Thought i fixed it. l28 fuel injected
thanks for the reply. well i haven't been doing anything random. anytime i have a thought of what it is i research it first. I've taken the AFM apart because the silicone was crusty. Everything looked as it should so i sealed it back up. But i'm still leaning to this as a problem. After i cleaned the gas tank and disconnected the cold start valve i drove it for aproximately an hour and a half before it started bogging out. which led me to believe that my fuel lines might be clogged and it just took a while for it to clog back up. Is this a possibility?
Thought i fixed it. l28 fuel injected
Hello all, brand new to the site, and brand new to z's. My name is Lou I live in Knoxville, TN. I wanna start off by thanking everyone on this site, I just joined but have been doing research on here for a while and I love the way the topic's don't just trail off, someone is always chiming in giving useful advice, which is rare in a forum these days. (people just wanna argue). Anyway, i'm having a few issues that i was hoping someone could clear up. - Background - Car has sat for over 10 years twice in it's life. The previous owner had let it sit for about 2 years and he didn't stabilize the gas. when he started it up he ran the bad gas through. He had the system flushed, injectors cleaned, gas drained, new fuel pump and filter. Didn't change the lines as far as i know. - Currently -When I bought it, it ran fine. The next day i drove it for about an hour with no problems. after shutting down i come back out and try and start it and it wouldn't. Eventually it started. I kept driving it, and it would drive fine with only slight hesitation occasionally. Then it started to studder, and intermittenly lose power through the revs, but idled fine. I started researching, and eventually came down to the conclusion that it was either the gas tank needed a cleaning, or the thermotime and cold start were the culprit. I took the gas tank off and cleaned it as best i could. I just threw some rocks in there and shook it, and flushed it out with water then gas then shook some more then more water and gas. The inside still looks kinda ehh...also one of the vent hoses broke upon removal, so i used a piece of rubber hose and an adapter to connect them back together. and there was some chunky yellow stuff, that felt like moss in the return line. I replaced the line ( but not pump its brand new ). From there i disconnected the thermotime and cold starte valve, put gas in and took it for a spin. It drove awesome, was the first time i really got to drive it since i bought it. I drove it hard to see if it had any kind of studder but nothing. So i'm not sure if it was the gas or the cold start that fixed it. I drove to a restaurant, ate and left. It was still driving fine. But then all of a sudden, as i'm getting on the interstate accelerating, it won't rev past 3k. After applying more fuel, it seems to bog more. Then when i let off the gass it backfires. I got it home by just barely pressing the gas. So thinking it was a kinked vent hose i dropped the tank, but everything was still connected and looked fine. I wanted to drive it again just to see if maybe it had changed something, gotta have hope! I didn't even make it off my street. i literally couldn't give it any gas, but it would idle. When i would try to gas it, revs would drop low and almost die. Do you think this has to do with the fuel lines clogging up, or is there a filter inside the tank that can get clogged. i feel like i remember seeing this. how clean does the tank need to be? My next area of concentration will me the MAF, and TPS when testing the MAF the reading came out just barely off from what FSM says. And that being the direct link to the ecu that what i'm thinking it must be. My car came with a manual that i've read front to back, especially EF and EE. And from what i've read online these are the conclusions i've made. Can anyone clarrify? also thermotime didn't read anything when tested. Thanks for reading sorry for the lenghthyness. LOU DOOVA