I learned something this weekend: After setting up all the chemicals I bout for this gas tank restoration, I have determined that a) the Por-15 reconditioning kit doesn't work, muriatic acid is scary, c) either the water in my neighborhood is too hard or rinsing with water is stupid, and d) you only need three things to do the inside of your tank. I tried all kinds of combinations of stuff, but everything said to use hot water to flush the tank, and that cause instantaneous flash rusting. I also learned that every piece of protective gear I've ever bought leaves this spot on my neck exposed: So after three tries I finally found the holy grail of steps to get this done: one pint of muriatic acid for three minutes will totally clean the interior of your tank, then rinse it with a pint of acetone, then another pint of acetone, and then another pint of acetone, and finally one can of Red Kote. The key thing here is that acetone is 100% compatible with Red Kote so you don't have to dry it out. This makes the sealing process take approximately 30 minutes. Follow the instructions on the RK can and you're done. The do the outside in Por-15 and put it into the car (or storage like me).