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Everything posted by dutchzcarguy

  1. You could try to clean it with some alcohol. Clean it with a cotton-swab with some alcohol.. but watch out not to leave some fibers of it in the clock mechanism. Do NOT oil it as that will attract dust and make it worse. (also when ready, make a closed compartment around the clock for keeping it clean.)
  2. I'm driving my 1971's (feb) 240z now for about 22 years and i can say i had never a problem with it when i ignore the new set of gaskets and oilseals i installed in 2007 because there were a lot of degrading seals.. Yesterday i wanted to go chopping and it was the first time that ... there was nothing after i tried to start?? NOTHING ?? nothing... wtf.. ๐Ÿคฌ Pulled the hood and a look at the multimeter (that is never far away in my case..) told me the battery was completely empty. (about 180mV!) I know what it did but now is the question do you? The battery is 3 years old and a good brand, this was not the problem.. the alternator? nope.. perfect condition.. Left the lights on? Nope.. cabin light.. nope.. radio.. nope.. no key was left in the ign. so that was also not the problem.. BUT what was?? (After i recharged the battery the troublemaker was obvius and the car started as it always had done.) I like to read your comments and eh.. Bart? shut it.. you know what was the problem because i told you already!
  3. I have tried to repair one but it was a later model with the plastic cogwheel in it.. pfff.. useless.. all the tooth's/cogs(?) break off...) Then i found 3 clocks on the local market website and decided to take the plunge.. it worked! interchanged the clocks and now it's waiting to get installed but i have no energy for it... Tested the other 2 clocks (they are a bit different square framed ones.. from the smaller datsuns and they both run like new! I have no idea if i can put those into a round unit , 240-260-280z clock housing.
  4. I think Cal.Datsun has installed the L26 crankshaft instead of the L24.. as the bore of a 2,4 is (exactly) the same as a 2,6 liter engine.. It's the stroke that makes the 2,4 a 2,6 L. (Later came the 2,8 and that one has a bigger bore.)
  5. Can't help you there as we didn't get the 280z.. but here's a brand new 280zx hood.. Hope it helps a little.. ๐Ÿ˜‰ This was a brand new original nissan hood.. decoration in my livingroom !! Found a inside but don't know if this is that same new hood... sรณรณรณ many pictures i don't know when this one was made.. (off of a pc screen i think..)
  6. Yeah.. i think you need to replace those 3 bushings.. 2 on the side and one on the lower end.. you see it when you take it apart.. you cรกn get the 2 for on the sides in brass but the nylon ones will hold another 30 years.. so.. When the gearbox jumps out of gear (most times 5th) you have to take a look at the springs that are in the main plate in the middle of the gearbox, there are some ballbearings and springs under some big nuts.(on main plate.)
  7. And... are you gonna tell him what he's doing wrong? I think he's throwing about 10 times the weight of steel at that car than necessary ... just for the floor allone. I haven't seen the whole video.. couldn't bare it... Maybe he also welds some Patrol axles under it so he'd get better through the forrest when using it to pick up some firewood..
  8. Because of the emissions.. a 280z (fuel injected.) is much cleaner than the 260z with carbs. The 280z was as far i know special made for the american market (?)
  9. As lots of americans don't realise, the 260z was made till 1979 when the 280zx came out.. so there are a lot more 260z and 260z 2+2's ... In america there was the 280z and the rest of the world got the 260z's.. I don't know for the rest of the world but we overhere in the Netherlands could not GET a 280z! (only grey imports.)
  10. Rebuilding? Is he planning to use it as a truck to get a load of garden soil? Yeah, he makes "TONNES" of progress.. When you see the floor at 5 min. into the vid. Damn.. this is going to be a SLOW car!! Who is going to wake him up... yeah i know i'm a bit harsh but this is a disaster.. All that steel in the floor and when i remember the discusions about those tin solderings at the roof... they are gonna suffer.. the roof is gonna break.. (as this floor is MUCH to strong..) It's nice to see he is so enthusiastic but he's repairing a truck, not a light footed sportscar! Who has the courage to tell him? When i replaced my floor i used nothing but (original?) 1mm steel and was amazed how strong it is after welding it in!
