Everything posted by Redwing
Redwing's Car - An Update
Zed, Sorry I did not reply to this post. RB has 94,896 miles showing. I have no idea if the odometer has rolled over. She was in great condition when I received her. Except she needed a rack & pinion, which I had done. As to the past driving record, or if sitting for a time, again I have no idea. She was a 1 owner car in Arizona. When I got her she came with the original title, apparently passed thru at least one person without being re titled. I say this because, how in the world did she get from Arizona to Miami, Florida where I found her on eBay? Everyone who looks at her, interior and engine, say that she was well loved/kept in good condition. I feel extremely fortunate that she is the car I bought. Being a novice, I could have been really taken. I did have a friend in Miami go look at her, and she passed his approval. He is in the car business so his word was good. She was advertised as having an AC, but it is non functioning, even hoses laying in the engine not hooked up. So he made the deal for me, minus $1,100 for the non working AC. Hope this helps in your thinking. Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
I've treated the gas twice now, today and once about a week ago. Maybe still though, I dunno. She sure ran good today after I filled her with the 100% gas, and the treatment. Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
I had pushed her to the side of the road, then taken the time to text my son to see if he was nearby to tow us home. Sat back down to pull the hood latch and was just about to get out, but instead I tried to start her once more. Thinking no she won't, but she did start! It all happened so fast, not the usual 20 - 30 minute wait. So, no, I didn't really have the time. I must be quicker I guess, not push her or text my son first. It was odd tho, for it was just like she coughed, twice, immediately before she died. That seemed different. Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Um hmmmm..... It's ok, you don't have to remember everything. There IS a lot crammed into your head, you know so much about these Zeeeee's. Thanks, will do. Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
OH OH OH....., I forgot to ask. I filled up today with 100% gas, 10 gallons. I added another alcohol fuel treatment into it first. Then drove on home. SHE DROVE MARVOUSLY! Could that good gas be working that quickly in her engine? Sure seemed like it, so silky smooth to drive. Thank you, Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Rats!!! There is no sticker in the window of RB's ECU.
Redwing's Car - An Update
Site, Thank you for that information. I'm sure rcb280z will read this and be able to determine if it is right. I think that is the one he has. Good RedBird news. Needed to go to Dalton today, to go see an adjuster about the damage done to her. It going to cost $1375.85 from that body shop. I really like them, they started out restoring classics, and at another site they still do. Not every shop has that background. I asked them aside from that repair, what would it cost me to repair the damage to the door someone else did. It is not deep at all, just a long area all across the door and then a small, about 1/2 inch or less tear in the edge of the wheel well. He originally said $900, but reduced it to $650 as we talked. I sure wish it could be done as well, because he said they would be painting the door. Too bad there is no way I could ever come up with that amount. I will take this appraisal when I see the adjuster on Wednesday. And make a decision then, as to where she goes. Sweet RB wasn't thrilled when I started her to warm her up today. She started that rough running stuff, so I applied the remedy of heavy footed gas pedal. No smoke. In a couple minutes she was ok. Took me to all my errands, of which I had to stop and turn her off 5 times, restarting perfectly. Then as I got to the turn off to go home, she coughed twice and died. Pfooey. Would not start 2 times, but on the 3rd try, after about only 5-8 minutes, she did, and ran on down the drive to home. Better! That's All Folks! Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Hi folks, I need help. I have been pouring thru my FSM looking for the ECU to get the part number for rcb280z. He is needing it to determine if the one he is willing to ship me for RedBird, is correct. I can't find it, does anyone know? RB does have a catalytic converter (California car?) , is a 10/75 build 280 Z. Thank you all so much. Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Thank you bunches!!! Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
rcb280z, Thank you for your fine offer. Yes $ is prohibited, especially this month as I am having to spend a lot at the vet for Deanna. Those bags of water/saline (?) are $20.00 each and we are going thru a lot of them. I do have another who has offered the same, awaiting to hear if that ECU is available. So we shall see, I will let you know. As I understand, isn't the ECU a plug and play? Steve removed this one quickly, altho I was not exactly watching the process. Thank you, Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
I thought I'd recalled it was disconnected, but being not sure perfectly, I chose not to voice my opinion. A closed mouth gathers no "flies". Thanks... Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Yes I do. Unfortunately I forgot to go look at it. I will do if/when it happens again and report here. For sure I would be very happy if it never happened again. Ha! I understand, several folks have mentioned the ECU also the fuel pump. Earlier, I believe the fuel pump was excluded. The details escape me. The ECU??? Thank you for your thoughts... Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Sweet RedBird started well and warmed up for about 20 minutes yesterday, in anticipation of a Dr's visit and other errands. As I was settling in, getting the seat belt on, she died! Oh my goodness, what a surprise. Worse, she refused then to start. Blah! I called the Dr and they graciously moved my appoint time back an hour. She did start about 20 minutes later, and I was on my way. The rest of the trip was uneventful. This is new dying after warm up. But the event of dying, restarting, and then running perfect is now getting to be somewhat of a pattern. What's up with that? Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
