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  1. i just put some hydraulic jack oil in mine, put in the cartridge/gland nut, and wiped up the mess..... every mechanic i talked to gave me a weird look when i asked them and said "it must be a Z thing, i don't understand what those guys were thinking." guess it is...?
  2. dellorto's were like rochester or carter carbs over in italy.... DHLA 40F or H's were oem's on many cars over there.... they are also the ones the dude on ebay sells (i have a set of F's on my Z)....
  3. dozer171 replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    mikuni/solex, weber, and dellorto all mount on the same manifold, while dellorto and weber share the same airfilters, and mikuni is different.... be careful putting triples on a stock motor though, i've been chasing a flat spot all last year that i just can't get rid of.... i'm running dellorto 40's on my z. the only conclusion i can come to is that she's over carbed, or at least, that's my justification for looking for just the right cam and exhaustROFL
  4. you could always go american old school with the shifter... bend it somewhere under the boot so that it is angled to the left and back, like on all the old 4spd muscle cars. i was debating about doing that to mine... might need to lengthen the rod a bit though. be sure to practice first to get the position 'just right', or shifting will be VERY uncomfortable!!!
  5. the injectors leak by not closing all the way. this can happen because of a bent pintle inside, dirt, or both. when they don't close, they constantly leak a small or large amount of fuel depending on how open they are. the fuel pressure regulator can also be bad if the spring inside has worn out over time, or the diaphram inside has gone bad. if the spring inside is worn, too much pressure is going to the injectors, which can cause a rich condition. if the diaphram has gone bad, it has ripped, which would allow the motor to draw fuel through the vaccuum line that attaches to it, causing a REALLY rich condition. if you have a fuel pressure tester, hook it up, and i believe the pressure should be around 33.6 (?) psi.
  6. meeting up would be great. pm me with your phone number, email, or something, perhaps we could work something out on a weekend!
  7. http://demo.cs.brandeis.edu/postscript.dump/Ltronic/Injection.html this site gives you all the internals of the jettronic system, and some tricks for more power. there are VERY few things you can do, such as the 240SX T.B., you can adjust the a/f ratio by using the adjusting screw on the side of the AFM, you can loosen the spring inside so it opens quicker, add a potientiometer between the temp sensor and the computer to make it think it's a bit cooler to dump more fuel.... etc. are your injectors leaking? when i had EFI before the carbs, i was getting around 20 around town, 24 or so on the highway... or your fuel pressure regulator? are you blowing smoke out the tail pipe like you're running rich?
  8. hello! i am leaving for school at wyoming tech (the blairsville campus) next week, and will have my Z down there for a bit before she goes to sleep for the winter. i'm just wondering about any Z gatherings around the pittsburg area. i know it's the end of the season and all, but, she's too much fun to put away!
  9. dozer171 replied to MikeW's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    looks much better than my floor pan! i wouldn't worry too much, weld a small panel over it, and use por15. is it just me, or is it almost always the passenger side that rots out with the floor pans???
  10. dozer171 replied to heavymetal's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    he wouldn't happen to have any '70 superbee's there, would he?
  11. like guys have been saying, there are many schools of thought on it... you could go 'old school', getting the engine, suspension, brakes, interior, etc. all said and done, just to strip and paint it. OR you can take it all apart, paint it, rebuild it while it's all apart, and when she's put together, you'll have a georgous car. the path i chose was to park her, strip her clean of EVERYTHING paint, rebuild, put togehter. if i were to do it again, i would do it the same way. get her all together, then work out the bugs. in the end the choice is yours, but, i believe that this method yields less down time in the long run...
  12. my dad has an 87 fiero gt. that car is a BLAST to drive. i almost bought a bunch of them, but, then found my Z:love: but, i would still get a kick out of building up a fiero. mid engine cars are fun to drive, but, careful! they don't care which way is going forward, as long as one of them is!
  13. my absolute dream car is a 1970 Dodge Superbee in go-mango orange. this could be due to being raised hearing about the one my dad used to have... 440 cui, offy dual plane tunnel ram, twin 650 center squirters, 330 intake/exh duration .550 lift cam, wild gears, fairbanks racing tranny..... *drool*
  14. i used to run high test when i first run my car (i listened to the manual... what do engineers know anyway?) last summer. but, then to save money, i decided to try 89, worked great, no loss in performance. i even ran regular for a while (stock 78 with EFI) with no weird noises. when i went to carbs, it didn't like the low test, so i went back to 89. a stock fuel injected Z runs around 8.3:1 compression with the aluminum head. you have to be trying REAL hard to get her to knock or ping with that sort of third world compression ratio. my timing was set at about 10* or so, but even advanced a little more, didn't knock, just had a nice little backfire on downshifts from higher revs. not bad ones, but, they still sounded pretty cool!
  15. dozer171 posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    hey guys! sorry i havn't been around in a while, work and such sucks!!! well, anyways, allot of u guys from the northeast probably heard about the north east Z car adventure in syracuse this past weekend.. i entered my 78 in the 260/280 street mod class, and won second! finally, all the hours in the garage and listening to my mom and lady friends b***h at me pays off! i won second!!! man, there were some beautiful Z's there, and plenty of ideas for me to soak up and enjoy once i find the money! the auto-x was great on sunday as well. the exit i made with my buddy's was a little overzealous (read as LOTS of tire smoke... :stupid: ) if anyone that was there reads this, sorry, got lost inthe moment! well, time for a cruise night, hopefully i'll be around a little more now!

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