Thanks CO! I bet then that the hydrolic oil in my car lift is also NON-detergent oil! In 1995 when i bought my lift, it worked a year or 2 and then i restored it by putting in a brand new pump and new oil and seals.. I know the oil is the right stuff as the firm that delivered me the new pump also delivered the oil.
As you like stories!
I phoned that firm when i needed the new pump.. the old one was 10 years old and used a lot.. When i asked the guy on the phone and he repeated the number of the pump someone on the background sayd: YES! we do have a pump like that! It's been laying around here for Ages!!
Then as he was also hanging around in theire warehouse looking for the pump to be sure, he came back on the phone and told me, YES we have a pump for you! I told him: Yes.. and it's laying around there for AGES! Hahaha, he laughed, did you hear that!! YES i did and i'm in need of a discount haha.. i believe it was about 75dollars that pump.. (150 guilders then)
It's still working till this day! (It's a spanish brand 3 or 3,5 ton lift. ISTOBAL )