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Everything posted by dutchzcarguy

  1. Hello Hazmatt, If some "pro" would have put my newly restored Z in that way on a lift i would be furious.... This is the wrong way.. don't you think to? Last month a mechanic almost did this with my 300zx Twinturbo, i was just in time to "Kick his ****" never do that with one of my cars you'll dent the 1millimeter thin sheetmetal!!! A 300zx is so much heavy-er .. it will damage the construction for sure. I've seen many 280zx's.. with big nasty dents in them..
  2. Can someone put some pictures here from the different steel wheels original for the 240z early and later? I've never seen them.. (not a really good look) I understand there were small and a bit wider ones..
  3. The lower one looks like my FS5C71B, this is a early 5 speed euro version .. mine came out of an '73 original dutch (euro) 240z.
  4. Lobes UP... but really... let the rest of the work to a technician who knows what to do..
  5. Last year my car (1971 240z) drove 210km/hr thats 130 mph! in Germany on the "autobahn" . It's completely stock, but to small tires on so the real speed will be round 120 mph. (An audi driver wondered how long i could keep up! Bart (bart scooterservice (also on this forum) was in the passenger seat) We got over here in europe the standard 5 speed gearbox ! makes a difference! (FS5C71B) and different Diff..
  6. Please... disconnect your battery (neg. first!!) when you get busy with repairs.. What would happen when you reconnect your timing, install the sparkplugs and turn the engine with a spanner.. maybe put some headbolts loosly in there for safety? just a thought.... put some oil in cil . 1 and 6. and your head will come off... hihihi.... (I've never done that, maybe someone can say if this a good way? can those pistons and stuff hold that kind of abuse?) It looks like there is no headgasket.. very flat one..
  7. Jsm.. If i click it, it says: no longer available/removed..
  8. Corporate Office 440 East Arrow Highway San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone: (909) 599-5955 Fax: (909) 599-6424 Californian "high tech.."
  9. Me neither. much to much for my daily (winter) driver.. i have saved them for future use or good sale when i'm a pensioner
  10. Sad ending for Cameron in his rac up Mt Washington... https://www.autogids.be/autonieuws/video/triest-lot-voor-een-datsun-240z.html
  11. I've got 4 (different?) front bumpers in straight condition but need re chrome. ( possible one or 2 have very little dent..) (Also the 4 rear's are present.. ) i know that 1 set is from '74 euro version 260z.. offers will be considered. (chrome is not rusty just faded, good for daily drivers.) As you are in de U.S. i don't think you want one ...
  12. For comparison purposes only here some Nos original NISSAN/Datsun rear lights.. for these i've seen prices ... 2850 dollar... These are brand new bought by me in the '90's..
  13. I've got a new set..but under a 1000 euro not selling.. new old stock.. over here (Netherlands) these are rarer then hens teeth.. And the same for the other parts on the pictures.
  14. i was talking about the front windscreen.. the side glass (door) probably will fit .. not 100% sure.. take em anyway and when they don't fit there is always someone here who will trade for the older ones if youre a bit lucky.
  15. Yes..... but watch the corners, they delaminate easy.. air between the layers look not good.. success !!
  16. Hi, First, your gauge lights are normally going with your headlights.. The fan is a later modification? if so.. it feeds from the radio fuse/wiring?? not good put that on a new fuse direct to the fan. 10A should be enough. The radio wire you have to find out yourself.. should not be to difficult.. starting from the radio's red wire.. at it's back...
  17. I'm restoring a 280zx, maybe máybe... you can see something on the pictures that i took from this 280zx 1979 engine.. before restore.. last 2 pics are from a new engine 280zx with egr
  18. broken or soft springs in your main plate of the gearbox? In the main plate are bolts, if you get them out there are springs with steelballs behind them, when those springs are to soft the box gets out of gear.. i ones used a sidecutting pliers to widen the spring and that worked! Just make it a bit longer. Catch the parts when unscrewing those bolts! Main plate... i mean the thick steel part in the middle of the gearbox.. sorry for bad english..
  19. Hahaha... It where the '80's....90's... Btw. my 240z has a v-reg outside the gen. standard...still working pretty good! Hella made some V.reg. for Datsuns.. google!.
  20. Back in the day when i repaired lots of electronics.. If "solid state" stood on the radio or whatever... i put it in the round archive as quickly as possible HAHA... (round archive is what you would call the trash can.. )
  21. check connections and ground in your distributor..
  22. Do i see a total worn lobe.. left on last picture.. on that camshaft..??
  23. The dark spots on those pistons are original lube and a bit of storage dirt after more than 25 years!! Also have a brand new slalom camshaft.. in orig.box, (What's left of it..) it has .475"lift and 275* Duration. On the end it say's : "Datsun" The lobes had a sort of beige cover on them but after i lubed the shaft for storage it became shiny steel... odd.. Number on the box say's: 99996-E1031. Offers are welcome but.. If Mike (from Wheeler dealers) pay's $600 for a referb.. you may guess the price of this original Datsun Racer part...
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