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Everything posted by dutchzcarguy

  1. Ofcourse.. if the axle of the distributor is old crap... you get that.. After 50 years of neglect the timing is all over the place. Maintenance is important.
  2. Wow.. you got a big spacer on there! Normal would be a 3th of the thickness i think.. Never seen these pullies but i think it's a 2 pullie with a single one screwed to it? that one on top (on front) you probably can take off.. Then you can still use the orig. bolt to put it back on the engine, you could check the depth of the hole in the crankshaft to check if there is enough space for the bolt-length. but i guess that there would be no problem. Make sure you tighten that bolt with a torque wrench (over 200Nm? no don't know howmuch bigfootsquareinch and feets that is haha) I assume that the whole set of pullies is balanced by balancing the 2 and 1 pullie separate so that would be okay!
  3. I'm driving now for 22 years on points with my 240z and last year i put in some new points after 25000+ km's.. Not because it ran bad.. just to be sure it's good.. The old ones were still nice.. if i hear all the trouble with pertronix i'll never buy that junk.. My 240z left me ones standing beside the road.. and that was because it had no fuel.. going up the hill !! ๐Ÿ˜‚
  4. Thanks Cliff ! I will read that one time i think... It's on time.. those little hats i still have to buy, as the last ones i had i used in my L28 last year.
  5. Many Thanks guys, if i ever gonna use that camshaft, i remember this topic. IT's a DRILLED one! (I had to unpack it and it has the little holes in the cam's! (i was curious..)) I do have a old L24 spare engine that came in the 80's out of a scrap 240z in the Netherlands and lays completly apart and looks as if it has done 50k Km's haha.. so i could build me a racer engine besides the orig. engine that is still in my '71 car.. Do i need the extra delivering oil pump for this.. because that one was also in that deal? (New in box)... many years ago..
  6. WOW !!!! AND it's called a SLalom !!! Thanks HS30-H ! (I could not find your first name..) Thanks again!! The most exciting thing is i got it complete with all the parts needed to install it, even the paperwork! Now i ask myself.. what was the price of such a camshaft in those days..? Mart
  7. @Carl Beck After years comming back to this item... It really says: E1031 so it IS a RARE part i think? I got this complete with the 12 special lash pads and paperwork! So... how rare is it really? How i got the part? I bought a lot of parts of a Jaguar garage that had a 240z in service many many years ago and now i have some nice rare parts .. It says sLalom on the box writen but that must be SALOM i guess.. I wonder why no one can tell me what it is.. exactly.. and can i use it in a L24 or L26 or L28 ??
  8. Last partnmbr of orig mirror was: 96301-E4600 Leftside.. Still available... oeff.. 96301-E4600 Genuine Nissan #96301E4600 Mirror-Re View (nissanpartsdeal.com) 203 dollars..๐Ÿ˜Ÿ
  9. Yep, 100% sure about that, my 1972 (euro) had it and those meters i do have now in my (US) 1971 car!
  10. I can ad here that there are 2 kinds of calipers type 1 is 1978 - 1980 and type 2 is around 1981 - 1983. first one has more square pads and the later one is more modern like a fat banana .. They also have different rear axle constructions.. they don't mix! Even the disc of the rear brake is different!
  11. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Hihi.. arse monkey... ๐Ÿ˜‚ Yeah, richard roll-ins and out ! Cars do that at his garage.. hihi.... Lately i saw he had a 300zxtt as new? in his shop... just to flip i guess.. i believe saw it on youtube.. yeah i remember, the vid about "selling everything"!
  12. As the 240/260/280z is a s30 and a 280zx is a s130 chassis, very little (bolts and other small things) are the same.. As Chas said: those bumpers are not interchangeable i think as the s130 is wider.. i think..? Also they will not fit into the indentations of the body..
  13. It works.. but you have a chance on a bended axle in your starter.. (as it has to "start" the whole car now..) I would use it when on a traintrack crossing.. and nothing worked.. to get off it hahaha...
