Sporadic Low RPM Problems
I'm having a really tough time with a very sporadic low rpm miss with my 1971 Z. The engine, carbs. and ignition are totally stock except for a Pertronix ignition I installed last August. I doubt thats the problem since the miss which can happen at any time whether the car is hot or cold, just started occurring last month and it occurs just out of the blue. The car can be running just perfect, it always idles just right then as I pull away from a stop it will hesitate and stumble until the engine hits about 3000 rpms where it clears up completely. If I hit the throttle hard as it begins stumbling it really bucks, but if I'm really careful and let the rpms build slowly the stumble is minor but there. I've checked plugs, the distributor, cleaned the rotor and cap, checked electrical connections and I still get this problem. I suspect maybe a problem with a carb, maybe something sticking or a dirt problem. Any ideas or has anyone dealt with a problem like this??? Thanks
STILL no instrument lights!
Thanks 2ManyZs!!!! It is something with the dash light dimmer switch, I must have burned it out when I blew the fuse. There was a 30 amp fuse in the fusebox, it should have had a 20 amp. I have bypassed the switch for now. Now I need to figure out how to get it out to find out if it can be fixed or needs to be replaced. Thanks again!!!!
STILL no instrument lights!
I still don't have instruments lights! in my '71 Z. The dome light, the glovebox light and map light all work, everything works except for the instrument and auto. trans. selector lights. What am I missing? this happened after I installed a Hitachi AM/FM radio and burned out the instr./dome light fuse, I'm pretty sure its because I hadn't grounded out the unit to metal/frame. I've checked all the fuses and some of the instruments bulbs, they are all good, what could be wrong? I also have made sure the blue lead to the radio lighting lead is not shorted out against metal. I think maybe I burned a lead to the instruments but I wouldn't which wire it might be, but thats what fuses are suppose to prevent!!!! I would sure appreciate any thoughts or experiences.
No Instrument lights now!
I just completed installing a Hitachi AM/FM radio in place of the AM Hitachi in my 71 Z when suddenly as I was adjusting the fit of the unit the radio and dash lights all went out. I shorted something out, I guess the unit wasn't grounded properly, so I replaced the burned out 20 amp fuse. Now I don't have any dash lights, but everything else works, the radio, dome light, glovebox light, map light, fan switch, all the exterior lamps but no dash instruments lights. What could be the problem, my guess is I may have burned a wire that feeds all the instrument lights???? Thanks for any help or ideas you guys can give me.
Whats under the seat?
Under the seats all I see is some broken up sound deadening material, but no rust!! what should I replace it with? And I also notice in carpet kit ads that there doesnt seem to be separate pieces that go under the seats, I do have carpet behind the seats but not directly under them. Thanks
Whats under the seat?
Hi I have a '71 Z which I bought early this year and as I was cleaning up the interior I noticed there are no carpets under the seats. Is my car missing some carpeting or is some other material supposed to be there like an undercoating or sound deadening material? Thanks
Intermittent heater and defogger operation
My 1971 Z has a problem with the heater and rear defogger only running intermittently. I traced it down to a relay on the kick plate on the passenger side of the car. Can this relay be repaired, it sounds like there are contact points inside or does it need to be replaced? By the way it gets constant power, it just doesnt always allow current to pass to either the heater or defogger. It always 'clicks' but no power is passed to the heater or defogger. Any ideas where I can get this relay? I doubt a Nissan dealer would have such an old part. Thanks
Fuel fillup only 12 gallons?
Last month I finally bought a super clean 1971 240Z after wanting one for years to replace the '74 260 and '75 280 I had back in the good old 70's. I am thoroughly enjoying it but have a problem though. I cant seem to fill her up with more than maybe 11 to 12 gallons of gas at about 200 miles so I'm getting about 18 to 19 mpg. I actually ran out of gas the other day pulling into a gas station with 211 miles showing on the odometer, then it only would take 12.3 gallons to fillup......is this normal? Also when I do topoff the tank the gauge only goes 3/4 the way up but I can see the gas in the filler neck, do I maybe have a problem with the recovery tank or a kinked line somewhere or ??? Looking forward to hearing any ideas or experiences. Thanks!