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Everything posted by dutchzcarguy

  1. I wondered why the "cut outs"on that battery frame are where they are as it looks like they did it for the poles not to come to close to the frame? Then it looks like it's made for a 6V battery instead of the 12V battery! As the 12V has the poles both on the same side of the battery.. (a 6V batery has them, as there are only 3 cells in a 6V. opposite, one front one in the back!) Are they all the same i think they should have the cut outs both in the front (or rear depending on how you install them.) Am i the only one that sees this?
  2. Hihi.. sorry.. but i would have used a standard Nissan bulb.. The original bulb lasted 45+ years in my car! (Get a original one!!!) New things like those LED-Lamps are not always a improvement! (As are LOTS of modern things these days, it's made to brake down!)
  3. BTW,, never seen/had a AB Valve.. they are typical a USA delivered 240z part.. It's not on my euro engined 240z.
  4. But you CAN make them invisable, there is a button somwhere to make them invisable.
  5. I know that you can take the overspray glue out of carpets and stuff with a light oil like sawingmachine oil, take a rag with some oil and you can rub it out.. no.. not rub one out, i said rub IT out! 🙊 BTW, nice job! Looks very good. Are those towercovers 2 pieces? So one piece is front wheelwell and the other the rest like the tower and the smaller rear wheelwell? (I believe i have the tower and rear wheelwell parts in my parts cellar.. i sure hope never to do that job though!)
  6. @kats Maybe in the Japanese version but not in a euro version.. The hole has to be bigger when you install a gearbox in place of the auto gearbox. As Edd said in the video Nissan has made a indentation or line in the tunnel where to cut.
  7. I know that "wheeler dealers" made theire 240z (also a yellow one!) a manual car instead of the automatic! I remember that Edd specificly said that nissan had made an intentation in the tunnel where to cut for the manual gearbox! I made it easy for Yah!! 😉
  8. Hihi.. Few years ago i bought a Kranzle! It was a "last years" model and 15% reduced price, they are a (old) German family business if i'm not mistaken.. it works very good! They are small but heavy pumps! Are you sure about that Rpm's? as it is also the VA (115V x 15A = 1725VA)
  9. 175 on a 5 inch wheel fits perfect. btw i drive vredestein and at first i was not a fan of vredestein but they make good tires.. (i could get a set for little money new and they drive very well) Pirelli... pff.. i would never fit a Pirelli to any of my cars, Italian hey.. it looks cool but drives like sh*t in a few years as they harden fast.. I drove Bridgestones of 15+ years old and they also got hard and slippery but after 15 years.. As i'm driving about 2000 km a year i don't wear 'em out.. they need to be replaced because the rubber gets hard .. It is FUN though.. making powerslides all the time Haha.. but it's not very safe.. 🙂
  10. Bart, you got like mine a early '71 .. i would call it a series 1,5 hahaha.. vertical heating on rear glass and vented quarter instead of vented tailgate.. I'm very happy to have the vented quarter. much less problems with maintenance and good ventilation without the back incoming exhaustgasses. My car is a feb. 1971 240z original it was grey/silver with black interior. it's now red for over 30 years.. To make the mix even worse haha i put in a 5 speed gearbox with 3,9 diff. (From my orig.dutch imported car) It drives very good, Bart can confirm, only at 210km/h it gets a bit shaky!! 🙂 Last month i bought myself a diff arrestor as my car HAS NONE!! (i think it went out the door when some "mechanics" installed a 2mm thick floor in my car.. Later on i got rid of that 25kg (55 pounds!) floor! and installed a better 1mm floor and some damping material) Now i need to install the diffarrestor...
  11. I would think they where already ones chromed and it didn't affect the springs.. for as far i know the chrome procedure isn't making it very hot or so.. but ask the chrome-guy/firm of your choice! He should know.. First undo the laquer, then get them unchromed, then sand polish as necessary and rechrome and finally repaint them, but i bet you knew that already! 😉
  12. Haha.. yeah, i think i got 2 or so in my stash... (And one of them belongs to a complete 240z engine with everything on it.)
  13. If one has some spare fans.. i hear that you can't store them lying horizontal? The oil gets in places where it can't get out and the clutch gets damaged.. any of you have any experience with that? (I had one and stash them away vertical!)
  14. Problem is i've got those.. i'm missing a clean empty shell, every thing else i have spares haha! So if i could buy a shell i could start a build.. But i'm dreaming again, as my 280zx is still on the lift.. waiting for me to put the engine in... pfff..
  15. Yes, i've seen that video, i wonder if i can get myself a empty shell, just the body as it's made by them i guess? It it completely made of carbon? Wonder if my 1971 feb. car parts will fit in it.. Guess you have to buy also the doors and rear hatch, hood/bonnet? I wood like to know what the costs would be.. 10 grand wouldn't be enough i guess.. A lot of guessing hey? 😉 EDIT... Took a look at the video again and i think this is not a carbon body car? They just use a lot of carbon in the car but the shell is steel? As are the doors and ...
  16. Could be a new U-joint that's not very good? Maybe take them off and check them. The wear material on the brake shoe may be loose, I had that happen to me once.
  17. Why Not? Can it make it worse in time? make bad spots or? What is the reason you don't like it? (It needs to be done on a very very clean car then it should be no problem i thought..)
  18. Yup.. that's why you need pics from every angle..
  19. Like i did.. DON'T forget to shoot some ( A LOT!! of) pictures (In different angles!) how it go's together because when it's off you don't have a clue how it shoud go together.. Old.. New.. On the engine.
  20. Glad to see you back and working on the zééé! I didn't know that the doors were already made again. How is the 280zx, still your daily car?
  21. I must say i NEVER have seen this.. I am always amazed at how many cars in the States suffer more, due to the heat and humidity? Thanks For the pictures! Btw, your car is going to be awesome!
  22. Well.. show me a worn lock then.. why? Because i think they are made from (high chrome) stainless.. so any lock can be polished to new after it's worn. Only when it's really scratched and dented then you need a new one.. I think, all the locks from a datsun are stainless outside.
  23. We will SEE said the blind man, oh i'll hear from them the deaf man said.. Mmmm...
  24. Oh, that's new to me, i guess that's a "europe" thing then? Or i'm just wrong.. i took a look in my cellar/parts warehouse and i got E88 on the manifolds and E41 on the balancetube of a euro complete manifold.. (I see 2 coolwater holes in the lower part, it would not surprise me if there are manifolds without those..
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