'71 rear cylinder rebuild kit?
Thanks for trying. The cylinders are different on early model / late model S30's. RockAuto lists those early model rebuild kits. LISTS them. When you go to actually purchase them they come back out of stock. Happened at two other places too. I need parts, not pictures of parts. So I decided a couple posts up to swap to newer model cylinders.
'71 rear cylinder rebuild kit?
Thanks all, I appreciate it. So I guess there's no more rebuild kit for the early version... I pulled the trigger on the later version, gonna go that route. Rock Auto had 'em right next to the turn signal fluid.
'71 rear cylinder rebuild kit?
I've searched all I know how to. Even found a place that said they were in stock, but then came back out of stock. Anyone got any insight? I'm tryin' to stay stock. Thanks,
Advice please, strut braces
I think I need to raise my standards.
Advice please, strut braces
Nice, you're right in La Habra. When can I pick this up? heh. Seriously, that is nice. Are you using hood pins?
Advice please, strut braces
I just drooled on my desk a little.
Advice please, strut braces
I see the light now. I didn't think it'd be this bad. Those are beautiful CDL. And adjustable. I saw that zcar writeup before this whole fiasco, Zed head, and what I took away from it was that I'd just need to elongate the holes and/or find my angle grinder. Thanks all. So am I overthinking it, wanting to hook to the firewall? This car probably won't see track days but I want it dialed in. Twisty mountain roads, and all that.
Advice please, strut braces
I'm sure some of you recognize this piece. I like the triangulated / gusseted setup even though it's harder to take off for valve cover, yadda yadda. Comes from a place who has "been making this part for more than 10 years and .. will admit to being terrible about marketing it" This does not, will not fit on my car. I've been going around with the manufacturer for a week now. It is, according to them, within their acceptable build specs. They've given me the choice of forcing it onto my car (could never happen even if I wanted to try that) or refund. I got the set. The rear went on beautifully, no problem, required drilling, all done, I don't really want to take it out now. I want the front, correct, matching, but it's like talking to a wall with these guys. tl;dr My car isn't tweaked, their jig, or the schlub who made this is tweaked, and they refuse to correct it. Looking for advice, or even an alternative.
What Are These Holes For?
I have these, highly recommended. Very, very easy install. No more having to contort yourself to find the shoulder part that unclipped from the belt part. No adjustments necessary if you're wearing a thicker jacket.
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