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Everything posted by dutchzcarguy

  1. Yeah, a CD on the Hifi.. sounds much better than any thing like spotify can. If you ask me what's better vinyl or CD.. i go for the CD but it has to be a good recording as there are manny bad CD's. (I got a double CD from tina Turner, and it has a extra single CD in it, that sounds wonderfull) Pictures from a Zachry speaker restoration.. (Black laquer turned out like sh*t.. so need to redo them..) Bass speaker of this Zachry EM24 speaker Box completed.. they are on top of the ReVox speakers.. (Zachry EM24 much sought after 1970's speakers!) These are the best i ever seen/ heard.. they are from the late '80's when quality was made! hahaha... Studer ReVox Symbol MKII Loudspeakers.. (I bought then just as i stopped working at the importer of this brand.. they were the biggest at that time they sold of the brand.) On the left those are just something that i tested.. Magnat speaker..
  2. Patcon recently worked on some. I would first put them in a solvent or diesel or gasoline? something that gets in between the pin and tube.. could take a day or two.. If not free then use some heat on it..
  3. Nice item, In fact it's a dB(m) Meter with a few different scales, i'm only surprised there is no dB mentioned on it? Put it at 1 mtr exactly from your exhaust and you can measure the noise your exhaust makes.. i guess..
  4. Nice, but those tube amps are to expensive in servicing.. they need every xx hours new tubes.. so i went for ReVox many years ago and a few years ago i bought a Hegel H360 ! (First brand is Swiss made and the next one is from Norway) Unbelieveble sound.. (on the right speakers!) On topic, i never had very strange reactions on something i looked for or bought.. but.. Always after i buy something i get that item LOTS of times as adverts, it's SO ANNOYING!! Lately bought myself a expensive phone.. On msn news i got 5! adverts in one block about the one i just bought!! Like mustard after the meal as we say in the Netherlands........ (I think i saw that advert over a 100 times in the week after i bought one.)
  5. Like a Friend once said: Yes, if you want it to be done right, you'll have to do it yourself! About the shims i would buy some small ones (Thin) .. you can easely make 10 thicknesses with 4 different shims! (In fact 15..) (Last year i bought a diff and it's completely apart with new bearings and shim's so i watch and try to learn something here! Normally i don't take apart gearboxes or diffs..)
  6. Turn it over without the ignition on.. until you have oil on the cam. (You can also take some oil out the engine and put it all over the cam.. but that's more work) then.. what Grannyknot said. ๐Ÿ‘
  7. Seriously? It's just a extension.. i'm sure if you took a moment you'd know! ๐Ÿ‘
  8. If i'm not mistaken.. i got a new orig.set ... seen it somewhere in my basement .. ๐Ÿ™‚
  9. Like the chrome on a 1979 280zx bumper! 0,68mm? I had to polish that after a lot (!!) of hammering.. took some afternoons as it is very very hard, high chromium stainless.. But yours came out great!
  10. I guess it's a clearcoat with (experiment it) 10% gold paint in it? What i wanted to say is the inner "4 point star" of the rim isn't original black it's a sort of blue-ish dark grey.. As i'm also restoring 2 sets of these wheels i will follow this topic! I still have to find out the paintnumber of those wheels.. I do have some wheels with the blue-ish grey on them..
  11. ๐Ÿคฃ See #630 the one with the pic of the glass he wants! (SO.. i'm not the only one that doesn't read it all! ๐Ÿ˜‰
  12. I wonder if the Americans say Magnesum to magnesium.. hihi, like they say Aluminum to aluminium? It's in proper english on that sticker.. Btw.. years ago i had some magnesium wheels, they sat on a 240z and i gave them away with the warning that i don't trust old magnesium wheels as they can break much to easy when old..
  13. When i take a look at your pic from the screws.. i think they have some alu paint on the heads, You can imagine that if the screws thread was aluminum (aluminium ๐Ÿ˜), it would be distroyed by the first attempt to fasten it. About the glass, If you take out the foam of the stainless framework, does it become easy to lift/lower the glass? Maybe needs some sort of grease? i don't know.. (Also be aware that you have to adjust the ss. frame to the car door opening.)
  14. Really? I Can't believe that.. test if a magnet picks them up.. I thought they are stainless.. (Also not magnetic most of the times..) Alu screws would get destroyed by the first attempt to torc them.
  15. Yeah.. i guess you better coat them with ceramic It solves both problems , it is a bit expensive but you get as a bonus a beautiful header back! You mean that thing under the hood with the brakelight connector and 4 brakelines? That gives a signal when there is brake unbalance? If no one has one i think i can restore you one and send it to you. (Note that spareparts are expensive overhere.. as it is a small part the shipping should not be to awful.. Also at the moment i'm slower than a snail..)
