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Everything posted by heyitsrama

  1. This part looks to be the same, $4 for 2... ebay
  2. This might fit the bill, i dont need 5 of them though. https://www.amazon.com/mxuteuk-Waterproof-Push-Button-Motorcycle-MXU-kp-107/dp/B07Z4BDXLX/ref=sr_1_20?dchild=1&keywords=push+button+toggle+switch&qid=1614673411&sr=8-20#customerReviews
  3. The distance from the part where the switch rests on to the top of the white plastic section is ~25mm. Maybe something can be sourced online.
  4. Has anyone repaired a domelight? I have 2 of them in pieces, the arm that holds the switch together snapped off, perhaps a more modern push button switch can be installed into the same position? I lost the spring that is used in the OEM switch, it must have walked off my desk at some point 😞 One of the metal tracks looks like it heated up real good, the plastic looks melted where it contacts the strip 😞
  5. How’s the flywheel look? https://www.racetep.com/engine-building/flywheel-lightening.html 👀
  6. dude a quart of oil for every 30 miles is alot. what was the issue?
  7. That looks like a rad car, do you get track time with it?
  8. @AK260 I gave up on the p4070, it was too loud and really annoying to drive with. Swapped it out with an Airtex 8016S, this past Monday. Have a track event on Sunday so we will see how it holds. So far it’s much more quiet in the car, very faint at idle, but still can hear it when the car is off. Hopefully it works out for my use. Shame the p4070 was too loud, never had any issues with it.
  9. @siteunseen There’s some dudes on YouTube that paint cars with those HF guns.
  10. @240ZBUILTBYME Actually I was using a brass coated steel brush on a flexible dremel to clean the bulb holder for the license plate lights. https://www.ebay.com/itm/45Pcs-Brass-Wire-Wheel-Bowl-Pen-Polishing-Mix-Brush-Set-for-Dremel-Rotary-Tool/133398533650?hash=item1f0f2c1612:g:iv8AAOSwkWRe~Ft1
  11. I’m interested to see how you re-wire everything, and what you use for connectors. When I got my car the front engine harness was cut out, so I had to find another donor harness and put it together. I actually want to go back pull it all out and start over. So yes! Progress pictures, part numbers, the whole lot.
  12. Probably fake, can’t pay with cryptocurrencies? that’s interesting.. I feel like there was a thread similar to this a couple months back...
  13. I was driving the Z around today and realized that the throttle pedal sits further back than the clutch and the brake (which seem to be resting together). Is this normal? Or is something bent? Its pretty substantial, it makes heel-toeing the car a bit awkward, the distance to WOT is also short due to this...
  14. +1 on the milwaukee impact, also consider their 3/8 ratchet, I bought a refurbished on from https://www.cpomilwaukee.com been abusing it without issue.
  15. Some purple power will clean that right up. Don't use it on aluminum tho. (theres a ford f150 joke there if you look hard enough)
  16. i would do the freeze plugs if they are not plated//brass. The brass ones look good when you dont paint them. I would replace the exhaust studs because when they break off in the car then are a pain the arse to repair. Chase all the threads out too. shifter bushing, but can probably do that in the car too. Maybe build a header for a turbo now that you have the space to do it 😛
  17. pictures are helpful in this case. I started off by removing the light for the plates, for the rivets (unless the metal ones are the crimped style (non oem?) ones that you have to drill out) you can push in the center to compress the splines that expand to hold the panel in place. IIRC the 240z uses a different size plastic rivet for this part of the car, its not the same as the interior ones.
  18. @bravemushi260z there has been a gang of people on here that have spent a good amount of time on the flat-tops, it appears that the conclusion that they came up with is that the flat tops work well, even compared to the round-tops that everyone wants. I've not messed with them at all but from some light reading I did they appear to be a bit more complex than the round-tops. Maybe this added complexity is why people don't like the flat-tops, I'm sure you can find support for them on this forum. Not sure about these Webers you have on them, but you might be able to score some flat-tops for cheap with everyone on the round-top hype 😛 Clean that engine bay with some soap and water, its gonna be a pain in the arse being all dusty everytime you want to do something. HA
  19. 1. Yes, you can get away with only using 1 of them, the others can be used for smog pumps or AC compressors. 2. that looks like its an AC tension pulley, but i could be wrong.
  20. alright so no downside to the increased pressure. I was looking at Rockauto, they have the KA24 oil-pumps for $54 API 2009481906 looks like a closeout on their inventory.😬
  21. I’ve been tracking my Z more, I’ve been a bit concerned about oil starvation as the pan is not baffled. I was thinking that a turbo oil pump might be beneficial as I’m running bit of a unknown pump that I just threw in when I was assembling the motor. The motor is an flattop overbored L26, with a n42 head that’s been slightly shaved down. Usually on idle it can appear to be pretty low on the guage, esp if the oil is nice and HOT. Are there possible downsides to having too much oil pressure/flow in the system? I’ve seen that some people ( @siteunseen ) say that the pressure gauge was pinged 1/2 to 3/4 on idle, it seems like the flow difference is quite a lot. AZC seems to have the cheapest option I’ve seen, http://www.arizonazcar.com/oilpump.html I also see that people use k24 (SOHC) motor oil pumps. I gotta change the oil within the next two weeks before our next track event, figure might as well swap it if there is a benefit to it, and no risk in ruining something with the high pressure. here is a bonus for reading this far, got this pizza the other day it was pretty good.
  22. Well presentation goes a long way, if you’re going to keep it give it a good wash. Does not seem like it’s going to need much, that brake booster looks like it needs to be rebuilt... maybe it’s just the dirt. hows the interior?
  23. I bought this one the other day, was working on the carbs on my cb500. No more slip, should have bought it years ago. https://www.amazon.com/Vessel-Megadora-900-Screwdriver-Original/dp/B000TG8OTY/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=jis+screwdriver&qid=1612647498&sr=8-6
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