Everything posted by Clomolina24
Finally started engine but it runs way too high paced...Please help!
Thank you very much for that information!!!
Finally started engine but it runs way too high paced...Please help!
Yeah, thats what my theory was, I literally was just getting done installing the SU Carbs and tried starting it so I figured I was going to have to play with the carbs to get that to calm down but I hadn't thought about there being a vacuum leak...thats something I will make sure to address!, I can't seem to hear the bang, I know he revved it right before it started to smoke and thats why it let out that big cloud but I think what it needs is just a lot of fine tuning....either way I want to get all possible symptoms everyone on this site may know so that I can make sure to address everything, so thank you very much for your comment! I will make sure to test your suggestion out hopefully tonight!
Finally started engine but it runs way too high paced...Please help!
Hello, I have a 260z with the original engine. When i bought the car it wasn't running and so after changing the fuel pump, ignition system, and carbs (from flat tops to su carbs) I FINALLY got it to start up!! Only problem is that it is running at a very high pace, and releasing a lot of smoke through the exhaust now I'm no car expert as this is my first car project so i have an idea on what may be wrong but am not sure, so I wanted to see if any one could identify the symptoms on the video below (in link) and provide a solution to help me solve the issue before I dive in and try to figure it out myself. That way I can move on quickly and go on to the other problems the car has so that I may get her on the road. I want to go ahead and thank you for taking the time to read this, hopefully someone knows just how to fix my issue and any suggestions will be greatly appreciated! (The reason for the smoke coming out of the engine is that the air pump is being eliminated and the hoses have not yet been plugged up...)
260z Ignition system electrical trouble
Thank you for those pictures!, they help me get a better idea of what you're referring to!.......Could you by any chance post pictures of how you have wired your ignition coil just so I can verify that I am doing it properly! Thank you
260z Ignition system electrical trouble
Could any one please explain how obtaining this Points to Electronic conversion kit (http://www.summitracing.com/parts/crn-700-0292/overview/make/nissan/model/260z) might help me? Would it maybe eliminate my problem?, or be of any help?
260z Ignition system electrical trouble
Yeah I was thinking if maybe that could be an issue, I will make sure to check for it on Monday and maybe go ahead and get another one just in case!
260z Ignition system electrical trouble
Could you please explain how the crane module and optical dizzy pickup works and how it would benefit me installing it please?
260z Ignition system electrical trouble
I went ahead and took a video of what I'm dealing with so that we can be on the same page... Thank you for your help everybody
260z Ignition system electrical trouble
I will will add more up to date pictures with all the wiring as soon as I get a chance to do so
260z Ignition system electrical trouble
These are pictures I had in my phone, these are not the most up to date but all have done since is change the ignition coil and the spark plug wires but thats all! I really appreciate the help, hopefully together we can find a solution to my problem
260z Ignition system electrical trouble
Can anyone please explain to me the ignition system of a 260z, Im getting no spark to the spark plugs and I doubt its even being transferred to the distributor (previous owner changed points to electronic)....... I get power to the ignition coil(new one), but when I turn the switch I get 12 volts on the possitive side and also on the negative side, and I'm pretty sure there is a wiring issue, a corroded wire or maybe a bad ignition module, so thats why I wold like to know the ignition system and what wires run from where to where so I could hopefully trace the problem down and get my car started... Thank you
260z won't start due to no spark....Help please!
Actually I just saw them above so I will follow them! Thank you
260z won't start due to no spark....Help please!
To be fully honest I let my dad measure for spark, he was using an ignition tester and we based our theory of no spark off of that, but Eurodat suggested following your instuructions to test for spark, so if you could please provide those once again for me I will make sure to try them tomorrow and take pictures to be able to show you, so that we may be on the same page, I really want to get my 260 started so your help will be greatly appreciated Thank you
260z won't start due to no spark....Help please!
Could I get some thoughts on switching to a point replacement system?, I'm thinking of a Crane XR700
260z won't start due to no spark....Help please!
Thank you Mr. Chad, I will read this and follow what it says and post back to let you know how it goes! I really appreciate your help!
260z won't start due to no spark....Help please!
*added WD-40 to loosen up everything on the inside*
260z won't start due to no spark....Help please!
