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Everything posted by Redwing

  1. There is a hatch lock right now on eBay $199. + shipping.
  2. Mart, I am not a rocket science gal. But I would like to know (in easy terms) how to repair a lock that will not open with the key. It opens the driver door fine, but not the passenger door. Thanks, Jai
  3. Redwing replied to Drew Butz's post in a topic in Introductions
    How about your other passinger? That is a smiling dog isn't it? Say, a girl can be of great assistance handing tools and stuff. My Dad was real happy I joined him in the car repairs at an early age. Nice car. Wish mine was as nice, she is #11904, had 6 miles on her when I got her. Jai
  4. Redwing replied to Mike's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    This what I have on my key chain, for RedBird.
  5. Hi all, Greg came over yesterday and replaced the broken differential mount. Yay! We took a small ride off the gravel road, and RedBird did Great! Looked and sounded like my problems were nearly over. Saying that only because she was still running a bit rough. Anticipating, hopefully, a fix on that sometime in Oct. Which is ok. Alas, today when I was taking a short run to town, apparently my next gremlin decided to make an appearance. She started running so rough, worse than ever, I cut short the town trip. After putting some gas in, I went on home. A few weeks ago, when Steve cleaned out the tank, he refilled it back with the 5 gallons. Since then she has just sat. But the gas gauge registered almost empty today, is why I put in 6 more gallons. So I placed a cardboard under the gas tank to see if I would catch any leaking. I doubt it, just was concerned about the low gas gauge. I am sure this rough chugging today is more of the same that they all have been working on in the engine. I am pleased that Greg was so helpful working on her yesterday. He surprised me when he called saying he was on the way! Extremely nice of him. I owe many thanks to Greg and Steve, for all their interest in my RedBird. I don't know where I would be without their, and your, kind assistance. This group is FULL of great guys, I thank all of you! Onward, Jai
  6. Just call me curious... what is the vin number on your 240?
  7. On All 280 Z X ? This car was in South Africa. I would have no idea which Type 280 Z X was shipped there. That's what I was inferring, perhaps a different type.
  8. I typed into Google, "Datsun Z Car red fuel light". This is what came up: "Datsun 280ZX South Africa Lite comes on when ingnition switched on and goes off when started but refuses to lite up to show low fuel Level even when fuel gauge shows empty." So..... 280ZX ?
  9. Redwing replied to Jeff Francis's post in a topic in RACING
    Whooh...... I watched the race (in the grid, the top center one) where the number 12 won, coming from 35th I think. Really got me going, I actually had a pounding heart! Wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing these races. Jai
  10. What about getting mounts and place them in the outer corners, off the floor, in the front foot area? That is where I put them in my Redwing. Looks good, sounds great. Oh, I had enclosed speakers, guess that would make a big difference tho. Hmmm... Jai
  11. And they bite! Jai
  12. Redwing replied to SteveJ's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Steve, Just now got a "for sure" ride to the Dr on Thursday. Please tell Tim I will be unavailable that day. Thank you, Jai
  13. Redwing replied to SteveJ's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Steve, that is great! Do you know if it will be on the weekend, or during the week? The week days would make it hard for you to be present, right? Not to worry about me , I will be here, except for Thursday. That is if I can get a way to the Dr. Prayers for that to happen. Bless you for your efforts you have done for me! Huge THANK YOU'S... Jai
  14. Redwing replied to SteveJ's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Steve, Fantastic!!! Have you two thought about when this could happen? (The sooner the better. Hahaha...) What if the U joint needs replacing too? As to the Redwing deal, you know I said I am not greedy. There is just a couple things that need attention in my life, plus it would be heavenly to have a little savings for RedBird's future needs. Did you mention that I really would like to keep her steering wheel to continue driving with it? That would be so awesome for me! Super sentimental you know, it has been a long road since 1971. Have you contacted Greg? I'm thinking he said he would like to meet Tim. Thank you thank you thank you... Jai
  15. Redwing replied to SteveJ's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Thank you Greg, I was starting to get anxious.about this problem. Do you think she could be driven for a couple of miles? Or slightly further? I know several people with concrete drives and/or garages that live sorta close by. If she cannot be driven, I can have her (for free) towed there, and drive home. After reading what Steve said, I am not ok with you working on her on jackstands. I did not realize about the gravel danger. You know, newbie inexperience. Duh. Sorry, I was not thinking. I have less than $100 I can use to buy parts and still have enough to make it this month. Can we go ahead and get some parts, so that she can be repaired relatively soonish? I hate to sound like I am pushy, I am not at all. I just have almost no support to help me with getting to Dr's appointments, and such. Right now I have a Dr appointment this Thursday that I cannot change, or miss. And no idea how I will get there. Understand? Thank you for your wonderful assistance, it is greatly appreciated. Jai
  16. Redwing replied to SteveJ's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Greg, Is what you were looking at on page RA9, RedBird's problems? Do you know the parts needed to fix her? Do you have any idea where to get them, or the part number? What do I need to do? Thank you so much, Jai
  17. Redwing replied to SteveJ's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I returned them for a full refund. Thank you for your idea though. Jai
  18. Redwing replied to SteveJ's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    FYI- When I had RedBird to a local mechanic to put in the full set of bushings and new KY shocks, he reported she had new shocks already. So he did not install the ones he had ready to install. Those still in the car are KYB, and must have been installed when the folks were getting her ready for sale late last year. Jai
  19. Redwing replied to SteveJ's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Thank you for your fine offer. I will get into my manual and check. Have a great evening. Jai
  20. Redwing replied to SteveJ's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Ha! The troops are being rounded up! Greg is coming over in the next few days to jack up RedBird and have a looksee to check out her newest problem. We may know what it is soon. Phew, what a relief. Yay...) Jai
  21. Redwing replied to SteveJ's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Oh my oh my. There is something big happening. Up jumped the devil as they say. But first I need to tell about driving to town, testing RedBird again today. She preformed similar to Sunday. Only worse. It took her the full drive to Ingles to clear out the problem, to run smooth. As I left, it wasn't long before she got it together and drove smooth. A beautiful ride back home. Then was backing her in her carport. Went less than 5 ft., and a Huge Loud Klunk from the rear end, that stopped her cold. Ok, started her, to continue, and less than 3 ft. it happened again. Very loud and perhaps a metallic sound to it. Tried one more time, straightened out the wheels, and extremely soft and careful, eased her into place. Scary! I have no idea what this was, but it sounded like I was losing the rear end. I am now afraid to drive her. I can, if anyone wants, to pull forward and back up again whilst recording on my phone for you to hear. So I am again stuck here at home, but at least I'd bought dog food Saturday night. And milk for my coffee. Thanks to Steve for driving me there. Anyone with wonderful ideas? Thanks all, Jai
  22. Redwing replied to 240260280z's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Cleaning the gene pool?
  23. Redwing replied to SteveJ's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    This is Grey's finger pointing to: (1) the white cap on the dash pot was missing.
  24. Redwing replied to SteveJ's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    That silly spell checker keeps changing Greg's name to Grey's. I have tried to change it, but instead just made a second and 3rd post. Blah! Sorry...

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