Everything posted by v12horse
- TRUST exhaust???
1973 240z
Is this car have a trust exhaust system? It looks exactly like a 432 exhaust. What do you guys think?
1973 240z
This had a red interior. That is why I liked it so much. It was built in late 72. Were red interiors only in 1973 model year Z's?
- Miyake and Ben
Miyake's clean 240
sleeper 510
- Matsuo, ,myself, and my Dad
- Fairlady Z emblem
My friends with Mr.Matsuo
happened to across!!
This is after a 7 hour trip to longbeach, and I had only had 1.5 hours of sleep the night before due to cleaning the car. Trying to sleep in the passenger seat of a S30 is not easy. My Dad got some shut eye while I drove with the wind in my face and the radio on pretty loud. We finally made it to a Starbucks and I was set. It was funny because we had just checked in to our hotel and we were on our way to lunch when I saw this beautiful blue Z and right off the bat I knew it was Kats. So, I honked my horn and we both stopped and chatted for a while. These were some great times. Ben
quick ride "LY fairlady"
Ben's ride
I can not explain the ride in that car. It was unbelievable. First of all, it was my first time in a RHD car. That was very wierd, but very cool at the same time. Secondly, as Mr. Akamatsu came out of the corner, he didn't mash on the gas, but it sure felt like it. The engine sounded so right. It was very loud, but it sounded great with the backfires and all. I have never been in a rally car, however this felt like one. It was an experience that I will never forget.
ready for a show
Your car is magnificent Kats and I think if you were in the stock 240z class you would have won. The difference between your car and the stock cars were that every original piece was there on yours, but on the others they had the major pieces but not the hard to find parts. Your car is truely a rolling piece of art. Take care, Ben
This was only for the US export late model 260z's built during and after october 74' to comply with federal regulations to go from 3 mph bumpers like mine to these 5 mph bumpers. Lachlan, I wouldn't say it ruins the beauty of the car. That little over-rider on the front is what is ruining it. Hehehe.
Mr. Miyake's 240z
It was great. That night was the best. They were all great guys, and getting a chance to talk with Matsuo was a dream come true.
Fairlady 280 racing
Yes, this is Hironao Miyake. He won 2nd in the daily driver class. He was a great guy and he had one great car.
Fairlady 280 racing
This is a great shot. I would have loved to see this car on the track. I heard he was super fast. He was showing my his right front tire and the outer edge was melted.
- S30
This car had a L28et. It is a California owned Fairlady Z. One of only two s30 Fairlady Z's at the show.
- 240z_interior_winner