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Everything posted by dutchzcarguy

  1. Hihi.. the funny thing is.. you see that on the pic (start of vid) ? On the front tire? That RIM is on the right spot there.. but the tire is wrong on it.. now the rear wheel is wrong on it .. the rim is a lefty on the R side... In the first picture, the rear rim's are sitting on the right spot! and the fronts are wrong Hihihi… am i the only one that see's that? (look at design..) The problem is Always that tireguys take one wheel, go to the machine, put on a new tire and go to the next wheel and exchange it. I ones heard from a guy that had mixed up this on a twin turbo.. the wider rear wheels were on the right and the smaller ones on the left!
  2. Nice car! It must have had 4 new tires between the making of pic 1 and pic 2! (start of vid1) How i know?? look at the wheels!! as Always those tireguys where sleeping again!! L stands for LEFT and R is for… now you know…. aaarrgghhh….
  3. Still waiting for the painter to paint my 280zx... Last month he had an accident … broken pols/hand and some ribs… After many other jobs that were more important (to him!) i told him i've waited long enough… next year the 280zx 1979, becomes 40 ! years old and has to get finished ! So i told him it needs to finish before april! I hope he get's it or otherwise i WILL get it home and finish it myself (have done painting early myself..) In the meantime i found a rear bumper that i can use, sandblasted the inner beam and busy with the chrome (stainless) part. Bought myself an English wheel! to get the small dents out. Only thing i'm looking for is now the analog clock (or set of 3 meters) and the gearstick knob.. that is.. the top plate of the knob with the double H with gears1 to 5 and R.... The old one was a bit vague.. (this knob is very light bleu fake leather with aluminum plate on top with black letters and double H pattern.)
  4. I'm just cleaning a set for sale.. condition as new... can make some pic's .. not for cheap..
  5. Maybe you will buy your wife some day a automatic hoover.. i think that will be a much better gift!
  6. Old series.. Forgot the name.. look what's in front parked..
  7. If it's in good condition.. i'm oké with that! You live in ...Eugene? that is somewhere in de US of A ?? My.. living in the Netherlands.. far far away… ? (Think i better can ask Alan from france to send me a new one.. because of the shipping costs.) But Thanks anyway!!
  8. Hey.. Pochie.. Do you have trouble with remembering whats Left or right? (socks..) FUNNY !!! ? btw NICE HEADER... CAN I HAVE 10 OF THOSE FOR 500$ PFFFF... ?
  9. I would NEVER MAKE THAT STATEMENT.. is it sandcolored chroom then what i see on the ends of those bumpers on pic 2 and 3 ? ?
  10. I'm restoring a Original EU (Netherlands) Datsun 280zx 1979 2+2 and they have olive green brake lines. The lines at my car were very good preserved for 38 years! It's a bit darker than the lines i see in your pic's.. If it is paint or "baked on" i don't know.. for paint it looks to thin of a layer..
  11. Lining out the car cán make a big difference in steering effort.. If there's to much tow in or out it is much more difficult to steer! try that! (ive had that with my '71 240z. after lining out the car it became MUCH lighter to steer.)
  12. hahaha.. LMAO Reminds me the time an celebrating HONDA dealer had the new Prelude for sale, it was the one with everything on it, the most powerfull type.. the director/salesman hassitated to let someone drive it.. he came to me (this was in the '90's ) and he said: you drive a sportscar, i need someone to drive that car, you don't have to be buying.. just that people see this car on the road.. now, i did and just before a roundaboud there was a road to the right.. i took that one very fast and he ( the salesman)... sitting in the pass.seat.. was breaking very hard.. Hahaha he thought i was going for the roundabout, then my speed would indeed be a bit high! we laughed it off later.. And on topic... zedhead, you can also see the way the windscreenwiper is placed that this is a LHD car.. still laughing about those passenger brakes haha.. he was stamping at nothing..
  13. I've never seen a datsun with a SU-carburator... they use Hitachi's HJG AND HMB TYPES..! ? (sorry zedhead, i don't know where you got that info..)
  14. To me it looks like the 3 (L26) and the 5 (chassis) lookes non Original? Maybe need a better pic or eh... glasses ? Hahaha...
  15. serial number: 01356? or is there a 3 behind that? if not.. one of the early 260z's ? (it looks like there is also a faint 3 behind the enginenumber?) I've got an engine for that car.. but no free spot in my garage … at the moment... pm me a price.. (incl. sending it to the port of Rotterdam Netherlands)
  16. Sorry, but if you have not done this before.. first buy yourself (or download) the service manual for that particular engine.. without a serv. manual you can NOT put something like an engine together in the right way..
  17. These are the correct parts? they are different on l and r.. these come from jdm-car-parts.com and are 19 dollar a steal! (in euro prices! it's a steal..)
  18. Oh well.. i've got new (seal) and used parts (shaft (parts)) for that…
  19. Listen at 8:25 min. drive a Z !
  20. No one mentions a bad bearing in the end of the gearbox? What happens after the "repair" .. putting in a new oilseal at the end of the trans.. this seal will wear very fast and you'll end up with the same problem.. check if there is any play in your driveshaft that is coming out of the gearbox.. just a mm is enough to break your new seal that the seller now is putting in.. You got a bad leak there and i'm not surprised if you have/had to put half a litre of oil into your gearbox to fill it up. Keeping it topped of is very important.. (after you got the car back from repair check the play by shaking the driveshaft just behind the gearbox.. there shoud be NO play. do this also after a good run-in of the seal, say 100 miles..160 kms..? i bet it will leak again by that time if the bearing is bad..)
  21. Just wanted to remind… in the States there was the Hitachi the Original radio.. in (Most of ) europe there was the CLARION the Original radio in the 240Z ! It had only AM.. 5 pushbuttons.. and a scale with DATSUN and CLARION on it. sold one last year for 300 euro... (to me it's crazy..) He offered it.. and i could'nt resist.. Here in the Netherlands there is almost no station on AM anymore.. to test the radio i had to use a transmitter that covers the entire range. After 40 years it still workt fine. only a new bulb was needed for the scale.
  22. As the disks are the same.. put the left on the right and viseversa.. if you really don't know anymore what to do.. The problem changes.. it's the disk.. Also i want to ad.. the smallest bit of grease on (one of) them can create that problem.
  23. N3300 says.. it's for a 260z? (does it fit a 240z anyway?)
  24. I wonder.. is it possible that you miss these parts? (I've got these for sale..) They are used on some USA 240z cars? this is not a european car part for as far i know.. I've seen them on ebay (feebay) for 100 euro and in bad condition.. these are almost like new, or as they say: in super beautiful and perfect condition...pfff... ( the rubber is after all this time (in storage for more than 25 years..) still soft and in good condition.) (At first i thought it were wrong ordered new parts, but you can see were a nut or bolt has been sitting so they are used i guess but in great condition.) Are these used only on '73 US. cars? Are these those "inserts?
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