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  1. Also, Today with the 78, its about 25F today in western Oregon and the car started right up and idled for about 15 min. I could even rev her into the 3-4K range with no problem or hesitation. Then once she warmed up to around 120F(coolant) she started to stumble and misfire. Here are a couple questions I have and was hoping someone might be able to clear up. 1. on page 19(and 49) of the 78+ EFI bible is that Thermotime switch the same that is tested on page 79 of the same book? 2. would a malfunctioning Thermotime Switch/Coolant temperature sensor cause the symptoms I talked about above? Thanks in advance! PS: Does anybody know of a good parts source for this year of car?
  2. Ok thanks for the above post! Very helpful. I have quite a few years working on FI cars and especially the BOSCH systems, but all in BMW's and this is my first Z car. I did run through the checks today with a DVM and the big glaring problem was the "Thermotime Switch" on page 19 of the EFI book. It was supposed to have 740-940 Ohm resistance at the coolant temp today and it was around the six mega-ohm range. However, when I tried to get this part at the local parts store, then only had one thing listed as a "coolant temp switch". Now the diagram shows shows three different sensors screwed into the thermostat housing on this 78 280. One I take it the "Thermotime switch" than controls the cold start system, the other two I don't know. Any ideas? I have a picture of the one I purchased today, but can't seen to figure out how to upload to this site. I also have some screen captures of the tech manuals, but the same problem. Cheers,
  3. Zed Head and EuroDat thanks for the help. I just got the EFI manual for the 78 and I will have to get back under the hood and steering wheel and see where the pins go and what is working and what is not. Cheers
  4. It runs from a cold engine for about 2 min and then stalls out. If I let it cool down then it will start up and do the same thing again. It runs rough during its running time, but it can be reeved up to about 3-4K. Once it starts to warm up, and after it dies, it wont start again for a while. Thanks for the tip on the oil pressure sender and fuel pump interlock bypass.
  5. In the EFI manual on page 53 "air flow meter fuel pump contacts" test for car not starting is says to check continuity between leads 10 and 20 with the AFM flap in different positions. However, my North American (non-California) model does not have a pin 20 in the ECM connector. Anybody got any thoughts on testing this? Cheers!
  6. EuroDat, Thanks for the help and directions to the above page.Got the 78 FSM now. I just checked out the EFI manual that is posted and it is the same 1975 model year that I currently have. Which unfortunately does not match up with the ECM 35 pin connector on the 78's. There is a nice trouble shooting section in there, but my 78 does not have some of the pins listed. I believe they have changed some of the electronics and its making it hard to figure out just what could be causing the running problems. Thank you again for the link!
  7. I have been working on my parents 1978 280Z and was wondering if any of you fine gents could point me in the direction of appropriate FSM for this year. On several of the forums so far I have seen a lot of confused folks making post about the location of the fuel injection relays on this year of car. It is different from earlier years along with the ECM pin mapping being different from what is show in the "EFI bible" for the 75 models. I am sure there are other differences for this year, and I would like to have the actual documentation to know what's up and what's not. The car is in unbelievable shape for its age, but has been sitting for years. I just got it started yesterday, but it only runs for a few minutes before dying. I got this far using the older manuals and my 15 years of working on FI cars, but sure could use some help getting this old girl back on the road with the right documentation. Thanks in advance! PS Amazing site! This is my first time in the "Z" community and so far I've very impressed with the people here.

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