Everything posted by Villeman
Looking for 240, 260, or 280zs in the $500-$2000 range.
Where is this? I want that bus! ?
Tips to remove center console switches
In my case they popped right out...hake sure you have a flat and wide object (e.g screwdriver). Make sure to open the hazard switch over a container. After having reworked 3 I would probably just flush them with contact spray but that might be just me
New 280z "Hawk" - wish me luck.
+1 on the captain. by the time MS is working you will THEN track all those little evil details that will eat your next year, easily. IF you score a good deal on a 280z engine just pop it in and make the car work. Why tinker for years and then realise somethings badly wrong (has happened before, rusted out under bondo/vin problems/warped chassis etc. etc.). Considering that you will be abled to flip the engine afterwards, this might actually be cheaper than your route. Once you KNOW what works and what needs doing you can plan and tinker properly. To put into perspective, my 280z was in an ultra good condition (virtually nothing wrong) but still the engine needed boring (see, somethings always wrong) and it still took 2 years even though every piece in the car was 100% working to start with.... and you will definitely want to drive that thing WAAAY before you finish with a MS conversion
Turn signal dash indicator reversed?!
Did you rebuild the hazard switch as well? Any chance you changed the center console harness piece? Also, you can bridge the relays for now to figure out where the problem is. This should give you solid light, but homogenious ...
JDM 2+2 grill?
Thats the JDM version iirc (at least the 2/2 sign)
Wiring EU Taillights/TS Problem
True, I did try with one connector and no doubt I could make it work but since i would need additional pins I would need to cut those from another harness etc. I will just try to buy the right one and keep modifying as Plan B. The harness is really pristine and without need I am rather putting it out on the market after having bought mine so there will be two good ones and not 2 modified ones ^^
Wiring EU Taillights/TS Problem
Well, obviously ;) but i´d rather not butcher a perfectly good harness (i have to remake pins to ..well, pins counterparts and vice versa). I will try to buy a 75-76 harness piece somewhere first. I can always buther it later :)
Wiring EU Taillights/TS Problem
checked with a N3600 harness and bridged the switch (Since mine has the other plug) and blinkers are working perfectly. So! Apparently i am in the Market for a new harness
Wiring EU Taillights/TS Problem
Found the small Connection harness with c10 and c11 to be a 24023 N4700 serial with wrong pin assignment.... my car should be n3600 iirc. No 12v on the to-hazard switch side...and only ohne of the two green cables present in my cars harness
Wiring EU Taillights/TS Problem
Yes, next week will be the first time i can try. I am not sure about the relays, so i bridged them so I should get permanent light in the indicators. And thats not happening. Guess I have to multimeter everything. I just wanted to rule out the taillights as a culprit first Thanks !
Wiring EU Taillights/TS Problem
The turn signal switch is a 280z one, pretty sure its 76. Definitely has 3 wires. I get 12V there and switched to left and right. BUT, its not the 280z switch you disassebled but the one with a rocker and small bearing ball inside, but only ONE contact pad each side. So its an early switch. Maybe they mixed up the wiring there.... (contacts are definitely different)
Wiring EU Taillights/TS Problem
That was the ONE manipulation on the whole car apparently. There is a 77 switch + connector in the car. thats why i dont spot it as an error source first. But the switch should be the same once the wires are correctly connected. Thats about the only error source left if its not the taillights causing the problem. You are sure 280z taillight don´t light brake+turnlight when using the turnsignal?
Wiring EU Taillights/TS Problem
Yes, they are. But I checked the 76 and 77 wiring plans and it seems properly wired in. No idea though why they changed it. All switches in the car were perfect. Maybe they switched green and green/yellow since it became identical ^^
Wiring EU Taillights/TS Problem
iirc i have 12VDC at the relay, then I bidged the relay and got 12V at the switch, but still no lights at all. Pretty sure its not "just" the flasher. Odd part, we got the relay to switch (crossed some connections) but still lights werent on. Maybe they wired the Hazard switch in wrongly.... (BE12 on 76 cars, like i said, got a 77 switch, should be the same though. Maybe not....)
Wiring EU Taillights/TS Problem
Yes, thats why I assume it must be that. I had tested it before with US light, but maybe at that time the combinationswitch was still corroded. Has anybody ever made them work? I know on a 240 you have to rewire them, was hoping i could skip that part ^^
Wiring EU Taillights/TS Problem
So: Hazards on --> front+Rear static on Hazards off --> is all dark.. Combination switch has no effect. That said i have EU taillights, guess they may be wired wrong... Somebody worked a 77 switch in but it looks properly wired. Everything was disassembled and multimetered, Relay was bidged to rule it out.
Wiring EU Taillights/TS Problem
Hello everyone, i have a turn signal problem driving me mad. Only thing left is that it´s the EU spec taillights. Plugs are fitting but no turnsignal. Tested switch, relay, fuse, Harzad switch.... Only that the hazard switch is from another year (other plug in 77 than 75). So far I think its wired in correctly though. So, anybody did a Eu taillight conversion and can explain to me what to change how? thanks a million, Richard
3d Printed battery holddown
Are you planning to publish the CAD files? 3D rprinting isn´t the problem Thanks
Mystery hardline
If i got the explanation from my dad right, then both connections on the 3way connector are right and the free one needs to go to the yellow port. Currently there is a hose from yellow to to of inlet manifold, which is wrong. Needs to go from the other plug on the canister to the inlet manifold.
Mystery hardline
If only i knew
Mystery hardline
Hey, thats a different hardline than the one i showed ^^
Mystery hardline
Mystery hardline
Hey, its a cali Model 280z 2+2 built 12/75 Thanks for helping out ^^ @siteunseen, can you maybe show a picture ? That nipple and that port?
Mystery hardline
Hi folks, having a bit of a time figuring out the last hoses.... Does the connector in the first picture connect to the vapor canister? Secondly, whats the hardline for? Thanks, really can´t figure it out (I am not at my car, my father is trying to put the stuff together and sent me those pictures) Already checked FSM and FI Handbook, guess I am blind or dumb ^^
Found a 240z in junkyard, what to grab off?
Early glass had different defroster lines and hatch has vents below the glass. Because from what I understand they are really rare. Basically every Version 1 specific part is overpriced ^^ http://zhome.com/History/DesignChanges.htm