Everything posted by v12horse
Starter.Which one..hitachi or mitsubishi?
Okay, you twisted my arm. I just bought the microfiche CD. I have been thinking about getting one for a while. I have the 260z service manual and that has been a godsend, so I am thinking that with all the ranting and raving about this CD I will be very happy that I bought it. Hey, if no one has bought it yet, buy it now! It is still half off. hehehehe. Thanks for twisting my arm Alan. Ben
Z getting painted
That is awesome. What color are you going to paint the beast?:devious: What do you think of the rebello engine? I bet it kicks major a$$.
I am asking for help for my daughter
Hi Gary, stay positive. I wish the best for your daughter on a speedy and successful recovery. Ben
Pics in Members gallery
Those are nice Zeds. You must be very proud of the low vin. Congradulations on the restoration because your car looks great. That goes for your friend's too. Ben
Zcar trouble today
Thanks Carl, I will hopefully take you up on that offer. It won't be for a while though. Prolly in the summer is when I will tackle that project. How is your car looking these days Carl?
$16,000 510
Hey Gav, didn't the KPGC10 come from the factory with overfenders only on the rear fenders? I think you could get the front overfenders for the sport option though. If only I had the factory sports option lists for these cars. That bluebird is very nice. They are much like a 510, but I think they are a little sleeker with the cool tail light configuration. Ben
Zcar trouble today
Don't worry, the gas filter is changed. I will have to do some inspecting of the lines and the tank like you said Carl.
It's time to choose...
If it were my car I would paint it the original orange. It is a great color for a Z. The other colors talked about would look great, but there is always a certain satisfaction by being able to say that you have the original paint color. If you were to paint it a different color red would look awesome, but 920 gold would look better. -Ben
Zcar trouble today
The mechanic took the fuel filter out and started tapping it on the concrete. Rust and a whole bunch of sediment started to come out. This has happened before about 2years ago, but the tank was blasted out. Okay, so it is a no go on the ebay fuel pump. I am pretty sure you are right about the mech. and elec. fuel pump working in circuit on late 73-74 Z's greyghost, but I am convinced that the mech. fuel pump is one of the problems because he took it off and then put it back on and the car idles lower than before. I know I can change the idle on the carbs to raise it, but I want to fix what is wrong. I am at school, so I don't have my car here or my service manual, but in a few weeks I am going to go back home and I will look at the car. Hmmm, now I am utterly confused about the fuel system. If the mech. pump is bad, the elec. one will be running and everything will be fine. Hmm, I should be asking these questions when I am with my Z. Okay, I must go. Hopefully I can fix all this myself with the knowledge that everyone has given me. I'll keep you guys posted. Thank you, Ben
Zcar trouble today
Thank you Keith. I guess I will get a new fuel pump. Here is one that is on ebay. Does anyone know if this an oem fuel pump? Do you think it is a good fuel pump? Is it a good deal? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=33555&item=2469468841 Thank you, Ben
Zcar trouble today
Hello everyone, I changed the gas filter and the car is running better without the no power problem. Thanks 2manyzs. However, my mechanic said that I should get a new fuel pump because the diaphragm is letting in some air. He said that it is an easy job since my car has a mechanical fuel pump. Would this solve the problem with my car all of a sudden idleing too low? Should I get a new fuel pump? Is it easy to install? There is also another problem with my car. The engine is dieseling. I looked at previous threads and I could not seem to pin point what it could be. My car is definately not idling to high, it just had a tuneup so that cancels out a lot, but I remember something about my intake not being sealed. Does this ring a bell to anyone? I just want everyone to know that I am a newbie to fixing engines. I am willing to learn and if you could be patient with me I would really appreciate it. I don't want to have to go to the mechanic every time my car needs something. Thanks in advance, Ben
My gf and I
My gf and I
Here is a picture taken at the Japanese tea gardens in San Francisco. There you have it. A clear picture of V12horse.
280z's 75' 280
From the album: Meet pictures
Mt Diablo meet 2004 -
original spare
From the album: 1974 260z (RLS30)
I don't think this spare was ever used. I didn't drive on it. I only took it off to polish a wheel. I think this steel wheel looks so cool. -
Z_boi's 77' 280
From the album: Meet pictures
Mt Diablo meet 2004 -
stryder's 73 240
From the album: Meet pictures
Mt Diablo meet 2004 -
Mt Diablo meet 2004
From the album: Meet pictures
Mt Diablo meet 2004 -
Mt Diablo meet 2004
From the album: Meet pictures
Mt Diablo meet 2004 -
Mt Diablo meet 2004
From the album: Meet pictures
Mt Diablo meet 2004 -
Nor Cali Meet
I'll post some higher resolution pics. You took some nice pics marc. I especially like the one that Ania must have took of Mike's white 280. -Ben
Virtual Museum Fairlady DVD
Those were awesome Victor. Thanks for sharing. Here is a movie. Just click on where it says movie under the beautiful white Z. I wonder if Alfa saw those videos. There is a mean looking white GTR in there.:devious: Thanks again Victor. The Fairlady is very cool too. I would like one someday along with a bunch of Z's. http://jp.z.com/HERITAGE/history_s30.html -Ben
Nor Cali Meet
I know, those cars were punked. The one pic of the rear views of the cars is good. Yours is the most visable. We will definately have another meet. Take care, Ben
Perfect Z
Yeah, it looks great. If it had amber turn signals and all grey wheels then it would be perfecto. I would not complain though. I would die to have one of these let alone see one. Take care Gav and that is great photoshop work. I would have thought it was red if you didn't say. -Ben p.s. I should be studying right now. hehehe. okay I am leaving.