  14. The more cars we scrap.. the higher the value is of the survivors! SO SCRAP THAT THING!
  15. I always use a soappump to empty those little reservoirs, you clean it up into the old soap bottle and when you cleaned out the reservoir with a clean rag (dispose the rag after that!) you then fill them with clean brakefluid. (now you don't have to pump all that stuf through your cylinder.. and your reservoir is also clean.) And when your ready emptying you screw that pump back in the bottle (ex soap bottle) and you don't get any brakefluid on your car or shop.. (what will damage your paint! ) Brake fluid.. you don't want that on your car or towels!
  16. Eh.. again.. in steel or? 600 dollar for a steel one is a very good price.. i think..
  17. In steel? I asked a company overhere and had some but in glassfiber and they were over 1500 euro.. pfff...
  18. You would need someone with all the service bulletin's that Datsun/Nissan had in that timeslot.. but they are... like Hen's teeth.. i think/fear.. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Maybe there is one somewere on line.. that would be nice! (I like to know if someone finds one!)
  19. Here i got a page from a serv.manual of Nissan It says on the back: Printed June 1986 !! so i guess one of the last ones! Also "PublicationNo: SM8E-0L28G0 I see they mention a HMB46W-1C and HMB46W-10 ! Sorry for bad picture but better than nothing ๐Ÿ˜‰ I also got a serv. man from 1975 but no explanations in there for the carbs.. as they are in the engine books..
  20. WAUW !!! Those guys were not painters.. they were sculpturers!! Over a inch of .. as you call it bog.. WAUW !!! I really would not know but if you clean up the surface really good you should see the welds if there are any. Maybe a small camera inside to check for them? (endoscope)
  21. Thanks Mark, so the gage or gauge is the metering instrument on the dash and also the thickness of say steel plate. I never know what one means with 10 gauge steel or wire or so... talk in mm!! (Millimeters!!) THAT i understand hahaha..
  22. I (luckely) don't have any experience with the HMB46W carbs.. As i never had a car with those monsters.. (Many years ago i knew someone local that had a 260z and kept on complaining about these carbs because they were impossible to set to a good idle of 650-700 rpm's they were all over the place. How do i keep e'm apart the good and the bad carb? we say: "Hou Je Graag" to the HJG46W, what means: i like keeping this! The other one is: "Hou Maar Bij (je)" HMB46W, what means You just keep that (junk) hahaha.. Long... lรณng time ago i bought 2 sets of HMB46W complete carb sets for a few bucks just to investigate them .... still not took the time to do that hahaha... (the seller told me one set is working fine the other needs some adjusting.. oh well... i think they need both (a lot) of adjusting now! Think i got about 3 other HJG sets so 5 in total left somewhere on my garage attic.. About the partnumbers of the needles, i don't have any partnumber books..
  23. As am learning some english... americano (?)... I took a look at guage but my translator is stupid and does not see the difference between the Gauge and the guage.. I think it's gauge not guage as it does not excist in english..?? (sorry for my nitpicking haha) So steve got it right... but i can see that gu-age is a good word for that meter on dash.. as you say: gรฉรฉh-jjdts.. sort of ๐Ÿ˜‰ so my question is.. does the word guage excist in the american language or is it just gauge?
  24. Just ask myself why you wanted to "upgrade"? As the wiring is NOT made for a higher amperage it's also a firehazard... To people that need more amps i would suggest to make all the lighting LED and save a lot of power for example for your boombox? ๐Ÿ™‚ ALso... The wires in a 240z are now 50 years old and already have a big task to transport the already to big amps in these cars.. so again.. it's a bad idea to even try to put more current through these old wires. (I'm astonished no one said this here before!.. ( for as far i read this topic hey...hihi...)) It's a accident waiting to happen..
  25. I wonder how many of us are looking up that number to see if it excists and what it really is? ๐Ÿ˜‚ What? No!! NOOHH! I'm not gonna do that! NOOWW!!
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