  11. Mecum does auction off 5! datsuns... ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Search | Mecum Auctions
  12. This afternoon i'm gonna kick myself... i could buy one for 60 grand about 20 years ago? and now estimate: is 1,8-2,2 million... pfff.. I think it's one of the most beautiful cars ever. well done Count Albrecht Graf von Goertz! (for the aluminum body) It has a V8 but as strong as a L24.. 150 horse.. But yeah.. it's a 1959 car..
  13. @Mike How is it possible that i couldn't see the message from kcpope yesterday now in front of my reaction i posted at 01:28 PM? I'm sure that it wasn't there yesterday just after noon.. Computers...pfff... ๐Ÿ™„ Oh.. and something else.. i have tested.. when i click some new topic on front page i sometimes could wait a minute, if i click then let the cursor go from hand to arrow and go back to hand on the topic i want (click and) it works within 2-3 seconds! WHY?? Someone mentioned this and i tested it and it works!
  14. Oh.. and take care .. there are little springs in there.. ( clean work bench with some white paper helps a lot.) Maybe also put a other closing lip on the front of the lock, they are often broken.. take them from any other lock..
  15. Take apart the locks that don't fit your key, put the 4-5 plates in it in the way they fit the best your key and then, with the key in place flatten these plates carefully with a angle sander.. (or other sanding tool) then assemble the loc again and your key will fit all your locs! Your welcome ๐Ÿ˜‰ ... Let me know if you have any trouble.. it IS a bit of a pain in the a*** to get the lock open but with a very small screwdriver you can carefully open the chrome or stainless edge open on the front of the lock it self! (Very important: flatten the plates WITH the key IN PLACE! If there is a chance that you sand into the openings in the plates use a plate out of a spare lock or other lock.) I've done this with success on more than one lock.. let us know how (well) it went!
  16. Personally i like the double tape emblems as the holes in the panels always are a rust risk.. My own resto 280zx has not a single emblem as i like to let the people guess what it is .. (in europe these cars are much less around.) But i do have the complete set for the car in a extra booklet! (that way they stay nice haha as the car is used through all year..)
  17. Thanks! yes... something like that.. the shade makes it a bit impossible to see it right.. picture gets a little blurred/muddled.. ( It looks like there is a plate missing and a little round plate is installed on one side? does not seem right....) About "the master link" i believe these chains have the ends riveted as they don't need to be opened to get them off. ( Thanks, zedhead, you said it.. although the computer took: kcpope said.... ( see top this reaction) pfff.. computers hey? They talk nonsens..)
  18. Anyway.. i would check about anything on that car when i saw those things like that fuelpump without the eccentric! So check if the engine turns without hitting some valves or leak oil/coolant. check if there is cooling and oil and when started keep a close look at the temperature.. Also watch for fuelleaks.. (as that fuelpump has never worked in that config.)
  19. A chain has 2 ends.. they meet at one point.. (in your case ON that picture AT 3 o'clock !! You know what 3 o'clock means? that's to the right of the middle bolt, seen from the front.) It looks like there is the closing lock.. It's to long ago for me that i looked at the timing of a L28 but there should be a chain lock in your chain were the ends are connected.. I see something odd in the chain at 3.. Just check the chain for irregularities. Also if you can bend the chain in the wrong way to much it's worn and needs to be replaced. If the chain is very loose replace it anyway. If your chain is like this one.. not bending (to much) in the wrong way, it's still good.. (On a Heuer Front bench vice.. one of the best there are.. ๐Ÿ˜‰ )
  20. When i looked at your chain.. does it mis the closing lock at 3 o'clock? (Looking from the front) Can't see it very clear but check it please!
  21. First .. LOL! I see it's also coverted to carbs (As mech.fuelpump and injection would not work together..) You can use any eccentric used in a 240 or 260z or even other mech. fuelpump 6 cyl.cars from nissan i think? They all have the same eccentric for the fuelpump. I assume it does not run..? didn't run? If it runs.. Maybe it has also a electric fuelpump as some 260Z's i heard have those.. (i still find it strange to have 2 fuelpumps.. in series that is!!) but they exist.. Check your fuelpressure in front of the carbs, they don't like a high ( some/most? elec.pump's.) pressure..
  22. I'm not such a gulo gulo.. (Sorry but that is what my translator makes of: the dutch word: snoepkont! someone that likes sweets a LOT! )
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