a 4.11 R180. Better to have cash to finish your 3.9 than having the 4.38 sitting in your garage. Have you thought about just getting a standard r180 (dirt cheap) and your 3.9 to put one together
fiberglass hood
Thanks for the info, wont happen again, maybe
fiberglass hood
Is the hood racing style no inner structure or inner and outer structure? how much does it weigh? would you take $100.00 for it.
4.385 gears
I was still wondering if you wanted to sell 4.385 gears outright, I also have a 4.11 r180. How much do you want for them. better to have cash then them just sitting in the garage
Want to trade 4.375 R180 r&p
$125.00 seems fair, I do have a 3.9 if a locker is ok for you (both tires turn at same time (proffesionaly done)
Want to trade 4.375 R180 r&p
I am interested in the 4.375 ring and pinion as long as they are in good shape. I dont have a 3.90 for tread right now but I am willing to pay cash. and for shipping. (assuming fair price) ( I live in las Vegas). I am in a big hurry because I have a race on the 22nd. of this month. Please email me as soon as possible so I can send you a cashiers check if you are interested. If you dont mind give me your phone # so I can talk to you. call me at (702) 873-0502 collect is fine