That is exactly why I stalled to meet with the adjuster. I am to meet him on Wednesday, but I could change that. I need help from you guys to decide what to do, once again. You all have not failed me. When meeting with him he will figure out what it would cost to fix her. Then he will either give me a check, or tell the body shop to do this. I have not been involved with an accident, so unsure what I should do??? If the body shop does it, the insurance company (Progressive) has to rent a car for me use while repairs are being made. That's a plus. But I am concerned with their repairs, as you said. It is only the quarter panel, the door was not involved at all, thank you God. Question to Greg, what about where you had your Z fixed and painted? (He and his family live near me.) Think that would be a better option? Perhaps I should go there and get an estimate before meeting with the adjuster??? I could maybe have them set up to do the work, and still get a vehicle to use. Hmmm..... I need advice folks! Not knowing what to do, I really need your Z advice. Thanks for all your care and concern, you folks have added so much to my life! Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
I'm very sorry Site. I understand and wish you well. Everything is in movement, you will indeed feel better. Time does not make it go away, it is just less severe with time. Your Love will always live in a small part of your heart. That's kinda nice... Jai PS I do know the value (?) of alcohol slightly. 😆
Paint Selection
SWEEEET............... Great photos. What a yummy gal she is now! I'm sure you are pleased. Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Today was a very eventful day for RedBird. She drove wonderfully to Advance Auto. I did manage to get the alcohol fuel treatment, but she would not start when leaving. Starter fluid into the manifold had no effect. So we sat. Eventually she decided she had taken enough of my time, and started. I bought 3 gallons of gas, and we drove around a bit to mix the treatment in with the gas. Revving her as often as I could to keep those RPM's up. Went to the vet, parked away from the other cars like I always do. THEN someone who did not look at all, backed her van into RB. Cops called, information shared, thank God she is insured. It is not horrible, but anything hurts. I really almost lost it, makes me sad. After everything, now this. Jai 😇 🚘
Redwing's Car - An Update
Hi guys, I happily am thanking you for all the recent information. Yep, I do remember with Redwing (my 240Z) the value of regular zooming to clear her lil head out. I drove on interstate about 30 miles round trip 5 days a week. That was when the speed was higher too. My feeling was that she didn't begin to run well until over 5000 RPM. Like a horse, she laid her ears back and eased into stride gracefully. She never had any of the carbon on her spark plugs. Right on! I am interested in the valve guide seals, sounds like that might be a prudent application for her. I need to source them, are they a set, or $20 each? I am so thrilled that Greg replaced the plugs yesterday, our trial run was exhilarating. Of course, the work Steve and Tim did 10 days ago was the prime work. Greg's work was the nuts on top of the HOT FUDGE SUNDAE. Hehe... I will be driving tomorrow and Friday. Will remember, for the both of us, to Zoom some. I took a photo of Greg and his beautiful Green Mistress yesterday, and he ok'd me to post it for you all to see. Natch, this is only a cell phone photo. Greg will post a Real photo eventually. I just wanted to brag on her tho. She is very beautiful. Aghhh, battery almost dead, will edit and add later. Promise! Jai 😇 🚘
Redwing's Car - An Update
Thank you Greg, for coming to replace the plugs, plus the total looking over RB to check for anything else. She says thanks too! Your remembrance of the spark plugs was almost right. Here is what I wrote down. #6...was black, dry. #5...was a little less black, dry. #4...was black, wet. #3...was black, a little wet. #2...was black, dry. #1...was black, wet. So glad to see your Mistress with her fresh green paint. Oooo, she is beautiful. Post a photo soon for all to see. Thank you again, Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Mark, I know the fuel pump was suspect long ago. But do not know the status of it now. Yes, first success with the rough running. I know more needed to make sure. She arrived here in March, drove fantastically until mid June when all this stall, missing, rough running began. The tach never worked when she arrived, nothing not even a twinge. Thank you, Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Lumens, Good idea, Thank you. The radiator has not been checked recently. I saw one of the guys do it when working on her but can't remember exactly when, within the last month I think. I will do that when she cools down (I just went to the mailbox) and will report back if she DID need coolant. I'm writing a lot, and will not fill the pages if she did not need any. Hope that is ok. Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Mark, FYI Just started her in prep of going to mailbox. Ok, she hummed. Before I could get out of the carport tho, she dropped RPM'S & was missing a bit. Even tho she was not warmed up, I got in and treated her with your heavy gas remedy. After not real long about 30 sec., she stopped acting up and returned to a normal idle. Let her continue to warm up, took off for the mailbox, had an uneventful trip. First gold star for RB. Yay! Thank you for that, Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Mark, Thank you for your suggestion, I will do that. Altho, as to keeping the RPM's up around 3000, I can't do that as my tach does not work. I will have to just wing it. Great for the building of confidence. I do not plan on leaving home tho until I have my tow available once more. Just in case. Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Hi, I just checked in the FSM about my spark plugs being laden with carbon. There were 2 choices: 1.) Clean them with a sand blaster. 2.) Replace them. What fouls spark plugs with carbon? In FSM fouled plugs cause: 1.) Engine missing. 2.) Engine not delivering enough power. Both of these problems I have experienced in RB. No sand blaster here, so that is out of the question. Looks like my only choice is to replace them. I have a question. The AFM was replaced 10 days ago. Will that remove the probability of fouling the new spark plugs? Or, should I just go ahead and replace them, and check them in a week or so to see if they are getting fouled? Thank you, Jai 😇 🚘
Redwing's Car - An Update
Site, That's a new one to me, never heard that before. As they say ... "if the Foo shits" ahem... "If the shoe fits...!" Maybe!!! Altho the 100% tank said 87 for octaine. Jai