Thank you for your reply!, you're right I don't know much about the ignition system, this is my first project car!, but I ordered the service manual because I couldn't really read the one on that website do to it being blurry but I will read the service manual and do some more research to get a better idea of how the ignition system works. As of problems, the trouble I am having is that the engine is getting no power....the person I bought it from said it was a fuel issue, so I disconnected the hose from the mechanical fuel pump and put in one that runs directly to a bottle of gas I went to get! I added a little WD 40 trough the spark plug openings to loaded up everything on the inside and left it over night until the engine was not so rough when I tried to turn it over and it worked. I got new spark plugs for it because the ones it had were bad I bought new Spark plug wires because the ones it had were not in very good shape! And went ahead and got a new ignition coil for it! Now the thing is I discovered there is no current being delivered to the spark plugs...there's no current being released from the new ignition coil to the distributor...so that is what I am trying to resolve, what could be causing there to be no current leaving the ignition coil? I believe the ignition system is mostly stock except for the distributor which has been modified by the previous owner!.....I will post pictures as soon as I can to better show what I am dealing with! Thank you
260z won't start due to no spark....Help please!
Hello every one, Ive been trying to get my 260z to start up and what started as a fuel issue is now at an electrical issue. The problem I am having is that there is no spark, I bought a brand new ignition coil and set it up but I'm trying to figure out why the two little screws on the side where the wires are connected have power but the ignition coil is not sending any power to the distributor, could it be a faulty ignition coil or am I looking at something else? I ordered another ignition coil since it had a warranty so while I wait for that one to come in I'm trying to find all possible situations that may be causing such problem so I can finally start her up All advice will help! Thank you
Houston Texas Classic Datsun get together
Hello, I just recently got a 260z and would love to get involved in the Z community! Mine needs a lot of work and me being a newbie to all of this would appreciate having more experienced Z owners to turn to for help, I live up close to the woodlands but would love being able to attend meets
260z won't start!
Like I mentioned before I don't know much about this yet so I really appreciate your guidance, I will try testing the spark plugs as you have mentioned, you're totally right, I'm just hoping around trying to find something wrong! Please correct me if I'm wrong but i believe by points you mean the end of the spark plug wires that are connected to the distributor cap?, if so then yes I have checked them and thats why I am going to change them because the wire that runs from the coil to the distributor cap is damaged and will barely connect with the coil, also there is a rotor under the distributor cap, also noticed it was kind of "greasy" under the rotor ( I will post a pic as soon as I can so you can get a better feel of what I am saying)
260z won't start!
Ok so quick update, quite a newbie move but it turned out to be the battery, apparently I wore it down trying to get the car started....I still can't start the car though, Ive fed gas directly to the manual fuel pump so I have a feeling the problem might be electrical! my conclusion was backed up when i tried to get a spark when putting the spark plug wire on metal and there was no spark , I am going to replace the spark plug wires and the coil to see if that does the job. I have a couple more question for any one that may be able to answer it, my key switch is stuck on the "ON", i can move it to "start" but can not move it to "acc" or "off"....does any one know what may be going on? Also, my clutch seems to not be functioning as it feels too loose, any one know what may be going on? Thank you very much, I really appreciate everyones help and advice!
- 260z won't start!
260z won't start!
I took the battery to autozone just to verify it wasn't the problem but they said it needed some charging so I'm hoping that was it, once I get it back and try out what you have stated I will up date!, also idk if I can but if it allows me to do so I will upload a video of why the car is doing to see if that gets us on the same page! Thank you!
260z won't start!
Thank you very much!, Im happy to be joining such a helpful community! I bought the car from Kansas, the guy told me it had been sitting for awhile now but when i searched through the car I found a quite recent insurance card which tells me it hasn't been sitting for over 3 years! Now me and my father tried starting it up and it would only make a noise as if it wanted to start I later found out that the mechanical fuel pump had no line connected to it so I connected a little rubber tubing that went to a gallon of gas to allow the mechanical field pump to collect gas once I did that the engine seemed to have improved as if he wanted to start up, I went through it all and saw that the spark plugs where extremely dirty so I replaced them but right after I did the car would not even turn on!, all electricity would just die off as soon as I put the switch on start. I'm really hoping this is an electrical issue and I did not ruin the engine!! The battery I put in it works on another car once I hook it up so I know its not the battery..
260z won't start!
Hello Everyone, PLEASE HELP!!! I was hoping to get some help over a problem I am having, I just recently bought a 1974 Nissan Datsun 260 Z but unfortunately it was not in running condition, I was told it was only a fuel problem so I connected a hose to the mechanical fuel pump that ran to a gallon of gas so that it could get direct access to gas. Unfortunately that was not it as the engine would not turn on but would just sound like it wanted to then I changed the spark plugs as the ones it had were dirty and after I did this every time I turn the switch to start the car would just lose all electrical power, now the engine won't even try to start as everything just shuts off as soon as I turn the switch to start. Just to let you know I am new at all of this so I don't know much about the car other than what I read so full description of what to do would be greatly appreciated!! Thank You