@Captain Obvious I was reading the FSM in bed (everyone’s second favorite activity after eating ice cream in bed) last night and I think your conclusion about the wiring being off is correct.
There are 3 positive connectors for the volt meter, fuel meter, and charge warning LED all feeding off the positive white/red wire on the underside of the dash harness. This 260z has a alternator upgrade, so it’s wiring is a little different, I think the voltmeter goes to the white wire (positive always on), the fuel meter goes to w/r (on with key) and the charge light goes to the L sense wire which is on the back of the alternator/ where the modified voltage regulator plug is.
@dutchzcarguy I pulled my dash out a couple months ago to do the EPAS modification to the steering column, I was cleaning the dash up a little and wanted to see if there was something wrong with the voltmeter because it always waves at me. I don’t like it. Yeah there’s a motorcycle battery on the bench that I used to power things up. I’m going to try fixing the potential wiring issue, and (fingers crossed) won’t have to order a new one…..
BTW anyone reading this have amber dash lights? I can’t decide between amber and white. Not really digging the green anymore.