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Everything posted by dutchzcarguy

  1. Sorry, i Didn't read the whole story.. i thought your car is a wreck with a good roof.. 2 cents.. 45 cents.. wow that's a high inflation! ðŸĪŠ
  2. Hihi.. just what i said, cut half way the a and c pillars.. (Under the complex joint.. so the roof is saved.)
  3. @Captain Obvious I thank you too for the explanations of a MC! I never had a problem with them, did install them but never had to go into them deep.. It sounds completely clear that there is a small valve to shut this piston to make pressure. Also it sounded logical that the valve was open when it was rusted as the MC was all that time when it rusted solid in rest position.
  4. Details Details!! 👌 And put the other 99 for sale in a ad on the site! 😉
  5. They where not on this site for over a year.. (look at theire personal page.) They can't keep up with all the sites, busy at work!
  6. On the link, that left rim in pic1 has a dent on 3 o'clock and the right one is/seems unround at 7.. And also, find 2 others..
  7. Halfway the a and c pillars.. (i would) then the buyer can easely make the connections..)
  8. That's because you have no bumpers, Many years ago i bought every bumper i could lay my hands on as they were very scarse overhere.. now everybody drives around without bumpers! Still got a few sets.. (EDIT:of 240z, 260z bumpers with or without the towelbars!) You say: You drove for the first time to get the exhaust installed.. you mean you drove without an exhaust? ?? That would be impossible overhere as you would get stopped by the police in a hartbeat! What if they stopped you, you told them i'm just on my way to install a exhaust? Btw, nice black car, needs some chrome bumpers (especially a black car) and some side badges.
  9. Don't be so hard on yourself.. it's a common mistake.. (I remember i once sended someone his own carpart pictures when he asked for some pic's of parts of 240z's ! 🙈 ... sometimes you have them all mixed up and way to many pictures made..)
  10. Bart, what about some nice 260z alu wheels for your 240z? I think they look very nice on the 240z. As you want it original.. some steel wheels with orig. covers would be the best but second are those nice alu 260z wheels.. you know who will have a set.. 😉
  11. Hahaha.. yeah... about 3,8 for a american gallon and... 4,2 liters for a english gallon (about..) so out of my head... and it's different to make it easy!!! JUST USE THE METRIC !! 😉
  12. I never seen that! I think your filter is to thick. For as far i know there is only one thickness filter for the 240z, a 280zx has 2 very different filter thicknesses.. and they look a bit like 240z filters. your sure you have the right 240z filter, can someone give the thickness in mm? (Yeah i know stupid question, asking you if you got the right one.. )
  13. Then you have met Chris? He is all into s30's, he ones bought my brand new 240z rear lights in the original box. He's keen on anything that has to do with a s30.
  14. I think your right! btw, It's Dutch.. (from the Netherlands) 😉
  15. wow.. The last time that happened here was over 10 years ago and i got compensated the next week.. hundreds of euro for a 4 hour no power! (I wouldn't mind a powercut ones or twice a month that way! 😉 )
  16. Yup, if you don't like the proces of restoring your own car, it's much cheaper to buy one in restored condition.. As i'm a bit tired of it, if there is someone that can put my engine back in a already restored 280zx, i'm all ears! 😉 (To tired/sick and to much chores/odd jobs overhere.. Carlift and every sort of tools available!)
  17. That's why we have torc wrenches.. 😐 Btw, the 5-7 mm difference is not the problem, the place where they are spotwelded is different, look closely to where they are placed and spotwelded. (Those 5-7mm is just costst and weightsaving from nissan!)
  18. I hope those are originals, but watch out.. in or around 2000 there where an awful lot of those fore sale.. and these days they can make them fake-old.. Now guys, stop/don't start a long conversation about the authenticity, because we'll never know for sure. (Maybe someone had or found a stash.) BTW, have you heard, today this? On german radio i heard that there was someone that sold fake oldtimers just by making a copy and sell all over the world making 100's of millions !!! WOW !!! (I saw also a YT video about a fake mercedes 300sl one white and one red with same chassisnumbers!) If you have a piece of bulkhead with the chassisnumber you CAN make the car legal for as far i know..
  19. Ah yes.. the red car on the big white page in middle and upper half of this picture.. i recognize it.. it's the Dutch folder.. It's (i BET) in new condition.. as it is a new made copy! I've seen those overhere everywhere for sale.. someone ordered 1000 copy's and wend selling them for originals.. but still a nice thing to have but not from the 70's..
  20. I think Bart hasn't read it all, he thinks it's the one and same car! 😀
  21. Hahaha, I totally fell for it.. Hahaha, good one.. How long before The other one is ready? Work on it on a regular day or evening and you get there!
  22. WOW!! From "some assembly required" to a complete Car IN LESS THAN HALF A YEAR !! 👍 Was this your first resto? It looks very good and the orange is one of my favorite colors! What's next i would almost ask.. GOOD JOB !!
  23. Put a pic of the part you need.. saves postage as it is lighter 🙂 just a thought..
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