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Everything posted by dutchzcarguy

  1. You have to put it in the translator but this is how we received it.. Amerikanen gefileerd na aanval op Zelensky: 'Beschamend, ongekend, ongehoord' | Buitenland | NU.nl
  2. I know KONI makes brand new shocks for the 280zx, I don't know if they also make them for the S30 series? But they do for the S130. Does anyone know? (I got a nos set they are numbers 1801 and 1802 i believe)
  3. How would you react when some day someone comes to your door and says simply: you got a nice house and garden.. NOW IT"S MINE! Would YOU GO ?? I think you would also kick his A$$.. Maybe one day someone will do that to trump with mar-a-lago ! I sure hope so! ✌️
  4. Hi Guy's, I'm shocked and at the same time i feel your pain.. Last year when i heard that Piece of CRIMINAL S#!T trump! (See what i did there no capital letters!) was to become president of america again.. i almost quit this forum.. That piece of ...... ( There are NO WORDS THAT DO RIGHT TO EXPLAIN WHAT PIECE OF SC*M THAT MAN IS!! ) IS IN THE POCKET OF THE OTHER PIECE OF SC*M PUTIN! I can't explain it otherwise.. He keeps on telling lie after LIE!!! Shouting at PRESIDENT ZELENSKY.. I WAS FURIOUS!! If he had done that to me i was gonna throw some shoes at him like in some country's is custom to do when disagreeing what somebody says.. Hell i would bury him in shoes! IMPEACHE That lying POS! LIE after LIE!!!! He must have been promissed a Giant amount of money of putin Or .. he's in love with him! IT'S NOTHING BUT ME ME ME WITH THAT GUY! HE DOES NOT GIVE A S#!T ABOUT YOU THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.. DON'T YOU GET THAT ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? yes i get it.. it's not the place here to adress this but i had to say something.. mein beileid (German) of (Dutch) mijn medeleven or in english.. my condolences....
  5. Yes, and you do this after you torqued that particular bolt.. not all at once on a sunny afternoon when you feel like painting them all at once haha.. But.. if you make a stripe, you can ALSO see what moved! 😉
  6. What use has this "paintjob" ?? If the bolt has moved a 1/4 round.. no one could see that.. this totally misses the point of doing some paint on a bolt or nut.
  7. Sorry if i sound a bit of a critic (a$$hole.. ) but i think you missed the resoning of the yellow paint on the bolts.. It needs to be just a little stripe of paint that indicates if a screw has come loose after some time.. not thowing a lot of paint on some screws..🙈 Just a stripe or a little blob.. It's function is that your sure you installed the bolt to specifications AND that you can see on a later inspection if anything has moved! I hope you can take my criticism.. lately more and more people 🙊 can't.. (I'm just here to learn some english and teach others some things in exchange. 😁)
  8. I don't think you can just copy them out of stainless.. as there is some spring (Hardened?) steel In those anti-squeal shims.. (That's why they can rust a little bit) The anti-squael would not work..
  9. Yes, it's bakelite.. sand some out of that hole in the ashtray, collect the material you sanded off and mix it with some polyester, use this to make the hole in the ashtray. Maybe you have something else made of black bakelite and use that to make the polyester black? Perhaps there is a kneadable substance that you can get black, or make with the bakelite. (I know of BISON has a kneadable 2 component material that gets very hard and is dark grey.
  10. Did you also take the corners off of the pads in a 45 degree way? that stops most squealing..
  11. Hahaha, perfect man you are.. in your own topic on page 37 I SAID: THIS : But your topic is now so damn big you don't know yourself what everybody said! I don't know .. but it sure makes ME Twitchy!! 😁 (Yeah i know it's only me that does not like pertronix under the hood! The only place for it is in the BIN!) Patcon and Mark Maras 2 But stop with this STUPID Behavior! It's very ANNOYING and it helps NO one!
  12. Pertronix.. my Favorite Brand... to throw in the bin! (New and old..) But ... just my opinion so carry on..
  13. Are you sure you sent that to the right person? 🤣 (just kidding!) About 8 years ago or so i forgot my username and typed martzedcars (as that is a name i use here in my country for mail) but it should have been the dutchzcarguy and now in one of my topic's about my 280zx is that name still visable.. what i mean to tell is.. it was years ago also possible to use another name. (Also i remember i read something about changing the username only once, so you have max 2 names.. that went out of the window when i saw "someone" here used a 3th name.. anyway.. things change over time i guess.. Or.. i think it has to do with the fact that he has moved to another country and has now another computer-adress. (IP-adress) and that makes it easy to change name(s).. )
  14. She must have a BIG rack then! 🤣
  15. When i see how the reactions are on S30.world parts you'll be happy i'm sure.
  16. Last weekend i got a warning from bring a trailer that there are fals emails .. i did nothing the last 5 years with bat so i threw it away.. maybe they have a lot of problems with fake mails and stuff..
  17. Changing your name on this topic/site isn't gonna help "Johnny" .. time after time people helped you and said the engine needs to come apart and then you ask questions in a different way but essentually the same questions.. the engine isn't gonna fix itself.. I don't want to gravel/irritate you.. but you need to listen to the advice! I'm not going to waste more time on this..
  18. Some people are technical, and some are totally not.. i'm very sorry but i think you belong to the last catagory.. you must be a good bookkeeper though.. Again i'm sorry but someone needs to tell you to look for another hobby.. you don't have any technical insights.. And YES, I'm Dutch! We tell it strait to you.. in your face, we don't beat around the bush! 😉 (We can answer only that much questions..) AGAIN, I'm SORRY!
  19. I think you scored the right paint.. the old bolt with orig. paint is old AND dirty.. so the new paint looks good for it's job.
  20. Hahaha, Nobody!! Thanks Steve!!!! 👏 Lately i'm to ill to think strait.. Hope one of these days i can convince my doctors that they are ******... and listen for once to my own solution....
  21. Yeah, nice work.. after a search it came up with.. my own topic and NOTHING ELSE ??? HUH???
  22. ... I own about 5-6 sets of fiches (For 240z) but over 10 years no viewer.. oeps.. so i don't know.. (I got hundreds of fiches of datsun automobiles.. so if anyone wants some.. they are from 1970-1988 or so..) i'll test windshieldwiper.. in the search section.. thanks!
  23. @Mike how is it possible that if i search On the website for "windscreen mechanism parts" or even windscreen or mechanism.. i get zero results? am i doing something wrong? (The search says: everywhere.. but nothing comes up.. also looked under Topic.. but nothing.. 🥲 )
  24. I don't need new blades, i need a new wipermechanism or at least the parts that wear out on such a system.. Maybe Z-services.eu has some?
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