  16. Happy newyear to you all! Hope to finish my already 1000km driven 280zx.. only the engineroom needed to be done as i left it in during the resto.. So painting the engineroom and put back in the as new looking engine with only 120000 km from new.. I almost sold my 240z after 25 years and i doubt that i will restore it again.. we'll see.. And maybe the 300zxtt has to go for a 370z.. OR.. i get myself a 370z and keep e'm all HAHAHA... ๐Ÿ™ˆ
  17. Yes it makes a big difference! Are they all JIS now? (I wonder why they don't have a dimple implying they are JIS screwhheads?) Hihi.. you had a screwed up screwhead inthere! ๐Ÿ˜ All is still perfect work.. go on! ๐Ÿ˜‰ @Mike Isn't there a better Emoji set for this forum? I see much better ones on let's say whatt's app? The ones on now are so damn small and not very clear.. (Just a question, Mike..)
  18. If not on the bill, they are the old ones.. i also thought of the fact that they are directional.. but i guess your machineshop knows this.. the springs have a top and a bottom.. (But when i hear that a timing sprocket came off (WOW!!! ๐Ÿคจ ) after a machineshop rebuilt.. i guess this machineshop is not the best??)
  19. btw.. use a sharp chisel (woodchisel) to open up the oilfilter (Near the connecting end) do not use a hacksaw, Hihi.. as they make lots of metalflakes.. first woodchisel, then scissors can be used.
  20. Any engine that's started cold makes these noises, that's normal as there is in the first 3-5 seconds no oil between the moving parts in the head. But i guess you know this.. Why are you using racing oil? Get a good 15 or 20W40 or 50 and test. Maybe a enginecleaner to the old oil, let it run warm and put some new oil in. Take a good look at the old oil.. no metal flakes or so? And open up the oilfilter and look for metal parts.. Maybe this engine wasn't very well put together when it had a rebuild i don't know.. Guess you now can find out what i always wanted to know.. does the oil flow from the inside to the outside in the oilfilter or visaversa? ๐Ÿ™‚
  21. Btw.. well done! Nice RACK !! ๐Ÿคฃ Have you tested that they are long enough when streering to one side max? They seem to have less length? My question.. what's a PSA, what does it stand for here..? A head's up? i guess? (You Ami's like abriviations! ๐Ÿ˜‰ )
  22. Hi, I'm not hearing a lot.. (I got near perfect hearing) Maybe you could put the microphone on different spots in the engineroom and take a bit longer video. Have you used the "screwdriver against your ear" method? You take a long screwdriver, put it somewhere on the engine and hold your ear against the handle top.. The things you can hear! It's amazing.. It's oilpressure related.. i agree, maybe test a 20w40 oil is your using 10w40? I looked up tempe and your living in a hot state.. I would use 15 or 20w40 or 20w50 oil.
  23. Hihi.. It has ALL to do with what you are used to.. I worked with studer revox studio equipment, audio machinery worth sometimes over a million Swiss Franks.. For example, and i said it before .. I was in the factory in Switserland, they make capstan axles* on 1/1000 of a mm! After they made them on some special lath they are stored for a year! Then they get measured on a special bench and if they are out of tolerance they get scrapped! That's SWISS engineering! I've seen there recorders for studios they where expensive, well over 1 million swiss Franks.. Also mixers that were over 4 meters wide.. (13 feet). Capstan axles = are those axles in a taperecorder or other tape machine like a cassetterecorder that give the speed to the tape.. (Also the pinchroller pushes the tape against this axle.)
  24. Let me just say: ....... I'm going a bit crazy...... I will NEVER understand what the americans have with those inches, 1/4 1/8 3/32 pfff... (sigh) Why not mm it's metric it's simple!! What do you mean with: it's only 1.260 thick ... to me that's A LOT more than 0.140 ???? and.. " means inches.. Right?? Oh man... am i glad i only had to learn about meters and mm cm Km Mm (I just invented the Mega Meter! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) Forgive me for getting so annoying!! (I think it's sad that the change to metric was so difficult to do, i believe the canadians did this better? They have Km not miles for example?) (Btw.. you guys also use a point were we use a comma.. and visa versa... does also complicate things so 1,230 are twelfhundred and thirty items.. (to you ) but overhere that's one and twentythree hundreds of a item.. 1.230 are twelfhundredand thirty items of something.) I always think of the guy in europe that ordered a boat in the USA.. he thought that he would get a big boat (in meters) but got one in feet! ๐Ÿ™ˆ
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