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Everything posted by dutchzcarguy

  1. And ofcourse this oil is no where to be found in Europe.. the Netherlands to be specific? Is it General Motors ac delco 75W90 or ?? i see 10-4016 75w90 is a pure synthetic and an other one which i forgot.. i went to amazon.nl (netherlands, typed in: ac delco 75w90 and..... i got a Bosch filter... yep.. thats amazon in the Netherlands....pffff... never have and prob. never buy from amazon overhere. duhhh..
  2. It's... to say the least.. a very different color, also it looks like it's has a very coarse grain that yellow paint and covered by a clearcoat. If you enlarge the photo (click on it) you can see how grainy it is.. It's not a metallic or is it?
  3. You mean 15,9 Volts ?? a bit much? is that from a good meter instrument or a 5 bucks toy? ? What you could do is put the voltmeter on the starter and let someone start the car, what does the meter say? my guess is 1,2 Volts... when starting (trying to) .. clean also all grounding leads.
  4. Clean the terminals inside also.. i had this ones, voltage on the pole 12,2V, on the terminals 0Volt! They looked very clean but there was a isolating layer of oxide between the poles and connectors! If i had'nt measured it with my meter i wound'nt have found it so fast! clean them (brush) and use some petroleum jelly (we (Dutchies) call it vaseline).
  5. I've got exactly the same in my 240z (with a worn out euro 5 speedbox the FS5C71B which i got out of a euro 240z) Or when coming from 4 or 5 th braking hard and going to second gear... it's very much a grinder..!!! My gearbox started that years ago and now going back to 3th from 4-5th is also starting to grind. It needs a new set of bearings AND synchro's. (after 49 years!!!) Btw, what do you mean with a " A type transmission" ? an FS4W71A? Maybe @Zed Head knows where we can get a revision set for these transmissions.
  6. I'm not sure.. but did you first install the glass with rubber, and then the trim? i had to install the rear window of a 280zx and i installed first the trim IN the rubber (which was on the glass) and then put the whole window with rubber and trim IN the rear door.. Installing the strips of stainless in the rubber is very difficult after fitting it in the car , much easier to install rubber on glass and fit the stainless in the rubber (with lots of lube) and then put it in the car. (The rear glass stainless of a 280zx is edged and impossible to fit after you fitted the glass(and rubber). I can imagine that the trim can be fitted in a 240z front screen but installing it before you put it in the car is much easier.
  7. I know duct tape and that would'nt be good enough.. Thanks.. but i don't think we have that gorilla tape over here in europe.
  8. I ask myself if that "gorilla tape is good for this.. does it it's work after years? i would not bett on it! Is it still closed that visor? now after 4 month's? @dmorales-bello
  9. The holes exist .. maybe because the japanese fairlady or the 432Z had a elec. pump.. i don't know..
  10. èhm... a 240z has NEVER had a electric fuel pump (for as far i know) so... stay with a good mechanical one. (NOT THAT AFTERMARKET JUNK! sorry but people buy a mech.pump from nowhere and for 16 dollar and expect it to be a good new pump.. that will work for another 45 years yeah right... makes me angry... sorry again.. you want junk you get junk.. a good new mech pump costs money.. i say around 150-280 dollar..)
  11. use 10 or more feet of it.. then you have plenty of length and see the fuel coming.. it does not matter how long it is as long the end is lower than the part in the tank. even more easy when your car is on the ramp (carlift)
  12. Yeah... OCCarpets.com Man... if you get the stuff just check what you get precisely and exact if it fits.. they gave me some carpets for a 2 seater IN a 4 seater kit..... grrr.. i discovered that after 2 years because my first painter took a lot of time.. and then did'nt finish the car.. Now painted it at a prof shop partly my self! JUST ALWAYS CHECK THE STUFF YOU GET THE MINUT IT GETS IN.. DOES IT FIT PERFECTLY..
