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Everything posted by dutchzcarguy

  1. Most people switch wheels with summer or winter tires.. i just switch cars.. nothing nicer to drive a 300zxtt in the summer and a 240z in the snow!!! (with good maintenance no problem!)

  2. Btw.. that thingy is it from a rear 240/260z (handbrake) assembly? not sure.. (It sits on the handbrakecable?? near the rear brake )
  3. Are you telling that you had the engine apart and put it together with the OLD HEADGASKET ??? I never met anyone who did THAT!!! The gasket is for me.. a 1 time use only. Who of you did this also, i would like to know! (a used headgasket is useless to me! dented and no longer good sealing properties.)
  4. This last week… sitting at home... Corona.... After 6 years of working and waiting, this virus is now the thing to stop me from restoring this damn car… oh well... just have a little more patience... pffff… Almost ready for primer.. Only one person is working in the shop! (and a few in the office but most metalworkers and painters are at home.. For me as a (more or less) disabled person, nothing much has changed (due to corona) … meeting even less other people.. sitting in my chair behind my pc... wondering when i can start painting the damn thing.. oh welll….patience..
  5. ?? An Original euro bumper?? A euro bumper is exactly like the US. bumper.. it has no rozets on them just the rubbers and 2 rubber studs in the holes where in the US type sit the rozet's or bumperettes.. The bumpers without the holes (also for the rubbers to fit) where aftermarket ones, they never sat on a Original 240Z.. (EDIT: as explained to me, i learn still every day.. the JDM fairlady hád the non rubber holes bumperbar!!..) i do have a few sets Original bumpers, front and back...(240z as in europe and USA.) just a little rust in them not on them.. old chrome..old rubbers..
  6. That's most times what's killing it.. The capacitors (electrolitic) now fail.. after a long time of "no power"on them they disintegrate/dry up.. You have to check the whole system.. don't know if there is but i think there should be a wiring diagram of the system in the service manual..
  7. What's the problem with your display.. there are lots of automotive electrics repair people in the States i guess? Put some pic's of the electronics here, maybe we ( @Captain Obvious ) or me .. can help you ?
  8. Isn't that citrus yellow?? i've seen no green car? ?
  9. I can't take it any longer… i'll take a few days off.. away from this site..
  10. If it was near me.. it was gone for sure.. then i build me another 240z.
  11. Get the seals out and wash them in a normal wash detergent, they will get soft and flexible.. leave them in the detergent for a few days or even a week. Then you can use siliconespray or there is some special rubber spray for doorrubbers to keep them soft, also used for not sticking rubbers when it freezes.. good luck!
  12. This past week, lots of sanding was been done… my favorite hobby... NOT!! Giving me trouble with my shoulder.. eating pain pills for breakfast.. But somebody has to do it. Paint was already ordered and now we are discussing who is painter haha.. me or "them"? I sprayed over a 100 cans and used a prof. paintergun a few times.. I think.. if i can do the inside doors and hood in a perfect way i'm the painter of my own car!! (It can't be THAT hard...? the only thing you have to look after is putting paint everywhere and at the same thickness.. HAHAHA...) some pic's of the progress.. Doors.. Rear hatch.. Hood.. Difference in sanded and not sanded.. clearly to see.. Here a pic of the workshop.. all kinds of zx stuff. Front of the car is done and the roof also.. I think paint this month.. at least the colorcoat in the edges (post of the doors and hood etc.) and inner side.
  13. The only thing i can tell, if you don't overhaul the complete set of flattops... you WILL keep on adjusting the idle over and over until you really get sick of it! There is no good (cheap) way to let flattops do theire job right!!! The better advice is get yourself some roundtops! It's the easiest fix!
  14. Yep i do say it: your blind ? look at the under hood light and then at the fan.. the fan is clearly a off color white IVORY.... koekebakker.. ?
  15. Bart, The Original color of the fan is a off white .. a little yellow? color.. The Original airfilter on my early '71 is just as my 1972 (orig. dutch car but is gone..) a flap-less type.. Who says it needs a flap for the summer/winter setting? they came much later. (or is something else, another flap intended?)
  16. Not much done this last week.. Putting cables in place with new tape, cleaning stuff and waiting for the body guy to finish the car for paint.
  17. Richard, don't give a price for your parts.. let 'm start bidding… 25 dollar for a type 1 steeringwheel is A JOKE! that one is going overhere (in Europe) for over 400 euro!!
