Everything posted by v12horse
stock L24
Bob's immaculate 240z
- L24 engine
- L24
Mazda RX3
- Subaru 360 convertible
Mazda R360
This car was in excellent condition. The owner painstakingly restored this car to its original condition. It won best Mazda at the show. It was well deserved.
Subaru 360
When I was in LA in December, I saw this exact car driving on the freeway. It is an interesting looking car that I think is very cool. It is the size of an old Mini Cooper
- Nissan Bluebird
Datsun 510
Datsun 610
- Red D30 Skyline
- D30
D30 Skyline
This was really a nice car. It was powered by an FJ20. This was before the SR20 craze and before the R32.
- Nissan Bluebird
- c10 Skyline
- Bluebird 1800sss
- C10s'
- C10
silver KGC10
I talked with the owner of this car and he was really a nice guy. This car is in much better nick. He is a member here too.
- KGC10
blue KGC10
This car looks to be in good shape from the pictures, but it needs a lot of work. There is quite a bit of rust and there is no interior. It still looks awesome though.
Classic Japanese Car Show Oct 1 in Long Beach
Hello everyone. This was a great show. I caught up with some of the members and we had a great time. The cars in attendence were amazing. Unfortunately, there were no Fairlady Z's on hand. I was a little bummed, but other than that the show was awesome. I will be posting pics in a few days. I took a lot. Hopefully everyone won't mind that many of them are non-Nissan/Datsun. -Ben:)
Classic Japanese Car Show Oct 1 in Long Beach
p.s. My friend told me that 230 cars registered.