  13. ALU lugnuts? NEVER... I once.. almost 30 year ago had a loose rear wheel Alu-wheel on a (my first!) 280zx, i used steel lugnuts the correct ones for the alu wheel (steel) but did'nt go over 90 Nm and they came loose.. nowdays i put 100-110 Nm on them and no problem.. i can't believe Nissan uses alu nuts for something so important! (I discovered the loose wheel in time and stopt and solved it besides the road. a friend once had a old merc and shouted: Hey! i've got those wheels to! knowing it was his own wheel that came by hahaha)
  14. I did'nt ? i mentioned BPR 6 ES .... not the (hotter) 5.. don't know where you live? May be the better plug for your enviroment..
  15. BTW should there not be NGK -BPR6ES plugs in that engine... you use a Iridium type? any good expirience and wich ones are those?
  16. Eh... guy's am i mistaken.. a gap of 0,32 inches is 8,1 mm! Just wanted to let know you must mean 0.032 of an inch... oh such fine stuff.... inches and miles... sorry ? (I'm metric..) (EDIT>> I did'nt read that last post.. there it's correct at 0,032")
  17. Not really something to ad, just check for all clean contacts in wiring and also check if the new part(s) are working.. new does not mean working good! (something i got people very angry with but again.. something you have changed in a new part, does NOT mean it's working now.. check check doublecheck ? ...
  18. I bet the answer is NO... ive seen some s30 (240z 260z and 280z chassis) and i believe the 240z on it's own has different dash mounting points...
  19. Or you could use bigger or smaller diameter tires.. ? to calibrate your speedo ?
  20. HAhaha.. reminds me of a neighbour.. (he could not hit a nail with a hammer ) He askt me to look at his fresh installed battery (By HIM!) in his caravan.... He had the isolating caps still ON the poles and had to open the clamps a whole lot to get them on... he askt me why it did'nt work... wow man... then it's terribly difficult to keep the face straight!
  21. First some old engine oil in the bowl ,(sits round the edge in pic) then some coolant on it, and finally some atf drops on it.. leave it a day or two and make the pic.
  22. Very nice 280zx.. almost as beautiful as mine.... just kidding.. it's all nice. just wanted to say this ad needs some bigger pics please like this for example.. Could you also put in a (detail) pic from the wheels? Thanks! ALSO 16000 DOLLARS FOR A 280ZX WITH THAT KIND OF LOW MILES ON THE CLOCK IS MAKING ME SICK.. I HAD TWICE AS MUCH TO INVEST IN MINE WITH 119000 KM IS: 73958 MILES This car is sold in a jiffy... No this one is not for sale... just an example pic.. (everything is buyable they say.. at 35000 euro's i start thinking of (maybe) selling it.. just that one knows where the "border"lays.. ? ) My beautiful euro version 2+2 (With my length i can't sit in those 2 seater seats.. my head is against the roof... seriously!!!!)
  23. Nice seats!! I got myself .. years ago.. some new seats from a German company called "König" I had seen these in datsun 240z cars ,(also in yellow/black) in ORIGINAL rally/race 240z cars!! König makes seats for anything, if it has wheels it can fit a König seat... almost hahaha.. ? Since i almost finished my 280zx this could be my next job.. update/refresh my 240z with these beautiful seats! (it needs a 3th restore after 50 years haha, last one done by me was 20-22 years ago)
  24. Yeah.. HALDA speedpilot tripmaster. i once had one and traded it... for a windscreen... long ago... stupid mistake huh?
  25. Last year i checkt my 300zxtt (as new with 86000km) aircon.. and it got very cold 4,9 C. (don't know Mr Fahrenheit.. ? ) It runs after 28 years still on the first filling R12! (thats because i use it every 4-6 weeks... i run it every 4-6 weeks. on the road or in storage (in my own heated and isolated garage) This is very important, the oil keeps the systems connections airtight. (there are still people who want to save the system by not using it and that gives a LOT of failures! ) For the time it works i don't need a replacement.. Overhere i hear nothing (for years now) about the ozone layer.. is it good now or gone with the wind?? Also you don't hear anything anymore about the "acid rain" that would destroy our forests.. i guess "they" have other things on theire minds thats more important (read: brings more money!.. )
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