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  1. Ok, I will drain gas,recheck vacuum system, and make sure injectors are flowing correctly. Any advice on CAS being the culprit, CAS being the crank angle sensor. The reason Ime suspicious of this is the ECCS recievea a signal from crank sensor relting to where piston position is in each cylinder,so ECCS can fire injectors at proper time. I dont think this is happening correctly, which is why I want to know if there is a way to test it without an ocsilloscope.
  2. I recently had a problem getting a 83 turbo Z. It has a Crane Fireball ign. system, and I was thinking no start was related to a faulty component in this system. Turned out to be no power to CAS due to bad connection. As soon as I fixed this she started, and ran, athough not so great. I have installed new plugs, wires, rotor, dist. cap,and air filter along with oil change. Now she starts, and even idles decently except at around 1500 rpm instead of 750 rpm. When I actuate throttle, she backfires and dies when cold. If I let her warm up decently, and then hit throttle, she will still backfire,{ through exhaust} but she will stay running. I should also mention that gas tank had less than an eighth of a tank of stale gas in it. The original owner thought he would do me a favor and put 5 dollars in vehicle, which Iappreciatted. The only problem is that he didnt drain old gas, just added new gas to the stale stuff. I wouldnt think that this would cause a serious problem as Ime having. What do you guys think?Also, do you think this could be related to bad CAS? It has symptoms like a timng chain jumped, or some other timing problem. Is there a way to test CAS without an ocsilloscope or engine analyzer,as I have neither? Thanks to all members and guests for help in past. I love all my Z's, but we all know how tempermental they can be. Thanx again.
  3. Excuse me....6300 model-HI-6S.
  4. I do have the 9300 model so I dont know why magnetic trigger box is there. Ime not familiar with the CPS ignition setup. something went wrong with my laptop so all I have to get online with is my XBOX 360 which does not download. So Ime not able to access FSM from xenon. All I know at this time is that I have 0 voltage to or from CPS with ign. on. I need to know what pin number on ECU is tasked to the CPS.And I do have 84 to 89 ECU from 300zx.{Z-31}
  5. Ijust bought my ZXT last month.I have and have had numerous Zs and ZXs but this is the fist turbo ZX Ive owned as of yet, and youre very right,but it takes time, and knowledgable answers to intelligent questions to learn correctly. Thats why Ijoined this club.And if Ihave good info to help someone else, well, thats just frosting on the cake.
  6. OK...CAS is crank angle sensor according to EFI schematic Zed Head sent me.{thanks Zed} Iwill compare what is installed on car tomorrow,and hopefully I can make sense of whats there.Ime going to do some homework on CAS, because Ime not educated on that ign. setup.I will have more info tomorrow.Have a good night all.
  7. What is CAS? I dont know as of yet. I just figured out ign. system wasnt working right before I knocked off for day.PO added so many aftermarket parts that Ime going to have a difficult time with this not being well versed and uncomfortable with electrical issues. I have figured out brake light-taillight-blower motor and fuel pump elect. and wiring issues, so Ime not a completly lost cause, just mostly.As for where EFI gets input from, I dont know yet. PO went z31 ecu with hybrid T3/T4 turbo-intercooler-turbo boost controller-turbo timer-in cockpit crane retard control-cobra MAF/AFM-420cc injectors-Crane ign. system.He went through Jim Wolf tech. for all this building up to a possible 450hp. I bought her for 3500.00 a moth ago not running, and I would like to hear it run soon. Its going to take me a bit to figure this out, but hopefully,with some advice from others better versed in elect. issues, I will get this figured out,and get this sweet little ZX on the road and out of my garage,so I can work on my other Zs andZXs.Thanks again.
  8. Is any one out there knowledgable about the Crane Fireball ignition system? I have a 83 zx turbo I bought about a month ago.When I first got car, I had to tear dash and heater out and go through all wiring. PO had a dual battery system installed with fuel pump relayed through rear battery Ive got everything back as close to stock wiring as Ime able,not being too electrically adept myself. Ive got fuel pump operating through relay, as Iwasnt able to get power back to fuel pump through stock wiring, even though all relays tested good.Anyway, thats all solved.My problem now is that Ime getting no spark. Ihave a Crane Fireball HI 6S ignition system with universal magnetic trigger.Ialso have stock coil along with a Crane LX91 coil. when I turn ignition over, little red LED light does not come on, even though Ido have power to unit.Also I cant seem to get either coil to spark, but Itook stock coil off 83zx and installed it on my 77 z, and it fired right up. Possibly any ideas out there on how to troubleshoot system. All I can find online is install instructions but not much on troubleshooting systeAny advice would be appreciatted. Thank you.
  9. Has there been a parts interchangeability book or info on the Zs and/or the ZXs covering what parts can be used on different year vehicles?
  10. Does anyone know if heater box and control assembly from a 79 zx non turbo with air cond. will fit into a 83zx turbo with air cond.? They look pretty much the same but I know looks can be decieving sometimes. The 79 is in great shape with everything moving freely...The 83 not so much. I could recondition the 83 but it would be a lot less work if 79 will interchange.
  11. Does anyone know if heater box and control assembly from a 79 zx non turbo with air cond. will fit into a 83zx turbo with air cond.? They look pretty much the same but I know looks can be decieving sometimes. The 79 is in great shape with everything moving freely...The 83 not so much. I could recondition the 83 but it would be a lot less work if 79 will interchange.
  12. Thanks guys. I found fpcm right above ecu. No one really had info relating to it. I would think more people would know about it as it controls ground side of fuel pump. Anyway thanks again.
  13. Does anybody happen to know where the fuel pump control modulator is located at on a 1983 zx turbo car?
  14. I called prev. owner about NAPS intake... not being mech. enabled he wasnt even sure about intake location. I can see that emission junk has been removed...EGR valve air pump etc from car. He was told by a local Nissan mech that the NAPS intake would work fine but wasnt told about emission aspects. Ime going to get her right now and see just what I jumped into. Post more later.
  15. Pt. 2...Upgrades cont...Grant mahagony steering wheel - Cold air intake - Seat brackets and new belts - Rollbar - New tie rods ball joints and alignment - New weatherstripping - EVERY bushing was replaced at same time throughout car - Nose bra - New coil springs - Halogen headlights - Tinted headlight covers - New rear shocks - Aluminum driveshaft - slotted rotors - New u-joints on driveshaft and axles - Rebuilt Motorcraft 5 speed tranny - New wiper arms and wipers - Widows were tinted - New BF Goodrich radial T/As raised white letter - New 15 inch Centerline wheels. This is everything I have reciepts for and it totals up to 17327.00.He suppossedly threw away over 8000.00 in reciepts because they were for parts only not labor charges. He also has 23 full size totes full of various years of 280zx parts that he has collected from wrecking yards car shows etc. I did end up buying it this afternoon.What can I do? i dont know if a deal like this will ever come my way again.Well...What do ya think now that you know what was done. Idid verify parts with own eyes. This guy ewenscrubbed underside of car then primed and painted. It still looks brand new on the underside. Let me know what you think.

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