Everything posted by v12horse
I don't know much about the driver, but I do know that he is very famous in Japan. This is a great photo. The car looks so right. -Ben
Wishing for spring...already
LY Head
Friends across the globe.
That is very nice Bill. I too have feelings such as you and many members here about meeting friends from all over the world. I may not be on as much as I used to be, but it is solely due to this year's school schedule. I am very fortunate for meeting so many people through this forum and when I think about my Zcar, it is more about people than anything. Thanks Bill for this thread, and thank everyone for this forum. I hope you all have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. Best wishes, Ben
Nismo Festival 2005
Thanks a lot Alan. I really look forward to seeing more pictures. It looks like you took part in something very special. The KPGC10 looks beautiful. I am glad you got to see it drive on the track for the first time. I bet the owner and builder were very happy. Regards, Ben
Fujitsubo Twin System
That header doesn't look like it would fit a LHD car. I have looked at a few headers on the Spirit Garage website and I think one of them might fit a LHD car. I would really like to get a similar exhaust to the Fujitsubo twin pipe system. Spirit Garage makes a stainless steel system and it too is very sexy. I bet your car is going to sound great. -Ben
Info needed about my 71 Fairlady Z
[quote name=Mr Camouflage Noticed that the clock seems to have extra markings and third pointer (hours minutes and seconds I presume). Has this been mentioned before. Yes, this has been mentioned before. The clocks are very neat. I believe that they were made by Citizen. There are a few types and they are known as "rally clocks". Just make a search and you will find quite a bit of information here about them. The rally clocks were offered in the Fairlady ZL, Fairlady 240Z, and Fairlady Z432. Basically, it was not equipped in the Z432R, or S30-S (both coupe and 2/2). Thus, they were never offered for an export vehicle. However, I have heard of a few US market cars having them during the period. I don't know how they got equipped with them, but the owners were definately lucky if this was not a myth. The early clocks, 70-73, had a stopwatch function. Thus, the second hand and extra marks. This clock required an oscillating box which was located in the glove compartment. This is a very cool clock, and much more rare than the later clock. The later clock, 74-78, is known as the "Calander clock". I think this is a slang term due to its function, but many people call it by calander clock. It is still a rally clock. It has a second hand, extra marks, no stopwatch function, but it has the date. I found one a few years back and I love it. There was no need for modification to install it into my 260z. Take care and if you have any questions about them, I will try to help. -Ben:)
Real FIA race car #26 on ebay !!
I think this car did not sell at the auction at 26,000 pounds. He wants a lot more than most Americans are willing to pay. I would love to see it on these shores, even though it is not an original WORKS car. -Ben
Real FIA race car #26 on ebay !!
I don't really have anything to add, but this thread has got my attention. I remember looking at the Bonham auction results of this replica and of the 260z that had many works parts and I was amazed. I did not know that such things were for sale or even existed. Just amazing. -Ben p.s. I could be totally off, but the man in the second picture with the glasses looks like a famous Works Mini Cooper navigator. I am not going to name names as I could be totally off.
There is one of these in the US, but it was in need of a restoration. I would have like to of seen the car. -Ben
I have never seen a C10 in this color. From the picture it looks great. Thanks for the photos.. -Ben
Your GC10 looking stunning. I really like the four doors. I have had the privelidge of seeing one in person and it was silver with Watanabe's like your car. I have a picture of it in my gallery. -Ben
Doug Piner EP 240Z
These are some great track shots. I enjoy taking pictures of cars on the track because I really feel great when I get a nice shot. Keep up the great work. -Ben:)
the tail says it all
Whats wrong with the paint? It looks perfect. I like the libres as they are period correct. Reverse mesh SSR's would look good, but they would change the whole personality of the car if you go past 15'. If that is the look you are going for, go for it. I personally like the 14' look. It makes the car look more classic and not many people use 14' so it is sort of a rarity. We should get a group of Z's together and take a drive one day. -Ben
The best looking 240z period...
Which car are you talking about? The SCCN ZG or the grey 240z that you started this thread about? The car that you posted pictures of that you think is the best looking S30 ever is very loosly Japanese styled. It most definately does not have period correct modifications aside from the flairs and spoiler. I hope you can see that with all of the insults that you are making about other peoples cars. Your demeaner is not going to change anyones opinion. Why don't you buy a Z, style it how you want, to show your opinion through your car. BTW, there are not many v8 Z's and Ferrari wannabes here. Even if there are, you have no right to preach to them. Most of us are car enthusiasts of all sorts and styles, hopefully such as yourself. I am an enthusiast of the home market cars and Japanese style like you, but I am not going to shove my opinion down other peoples throats. I am not saying you cann't voice your opinion, but try to be a little more curtious, and at times, try to keep your mouth shut like I do. Stretched tires are not period correct. The tires on the SCCN ZG are not stretched. I am not trying to make enemies with you. I am just trying to offer some advice. Whether it is good advice, that is up to you to decide. -Ben p.s. You would be surprized how many people like the JDM style.
14 by 6.5j Watanabe type B wheels on ebay
Hello everyone, If you are looking for for a set of Watanabes or just a classic wheel for your S30 at a great price, get these! This is an absolute steel at 350USD + whichever for shipping, even considering the condition. These have a nice offset that looks great on S30's. Take a look at Guus's (screenname=zpoint) 240z Rally car replica because he has the same spec wheels. They are type B and the offset is +14.5mm. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/JDM-Watanabe-AE86-Corolla-240z-Datsun-510-240sx-4ag-L28_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ43954QQitemZ8011482557QQrdZ1 We need more Z's outside Japan with Watanabe's. Snatch these ones. -Ben p.s. The seller seems far from perfect. hmm....
Have you seen the new MSA mag wheels?
Beandip, take a look at the link on the MSA site to the 17 by 7. They are mounted on a 280z. I am not into big wheels on Z's at all, but these look better than what I have seen. -Ben
Back to work!
Nice 260. I have a 260z in this same color and interior scheme. May I ask what the vin# is? Congrats on a job well done. -Ben:)