  18. For a good steeringwheel over here they ask 400 euro plus!! so is 25 bucks not a joke... AND THAT'S FOR A TYPE 2.. THIS IS A TYPE 1 !!
  19. Here a copy (from my thread about my 280zx restoration) of the "last word" about my opinion of a company like OC Carpets.com...……….. A last word for the supplier of the carpetting.. OC Carpets… Yes i had to check your work, i did check if al the parts were in the box, and they were there. I could 2,5 years ago... not see that the actually 2 front parts were the wrong (2 seater) carpet parts! (see pic's in my story 280zx slick roof, 4-5 inches to short.) THIS Is the fault of OC CARPETS, If i were them i sended an excuse and the right ones against the packing/shipping costs.. NO... they send me a mail with you can get 15% discount on the right carpets.. YOU made the mistake not me!!!! I would - As a firm - be very ASHAMED FOR SUCH BAD WORK!! AND SEND THE RIGHT CARPETS FOR THE SHIPPING COSTS! But no it's as Bart sayd, we want money!! that's what we want!! Customer go f... yourself… Do you think i'm going to do another order there? of course NOT!! EVER!
  20. Almost 2,5 year ago i bought a set of complete carpetting for my restauration 280zx 1979.. After a lot of waiting for my first painter to paint my car.. i had to pick my car up and do it all myself.. now i test fitted the carpet but they are the wrong ones!!!.. i can imagine that i'm a bit late with the reaction to say that they delivered the wrong ones. But the only reaction they gave me is that i can get a 15 % discount on the right set of front (l&r) parts! They should be ashamed! Is this customer service?? yes i know i was a bit late but they sended me the totally wrong front parts! Never again OC Carpets.com for me!
  21. A last word for the supplier of the carpetting.. OC Carpets… Yes i had to check your work, i did check if al the parts were in the box, and they were there. I could 2,5 years ago... not see that the actually 2 front parts were the wrong (2 seater) carpet parts! THIS Is the fault of OC CARPETS, If i were them i sended an excuse and the right ones against the packing/shipping costs.. NO... they send me a mail with you can get 15% discount on the right carpets.. YOU made the mistake not me!!!! I would - As a firm - be very ASHAMED FOR SUCH BAD WORK!! AND SEND THE RIGHT CARPETS FOR THE SHIPPING COSTS! But no it's as Bart sayd, we want money!! that's what we want!! Customer go f... yourself… Do you think i'm going to do another order there? of course NOT!! EVER!
  22. It's Gone with the wind! ? As the bodyshop guy only works 2 days a week i started with the carpets and stuff like the dash.. It's all in now, and the radio and separate Original cassette player is working again (after a service, some cleaning and grease..) The much lighter blue ashtray springs out but this is the Original dash.. It is Original Clarion radio and next to it a Original Hitachi cass.player! Very funny and really 1979 stuff. The radio has it's own mono! speaker in the middle upon the dashboard. The cass player has it's own amp and 2 (stereo) speakers besides the rear seats! View of the new carpetting.. Behind those pedals.. rear seat.. Picture of the speedo, did you know that the first delivered 280zx's had a 210 km speedo? the car could go faster than that! and the later 280's became a 250km/h speedo! Good clean Panelling stuff on the next pic's.. Some parts of the front window chrome.. (actually it's Stainless steel with a high amount of chrome in it.. it's the best stuff one can have, it never rusts!) It is still unpolished, i thaught i wait with that till it's on the car again, there are people here they wished they had done that too! (you can get very curly parts when polishing such thin parts ? ) Some really nice tower covers for in the rear! In a few weeks i hope to paint my own car! then i can install the rest of the inner parts (in door and window openings.) I took also a last look into my dash clock.. and saw that it needs a new gear.. It has 60 teeth (That are in very bad state.) and 15 on the smaller one.. Don't think i can ever get me one somewere.. if you know where i can get one let me know! thanks! Here a pic. It's a 18 mm diameter and 1 and 2 mm in tottal 3mm thick wheel.
  23. After cleaning the battery poles put some special grease for that on them.. Solenoid can be a bad contact, clean it.. after you have taken it apart you'll see if you have to get a new one and what kind. succes!
  24. I've got a kent-moore j25400 analyzer, does anyone know how a j25400-36 extension looks like or has one? i've got 2! j25400-13 extensions.. one i can sell or trade for a j25400-36 (that i could use for my 1979 280zx s130) (Maybe i can convert a j25400-13 into a j25400-36?) It's not neccessary but nice to have such equipment.
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