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Everything posted by dutchzcarguy

  1. I also used that E4610 if i remember correctly.. (in 2007... it's still in there today.. doing what it's supposed to do haha..) My car was running with just the one problem that all seals were bad.. so i bought a complete set for the L24 from Nissan.
  2. 4194.5 KHz... or 4.1945 Mhz i think.. is the frequency of that cristal... I've got me a old 240z clock with new 1,5 volt clock inside an old housing.. looks old but has new mechanics/electrics inside.. I'm still looking for a 1979 280zx WORKING clock...
  3. Hihihi.. Jeff, if i did that, my bed has to be 50 feet high haha... But yeah, it's great if you have a problem with the ... or one of .. your cars to just pull the right part of a chelf.. (My cars are daily drivers..)
  4. When my 240z was 37.. i only used a nissan gasket.. no sealers.. Personally i would not recomend any sealer there.. it gets very hot.. an extra resurfaced in/outlet side is recommended. But as zedhead says, a good gasket is important.. there are more threads with this question.. what's the best gasket? Mart
  5. My 240z, HLS30-26074 from 2 '71, has also bolts Original in the top row.. Thread seems to be Metric on both sides.. Latch them into each other, if the threads fit perfect, they are on both sides Metric! (M8x1,25 ?)
  6. More cars have 2 turn sign. flashers, it has to do with the wattage.. the power of, and the number of bulbs.. 1 flasher is for directions, mostly 3 bulbs.. for hazard it's 6 bulbs, this flasher unit has to handle twice the power..
  7. Herzlich wilkommen Uli ! Haha.. jeah .... can speak the language and a bit of writing it also.. I live in the south of the Netherlands (2-3 km from the german border..) and drive a early 1971 240z now for the 18th ! year!! Also a RED one! ;-) Mart
  8. LMAO.. Haha.. it. can't... And Jeff, replace all seals.. otherwise you will be down there again in no time.. also it would be nice to see some pic's
  9. Hihihi... yes... No local parts store.. in Prague.. If you have a car with a lot "not very well made Mods.." Why add another one? Get a good Original part ( i think i've got some of those.. PM me if you need want one of those.)
  10. While loading the batt, you could be seeing the fuses spark when you pull them! the drain amperage must be in the 10-'s to 25 amps to drain a big battery like from your pickup truck! (80 -100 Ah?)
  11. Load battery , then pull all fuses.. put an amp meter there in place of a fuse... where the meter measures a big current.. there is a problem.. small current is your dashclock or so..
  12. I can tell it's a R180... And think the GL5 is fine.. Put some new seals (3 ) in there.. also a clean-up and a new seal between the cover on the back can't hurt..
  13. Zed Head... The pump fans.. Always suck water in the middle and throw it out at the ends.. so it has to be: Middle is intake and the output of the pump is on the left (in pic.) The arrows in the drawing are indeed a bit confusing.
  14. FWIW... here a new Harada antenna i'll be using for my 280zx.. i've got one extra for sale.. new.. with 3 pos. toggle switch.
  15. No.. the bumps lock into the holes... as Always...
  16. " The original machine had a base plate of prefabulated aluminite, surmounted by a malleable logarithmic casing in such a way that the two main spurving bearings were in a direct line with the pentametric fan. The latter consisted simply of six hydrocoptic marzlevanes, so fitted to the ambifacient lunar waneshaft that side fumbling was effectively prevented. The main winding was of the normal lotus-o-delta type placed in panendermic semi-bovoid slots in the stator, every seventh conductor being connected by a nonreversible tremie pipe to the differential girdlespring on the "up" end of the grammeters. " There's a nice piece of english....Pfffff....... still don't have the foggiëst idea what a encabulator is!
  17. Glad your oké.. physically... It will be a little longer before it's out of your system.. but you will drive later on with no worry's... I once (2 years ago..) went round a blind corner on my motorbike, and there was a polish trucker on the wrong side of the road! I could just barely dodge the truck by driving into the grass... Then we learn not to drive relatively fast through corners that we cannot overlook !!! Still driving a big 2 wheeler....
  18. Nice car, here in europe it could be a 25000 euro car.... but the way he put that car on a lift... if it was my car a would kick the technicians A$$ !! If you buy a car like that and its owner does not want to lift the car on the apropriat 4 jack-up points.. watch out.. Never lift a car like in these pic's . you will make dents.. as you can see.. the floors are dented inward..
  19. I've got a few... but not under 400 euro's... And if you need a very shiny one a new chroom .... (copper..nickel..chroom layer) WILL be necessary! these bumpers are from 240/260z euro style! I symply Always say.. they are 500 euro and don't need to be sold. Why should a Ferrari bumper be 3000 euro and a datsun bumper 200 euro? there is a same amount of work in these parts. (Yeah.. i here you say, there are a lot more Datsuns then ferrari's.. oke.. find one in good condition.)
  20. Do you have a picture of the lock on that wanted door? i've got a early 260z 2 seater door.. (red and in good condition..) also a new outer doorpanel Original nissan.. (NLA) both for sale. If you have got the lock like in pic3.. then i don't have one.. unless you could weld in the part (off of your old door) of the lock in the red one. For these and other parts.. ask me at: martzedcars@outlook.com dealing in z carparts for 25 years ;-)
  21. I have never seen a metal 240Z emblem, except of course the c-pillar emblems are sort of metal.. (zamac it's called over here, stands for zinc,aluminum and magnesium or something.. i'm not sure.. it's a combination / alloy ,of the most impossible metals, it has to go wrong.. and if old it does! It rust from the inside out! there are bubbles of air in the metal that after many years start to look for an exit.. haha...) I've got a feb. 1971 240z and it has plastic Datsun and 240z emblems. once i had a 1972 euro style 240z and that one also had plastic datsun and 240z emblems.
  22. someting went wrong..haha.. don't ask me how i did that!...
  23. Does anyone know what no: 83 is? is it needed when installing fendermirrors or is it just a rubber to support the fender? (Thought i ask you guys, not inventing the wheel twice..)
  24. UPDATE... i just bought 2 fendermirrors 96301-E4100 and 96302-E4100 and a doormirror also Original nissan 96301-E4600 All three new in a Original box.. i just can't get any better...
  25. Yeah, a lot of money, luckily i don't have to pay any fees because they are here in this country.. :-) They are so nice it's a sin to use them haha...
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